So, I was thinking… there are laws that say that nurses and teachers have to report possible suicide cases, but no laws that say that bystanders have to report gas leaks if they notice them.
That said, I have a suggestion: If the government is surveilling everything that everyone does on the Internet, including sending spies and shills into message boards such as this one, is it not reasonable for a person to assume that if they report a potential hazard to this board, they are, in effect, reporting it to the federal government?
I propose that we take full advantage of the friendly, helpful political officers that are deployed on boards such as this, who are only here for our safety, and report relevant, truthful information to /pnd/ rather than through the typical channels. If a woman who cannot take care of her infant wants to give the child away, she is allowed to leave the infant in any place where a reasonable person might expect the child to be found and cared for. For instance, a woman is protected from prosecution if she leaves an infant at a police or fire station because it is reasonable to believe that a responsible individual will find them before any harm might come to them.
Since it is common knowledge that all sorts of law enforcement types monitor this board and others, they would be obligated to pass along any tips that are posted here to the relevant party. Since the stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood, as long as you don't "threaten" to carry out a violent act, you are within your rights to post anything you like. The information could be completely fictitious, for instance, "I was out driving today and I saw a woman being pulled into a car." or it could be truthful, "I was out driving today and I saw a woman being pulled into a car but I can't remember what road I was on, what the car looked like, what the woman looked like, and I have absolutely no helpful information of any kind."
If the feds watching fail to pass along the information, they will be subject to disciplinary action by their superiors. If they pass it along and it turns out not to be true, there's nothing they can do but waste their own resources chasing a ghost.
What sorts of things has anon seen recently? Share your stories.