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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: d65c5b5575d7630⋯.jpg (376.97 KB, 955x1539, 955:1539, PicsArt_10_04_12_20_39.jpg)

f63b3d  No.266839

He's finally hit the Big Time, boys.

Front page news.

I wasn't really surprised when I stumbled onto this article in today's paper, because it should be expected that there would be a lot of coverage, due to how amazingly charismatic The Purple Polesmoker is.

He's a popular guy, and always has been.

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f63b3d  No.266840

a bit of a "social butterfly", you could call him

His entire life, he has always been surrounded by faithful friends and followers, even back in elementary school.

He's simply got a winning personality…

I've located some old family photos of the Purple Polesmoker, and today I'll be sporadically posting them, so you can have a 'behind the scenes' look into his past, and better understanding how his dynamic charisma has always been a secret to his success.

His recent sudden "explosion of fame" didn't happen overnight… He has ALWAYS been a magnetic leader… Maybe the most fascinatingly powerful important human on Earth.

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64f4dc  No.266892

File: a9722a0ee713cd8⋯.jpg (242.07 KB, 1080x1621, 1080:1621, PicsArt_10_04_09_20_01.jpg)

It all started not so long ago when The Purple Polesmoker was born ..

Legend has it that when he was delivered, the doctor said "this kid has a lot of charisma. One day, he's going to become a powerful leader of an empty imageboard… Like maybe even a FÜHRER"

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64f4dc  No.266893

File: 91214649a3ccda4⋯.jpg (354.71 KB, 2160x1080, 2:1, PicsArt_10_04_09_12_23.jpg)

In Miss McGillicuddy's class, he wasn't allowed to sit at the "cool kids table", so Becky Hollister and Suzy Davison allowed him to sit at the girl's table.

Later this same year, he would be voted "Most Likely To Become a Führer in an Empty Chatroom"

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