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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 62343c94656afc7⋯.jpg (253.55 KB, 828x597, 276:199, whatcha_doin_lashonda.jpg)

5a2658  No.266771

Blacks and kikes. Why are they like this?

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fa7543  No.266772

Kikes are the spawn of niggers. Niggers are only 30k years old on this planet. Niggers and kikes have very similar characteristics. Both are incompetent, cannibalistic, have no value for anything except being a fat lazy nigger, love GIBS ME DAT more than life itself, are disgustingly ugly and unproductive in any way except murder and torture.

Just saying that I think your real question is 'Why are nigger mongrels like they are?' Anyone who pollutes their blood with either niggers or mongrel niggers (like kikes) should be killed.

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