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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: c1a41f086baadf8⋯.jpg (134.59 KB, 1024x657, 1024:657, Subversion_image_3.jpg)

25b88c  No.266235

Please drop material on psyop, mental warfare and neural warfare or whatever you may call.

Just for the post to not look sketchy. I heard that there is a project called "deep draining". Something like that if I am not wrong, that consists of exaggerating certain image features so that it may generate schizophrenia on people.

Have you ever heard something like that? I have heard once as well that glowies were making psyop with images. Is it possible?

There is an image I catched on 4 chan that may fit on the category of subversion image.

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bca202  No.266239

File: a2c45f6cdb9692c⋯.gif (509.44 KB, 480x360, 4:3, bird_of_darkness.gif)

I don't think the effect is the triggering of schizophrenia but a release of DMT which may produce psychosis-like experiences, or those experiences most often associated with psychic "awakening." However, the example image you gave lacks the necessaries qualities.

Discordians are truly among the lowest subhuman filth on the entire esoteric playing-field. They're (((intellectuals))) and not persons of will. Subsequently, when their theoretical models fail to produce results they always go back to relying upon deception, causing confusion, and other worse qualities of human potential, like a dog returning to its vomit.

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25b88c  No.266240

File: 36f6c2da4e28579⋯.png (454.1 KB, 602x237, 602:237, DEEP_DRAINING.PNG)


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