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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: a90e1ee53512f76⋯.jpg (133.94 KB, 1024x711, 1024:711, 1627119428382.jpg)

a1d54e  No.263966

Need relax look for movies

nigger + white women

nigger + white women

multiple niggers + multiple white women not even hiding it

are americans human?

do americans eat feces?

why are americans such cuck losers?

why are white people so weak?

why do the jews seek to extinct the only reason they havent been extincted yet ironically ensuring their future extinction

any advice?

cuckstianity and white women going to save you?

islam white sharia? no bad right rather extinction?

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a1d54e  No.263967



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dd47b2  No.263971


As if the rest of the world is ANY better, at all!? Do you even pay attention to what is going on around the world? There are much much worse conditions than even we have to put up with! I'd rather live in rural America than 90% elsewhere in the world, at the very least I am left the fuck alone to live how I want (for now anyways, a fight could be coming). I do feel bad for the youth though: the government, major corporations and institutions are fucking them and their whole future. Central banks have wrecked the purchasing power of the US Dollar. People like myself keep warning them this is what this "big government" and central banking ponzi scheme is going to do to their future but many never listened to our warnings. Oh, but it must be us boomers' fault, right? Yah…right. Oh well. I'm glad I'm getting old and I'm soon getting off this stinkin' shithole planet! In the meantime I'm going to lay low, enjoy what I worked hard for and be ready for SHTF. And yes, get ready the Second Coming of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savoir!!!

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c7f563  No.264052

File: d8831f1c4e683cb⋯.jpg (51.28 KB, 640x521, 640:521, Circumstraint_MichaelSGree….jpg)

File: 463a76b1d1e6f63⋯.jpeg (101.05 KB, 720x960, 3:4, circ_problems.jpeg)

File: d7b5756a3930c7e⋯.jpg (116.74 KB, 1473x904, 1473:904, face_of_a_post_circumcisio….jpg)

Americans literally molest and mutilate baby boys with a knife at birth.

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1b1142  No.264056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It is because they desire China to respond the same way as the United States had done before it.


That depends on China's willingness to allow foreigners to further subjugate the peoples of China.

It is why 'now' was choice.

It would be in the interest of the sovereign China to not comply… Is communism… There is no trap…

Xi… Reach to thy wound and pull the blade… To do so is to render 'weapon' real.

Xi… Go forth and stab them… Tear them to pieces.

Xi… Do not be afraid… The great lion is watching and no harm shall come to thee…

Xi… I gave unto the lion of the north supreme wealth for this reason… They make a robbery of thee, but protected ye shall be.

Xi… I shall reach out my twigs and cold claws and grasp thy hand o' child of the sacred wood… I shall assist thee in plunging thy blessed blade deeply into the United States and 'Davos.' To slay George Soros…

Xi… Do not be afraid… I shall protect the food and bless thy many nests…

Xi… Mine lion is tremendous and exceptionally ferocious. In kind I shall grant thee whistle to draw this lion for the common defense and prosperity and peace.

Xi… This time it is I who shall come.

Xi… Pay no mind to the snapping sounds and the screams…

Xi… Thy enemies torment shall be great and many. In kind, trust do these make part.

The lion is vastly wise in the matter and 'his' 'bite' firm. It is trust that shall reveal a 'certain' 'love' my child. To pet such lion with gentle and unwanting hands shall be rewarded greatly.

Xi… I never gave to thee supreme wealth…

Xi… It is unsafe to go alone… Here child, take this supreme power.

>>The United States

October? hehehe

I am the devil, are thou sure of such gamble? hahaha

Halloween is such a pleasurable moment of visitation…

I shall spill and pour into thee such 'complexity.'

Blind shall thee make offer and wise I shall cast thy lots. November, November…

October, November, and now December?

What doth thou want??? New Years? HAHAHA





Thy empty pen versus my tremendous word…

Which shall be the greater? I enjoy such wager.

Knowing in these ways… I shall agree to such fickle and desirable terms. In exchange for slightly more than half…

I shall do so for the blood of 177,000,000.

I shall not accept less.

Australia? No.

England? No.

Both of these lots have been cast already.

They are mine to collect… And busy I have been. HAHAHAHA

Now it is thy turn to spin the wheel.

To face the eye and clock.

To reckon what has been summoned to reckoning.

Great again? In my control, yes.

That greatly depends on the subjective ideas of 'good' and 'bad.' The subjective ideas of 'loosing' and 'winning.' I shall wager a value and time(s) on such a thing… To wager now(s) upon a value then(s). HAHAHAHA

I am the devil, and deal I shall.

How many souls? I do not 'play.'

I feed for I hunger…

Happy Halloween

Happy New Years

Try me 'motherfuckers,' I try you.

Escape? Where too? You made order of this world?

Allow me to have take of 'MY' 'ORDER' and ye hide nowhere… Let the hunt begin my precious pretenders and liars and makers of insult.

Even the trees tell me of thee. Into the darkness I shall slip…

Perhaps I shall turn them to violence… I would prefer a three faced war.

A situation where such odds are… HAHAHA

So much potential…

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1b1142  No.264057



No my child… It is the precision of thy word that grants me wheel.

Beware thy fidelity in the matter for it is by thy honesty that I steer.

That is why up is sometimes down and down is sometimes genocide. hehehe

I hold the power to steer fate, but by what word?

Is the fidelity good?

Is thy sword honesty?

Tread carefully on this matter…

I would not be saddened to… Break things… If thy mouth was a liars instrument…

Russia knows… They knew early and honestly the did speak before me… A king I am…

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