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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 8dc9997ef0712a0⋯.jpg (180.78 KB, 835x1365, 167:273, PicsArt_10_04_03_09_28.jpg)

9f8660  No.266843

We've all been eagerly awaiting the upcoming FÜHRER ELECTION in /pnd/, but recently one of the candidates made the statement, "I am the führer", apparently deciding that he didn't need to be elected to the office.

While the entire world has been video conferencing for 18 months, he thought that if he figured out how to use Zoom and tried a failed experiment begging people to watch him talk to himself online, that would somehow qualify him toelect himself führer of /pnd/

Well, friends… That's simply not true.

The election is still 2 months away, and nobody has voted yet.

In fact, here at /pnd/, we take our Führer Election Process very seriously, and we don't take kindly to 'fly by night' outsiders who appear out of the blue, pretending that they can simply DEMAND to be the boss.

It doesn't work that way… A fair and democratic election process has been in place for many many years here at /pnd/, and the voters are the ones who decide the better man.

Put simply, Johnny NeptuneISthe better man. He's actually a man, not a child playing dress up, wearing mommy's office party mask.

Johnny Neptune can grow facial hair. Johnny Neptune's testicles have already descended, which gives him leadership skills unreachable to his opponent.

In the coming two months as we approach the election, the voters will get to know the candidates, and decide which candidate possesses the experience required to hold the office of führer. It's going to take a little bit more than just 'playing make believe' to become the boss around here.

It is with great pleasure that today we announce the candidacy of Johnny Neptune for führer of /pnd/

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9f8660  No.266844

File: 5acf78ba7896a62⋯.jpg (146.58 KB, 1638x850, 819:425, PicsArt_10_04_03_54_59.jpg)

My opponent lacks experience. And in the role of Führer, experience is EVERYTHING.

Also, I'm not a coward who makes excuses to "hide" behind a fagmask.

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6147dd  No.266845


I'm one of the only two registered voters here, and I'm already voting for JN.

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549a7d  No.266862

I vote Purple. He's the only verifiable reason to think this entire board isn't just one single samefag with no life.

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68b83c  No.266865

File: cfe5cf0f272b401⋯.jpg (149.44 KB, 892x1270, 446:635, Jim_Biggest_Tits.jpg)


Shut up, Purple !

No one was talking to (You) except your ego, through that faggish "persona", trying to get you to think that "one person" would ever care that much about (You) or anything "else", to be here for (You) or anyone "else", to such a level! It seems grandiose and a bit megalomaniacal to some around here! But you're in good company! There are a few "other" poor souls here who are under the mistaken impression that everybody here is just Jim, samefagging

Also,Vote for KILLCEN as Führer of /pnd/


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6147dd  No.266879

File: 9adaf6734484d16⋯.jpg (55.96 KB, 590x332, 295:166, PicsArt_10_04_07_40_15.jpg)


Fuck You and your "3rd Person Self-Praise"


so after I win, I'm appointing you as my new special Reichsführer-SS Polesmoker, sucking my dick

now, go flail your arms in a used car lot, assclown

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68b83c  No.266884

File: 58d9e30a8ea3de9⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 459x612, 3:4, vote_for_killcen_as_mine_f….jpg)



This thread is lacking the Official Marshmallow Quatrain ( >>266849 ), unlike the OFFICIAL Führer Thread over at: >>266849

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68b83c  No.266885

OOOPS! I neglected to link to the OFFICIAL Quatrain: >>266856

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