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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 6a389e2beb5b8c9⋯.jpg (49.8 KB, 742x369, 742:369, pope_fears_accelerationism.JPG)

5ed8ca  No.266923

Tired of Luciferian double agents infiltrating and subverting everything from politics to religious institutions? Why has no one stopped them or even resisted with genuine force? The solution is more complex than physical strength or even intellectual prowess. If no one else can handle It what are you waiting for? Plus d'attente est plus de souffrance.


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e890fa  No.266929


They were probably asking for it. Maybe they shouldn't have dressed like that or drank that wine around those men.

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bc4542  No.266931

Child Abuse Rates:

Before Vatican let Gays into the seminaries: 0.6%

After the Vatican let Gays in the seminaries: 4%

Protestants: 4%

US Public Schools: 6%

Source: Psychology Today + math

Conclusion: Op is a faggot and a jew, as jews spread this information out of context to smear the Catholic Church (whatever the Catholic Church is, there are at least 4 of them)

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5ed8ca  No.266956


>Before Vatican let Gays into the seminaries: 0.6%

>After the Vatican let Gays in the seminaries: 4%

Who is responsible for Vatican 2? Gays or Freemason Luciferians? Trick question! Freemason Luciferians are gay.

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bc4542  No.266974


Vatican II was done by Freemasons, mostly, and modernist Catholics.

The Freemasons want to destroy the Church. What better way than to abuse Children?! Not only do your pedophile agents get to molest children, the Church goes bankrupt when the children are encouraged to sue.

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5ed8ca  No.266975

File: f3a6221d969794e⋯.jpg (193.75 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, me_and_freemasons_3.jpg)


Exactly right. It's no wonder most of the pedophiles within the Church are exposed at an old age when they're ready to retire anyway. Spend all your life serving the Enemy, enjoying the perks of your corruption, and pay the piper when you're old and preparing to die.

But without complacency on part of the Church Militant these infiltrators could not infiltrate. Who has the finger of God needed to withstand Satan and his attacks? So far no one or else the Church would revolt and reform itself properly.

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60a780  No.266994

society does noy care about kids. society sees nonces as sex thieves. sex us the resource closely guarded, it cannot be had easily. that alone is why people object. i can prove it to you:

>incels are hated

yet incels are by definition not nonces, unlike everyone else.

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5ed8ca  No.266995

File: 694998e59c8e51a⋯.gif (3.97 MB, 400x224, 25:14, mfw_daaaamn.gif)


>it cannot be had easily

Speak for yourself.

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60a780  No.266997


i do not speak for myself. most married men get less than 7 fucks per week and have massive dry spells.

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961c94  No.267064


Who is more patient? The god who won’t enact justice, or the people who chose to wait until after death for justice?

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