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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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40417d  No.266296

Third World Despotic Medical Police States To Stay Away From & Boycott (as of 9/29/2021)

Here is an updated list compiled of "no-go zones" which have fallen to despotic corruption and medical tyranny, this includes all nations (as well States & Cities within America) that mandate or force covid vaccine passports. I will keep updating this list as time goes on.

The Fallen Nations under medical tyranny (as of 9/29/2021)

Israel: https://archive.md/atAIn

France: https://archive.md/22EWO

Australia: https://archive.md/kgAb0

New Zealand: https://archive.md/qmiZr

Germany: https://archive.md/U61Zh

Canada: https://archive.md/ngPZO

China: https://archive.md/P8jNT

Philippines: https://archive.md/RfJsp

Italy: https://archive.md/cxyF1

Greece: https://archive.md/htjZO

Scotland: https://archive.md/8QHpb

Turkey: https://archive.md/4zWZQ

Slovenia: https://archive.md/OT7KX

Alberta: https://archive.md/0kExH

Switzerland: https://archive.md/6J2Rt

Thailand: https://archive.md/P8Fz4

Countries Considering Subjugation Under Medical Tyranny (as of 9/29/2021)

United Kindom: https://archive.md/5Gat9

Nations Under Tyrannical Occupation With Heavy Resistance (as of 9/29/2021)

United States of America: https://archive.md/mVesL // https://archive.md/ZvHSq

States and/or Cities [USSA proper] under medical tyranny (as of 9/29/2021)

Las Angeles: https://archive.md/dtm2V

San Francisco: https://archive.md/a0ppP

New York City: https://archive.md/84gFD

Hawaii: https://archive.md/eeNmg (report outdated: now mandatory)

Las Vegas: https://archive.md/Q7qLH

Oregon: https://archive.md/oOUyq

Honolulu: https://archive.md/GLPnH

States and/or Cities [USSA proper] considering subjugation under medical tyranny (as of 9/29/2021)

California: https://archive.md/GAFoO

Vaccine Passports in America? 50 States With Bans, Limitations & Green Lights *outdated*



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

40417d  No.266297


UPDATE: Britian has been added to the "Countries Considering Subjugation Under Medical Tyranny" list while Sweden has been removed from this list for scrapping that tyrannical policy.



UPDATE: Thailand has recently been added to the "Fallen Nations under medical tyranny" list.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3fda48  No.266298

If this thread does back down, it goes back up, understand? https://archive.md/PDVLT

I have the UTF-8 of all this info backed up too.

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1c55cb  No.266307

Moarpheus Defeats Trump and Mossad


Moarpheus Defeats PurpleAnon and Other Fake Jew Shills


DailyStormer, TRS, and 8kun Proven Irrelevant


Magic Stolen from Fake Jews and Used Against Them



Zognald Trump Faces Serious Crimes


Zion Don Loses Farmers to Biden


Sergey Lavrov, “the face of Russian diplomacy,” has been living large while on “official trips” to more than 20 countries with his ultra-rich mistress.


Putin Loses Control Over Russians After Hundreds Protest an Obviously Rigged Election


Shills Can't Stop Talking About Moarpheus


My Comment:

get rekt

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b95c60  No.266393


sage mitigated

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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