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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: ddea4115cdc7029⋯.png (419.63 KB, 540x488, 135:122, holocuast_survivor.png)

61fe8c  No.265859


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44033b  No.265866

File: 73eb23dc857dd2f⋯.png (572.17 KB, 682x607, 682:607, holohoax_6.png)

>wooden door

seems legit

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1400b8  No.265874

As someone who is realistically enough of a kike to be a citizen. I still don’t believe the official story. Yeah some Jews most certainly did die. But the 6 million number does not mathematically make sense. Like someone pointed out at the start of Corona. Apparently the Nazi’s could burn bodies faster than modern tech. This makes no sense. Like, I get the market angle. But no one is going to feed me bullshit and make me believe it. Though if I did become full kike. I’d just mental gymnastics around it I guess lol.

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83f501  No.265877


I bet the jews did this

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6a1585  No.265879


The math used to "prove" Nazis could not have burned 6 million Jews is flawed in 2 very important ways:

1] It pretends that all 6 million were burned. Nobody ever claimed 6 million were burned. The Nazis killed Jews in many exciting ways.

2] It bases its numbers on the idea that the Nazis had only 1 oven at 1 camp.

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fb6fbb  No.266007


Hmm good point. I have been looking into it for years and it’s hard to get a conclusive story. But if my family is Jew. How come they were never found? We’re the Nazi’s too dumb to go back one generation or something?

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6a1585  No.266030


I have no idea. Any number of stupid things can happen. When my great-grandfather came over from Ireland in the 1930s, his papers said he was "Jack Morris from County Tyrone" but the moron who stamped his entrance forms wrote it down as "Morris Tyrone" and that became his legal name - which made finding my fucking family in Ireland extremely difficult. Some of those Jewish families went through that same shit.

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83f501  No.266238


My favorite is the masturbation machine. If I were in the middle of losing a war, I'd focus on building machines to masturbate labor camp detainees to death. How come only the jews, though, and not any of the other people they put in the camps?

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