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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 20904c4d19a02bc⋯.png (237.01 KB, 595x419, 595:419, cf8da38f3d8ee02a.png)

10fff7  No.263883



Milley colluded with #China, our chief military rival, to

undercut the elected president of the United States

There’s something about the term "deep state" that sounds

paranoid, even nutty. As of just a few years ago, you mostly

heard the phrase from relics on the far-left, the kind of people

who lecture you about the United Fruit Company and the

toppling of Mosaddegh. The term, then and now, suggests that

our democracy is fake. Elections and domestic politics are a

sideshow. No matter who you vote for, in the end, the same

people still run everything. That’s a pretty dark understanding

of the American system. If you’re a normal person who grew

up here, it’s the last thing you want to believe about your

country. It seems crazy. And then you read stories like this


According to reporting this summer, in the days after last

November’s election, Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint

Chiefs of Staff, held a meeting with senior military officials at

the Pentagon. Milley wanted to inform them of what he

described as a serious threat to national security — a threat so

grave it imperiled "the stability of the Republic." That threat,

Milley said, was the sitting president of the United States.

Donald Trump had dared to question the election results. For

this, Milley explained, the United States military might be

required to use physical force against the president. "We're

the guys with guns," Milley said. He’d apparently been

preparing for this moment. Milley had similar conversations

with the director of the CIA, Gina Haspel, as well as with the

head of the NSA, Paul Nakasone. He’d also spoken directly

to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, Trump’s chief political


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2032a4  No.263889


Sorry anon, nothing you can do or say will prevent the inevitable at this point, we are far beyond the "event horizon" now.

Check my "END TIMES NEWS" updates and you'll start to realize exactly what I mean. Even if one or two or three of these bastards were held accountable, the treason and sedition is too systemic today. Acts of subversion, treason, tyranny, outright anti-American sentiment is now completely common place: in every institution, every government agency, every NGO all the way down to half (or maybe more) of the American public. It's too late. Prepare for the worst.

SOS, going all the way down with the ship!

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