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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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719e81  No.265073

Hello. The majority of western depictions on North Korea and China appear try to portray these two countries as bad, but how far what the western media shows is veridical about China and North Korea?

Yeah I know some Chinese people eat some bizarre animals and kill them in bad ways, and I also heard the reality of the majority of the cities in China is not what China wants to portray: Big misery.

You also have the Covid thing, communism thing, the apparent lack of genetical empathy thing etc…

Is there anything good on China?

About North Korea: Some days ago I was surfing on a channel that apparently goes against the so called Zionists that apparently did North Korea propaganda, and I have thought with myself that North Korea might not be as bad as the media portrays.

What your thought on North Korea and China?

Are they controlled by the so called "zionists"?

Does North Korea has an own bank that has no ties with the zionist banks?

I heard a Rabbi saying China is delaying the come of Masshiach.

So maybe the world is not fully controlled by Zionists.

Also: A Rabbi told that at the end of days, out of 71 tribes (something like that), 70 countries will turn themselves against Israel, and possibly, China will be one of them.


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