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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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c56c32  No.263968

Do NOT take an upperdecker in the toilet at a globohomo business, that would be disgusting and bad.

Do NOT spray expanding foam down their drains or flush orbeez down their toilets either.

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4ce123  No.263969



NATO will launch an unprecedented assault to defend Russia.

Turkey and Germany will be destroyed.

China provides the emergency assistance that leads to the successful bombing of 'site #2: David'.

From the beginning there was resentment…

The landing sites caused great grumbling and controversy.

#2: Moriah

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4ce123  No.263970




In the air… Elevated… Undefined…

NATO is undefined that is to say… They define themselves.

It is like Turkey… What of the possibility that the outside shall reflect the ugliness of the inside? Same of Germany…

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1cb8de  No.263972


LOL. This was a very common tactic during the 2008 crisis when the banks were bailed out but those who owed money for mortgages went bankrupt. I heard many stories! Cement down the pipes. Busted up dry wall. Intentional flooding by leaving all the water pipes on (which ended up causing foundational problems too!) Graffiti within the home. Paint stains all over the carpets and shattered windows.

Only thing is…… the banksters did not care. They got their big government bailouts and all those real estate companies took the loss! Many of those homes never fixed up.

You know what I'm trying to say, right? In the end, it's America that will suffer. The rich corrupted insolvent institutions (or dare I say their cronies) will simply be bailed out by our corrupted government and they'll flee the third world shithole everyone else will be forced to live with! Just like 2008. Only this time, much worse and much more systemic.

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