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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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95eb9f  No.261420 [Last 50 Posts]

It's just water vapor reflecting off the 3rd moon of Jupiter. Nothing to see here. Move along..


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6fd77c  No.261423


Will the HAARP facility actually be able to break their dams this time around?

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95eb9f  No.261424


i dunno you'll need to consort with johnny neptroon about haarp. im the "using psychic powers to destroy the planet" guy.

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6fd77c  No.261428


All I know is HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is the facility they use intense electromagnetic frequencies directed up into the upper ionosphere which manipulates - and can violently so - interfere with global weather patterns to create 'natural' disasters or disasters that look natural. What you claim would make sense if you were working for HAARP, or a program similar to HAARP that may be located in another country.

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95eb9f  No.261429


If the U.S. has a legitimate HAARP program then I would think it's pretty foolish to fuck with the U.S.. Maybe kikes should accept defeat while they still have the choice.

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6fd77c  No.261430


PS: a very real weather warfare weapon, in fact, so real that there was a United Nations Treaty signed by nations not to use this type of electromagnetic technology for war. Due to the immense damages it could cause (in some cases, it could be worse than nuclear war if escalated!) Very serious stuff and even former Generals in the US military warned strongly of the dangers of such technology.

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6fd77c  No.261431


If Israel and the Jews are the target, why not just use it against Israel? Why would the US government want to escalate it on such a global scale that could literally wipe out 90%+ of the population (including in America and Europe)?

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95eb9f  No.261432


The world is being punished for its support of Jewry, both in the form of Zionism and Communism. The world needs to learn kikery is not strength, deception is not moral, and the "greater good" can't arise from evil. Their social experiment has failed and there are consequences.

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6fd77c  No.261433


You don't use this kind of weapon against an enemy unless you consider the enemy to be everywhere including in your own country, which if abused by escalation would be at the demise of your own nation too. It's pretty insane. Why not just target the country that threatens you most, and then arrest the foreign subversives and traitors in your own country? HAARP is pretty much a MAD scenario if used for global warfare.

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95eb9f  No.261434


When the world, including my country and people, have had enough then they'll surrender their fake Jews. It's a game of chicken the world simply can not win. But if everyone chooses mindless stubborn arrogance by refusing to do what's right then we can all drown in dark waters for all I care.

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6fd77c  No.261435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'll tell you what, if the government allows me to safeguard my "The Ropers" DVD collection I'll invite them over to shoot my 10mm Super Redhawk Ruger and we can chill and listen to some old country music afterwords and have a few drinks of premium whiskey! I mean, doesn't that sound better than causing a Great Flood scenario?

BTW: were you the one they hired to notify and warn the public in advance? Or do you have a gag-order?

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95eb9f  No.261436

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b8ed3e  No.261438


OK, but seriously, how do people "surrender Fake Jews?" What is the definition of "Fake Jews" and how would we surrender someone no one has control over?

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95eb9f  No.261440


Whoever considers himself "Jewish" is a fake Jew. First, we're going to take out the Jewish State in Palestine. Then, we're going to bring the Diaspora under the rule of strict law and removed from the 'freedom' offered by the United States.

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b8ed3e  No.261441


Well OK. But America won't give up our freedoms. Maybe other countries will give up their freedom but America was founded on individual freedom. If we are going to die it's best to not die a subjugated slave under some totalitarian rule. Who really wants to live that way?

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95eb9f  No.261442


If I were an evil mastermind and I wanted to take-over and eventually destroy the United States then the first thing I'd do is exploit the available freedom. For instance, I would create a religion which on the outside is full of elaborate myths but inwardly it's a system of subversion. And I'd be free to do this because of the freedom of religion. I would call this religion "Judaism" and there would be nothing any of you could do about it because

>muh freedom!

As long as fake Jews dwell within the United States they will manipulate her wonderful freedom in order to strangle that freedom, as they have thusly done. Therefore, if the American desires true unmolested freedom for all then they must surrender that mafia which seeks to pervert the law. Fake Jews can not be allowed to have total freedom. And this is the truth but it's also not workable in the U.S. without violating the Constitution – the Constitution should be allowed to operate as intended. The United States will surrender her fake Jews.

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b8ed3e  No.261443


All that needs to be done is to arrest those who have knowingly committed subversion and treason, then prosecute them, perhaps using the military under national security declaration and have military tribunals. Then broadcast some official government statement about it outlining the crimes, subversion and treason that took place. The media would be forced to cover it, they'd have no choice not to. It's not like the US intelligence agencies can't find or don't have the dirt they need on these Fake Jews to do that. That would save a lot of lives and be a lot less dangerous. Plus it would save our infrastructure too.

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95eb9f  No.261444


If we arrested every Jewish criminal there would be none left walking the streets. It's not just the high profile politicians and media personalities. It's the everyday, run of the mill, kike running propaganda on Twitter as well. Further, those Jews would eventually be released back into society and they would simply start all over again. Even if we jailed them all for life that would be a massive financial burden. Fake Jews can not be permitted to remain in the U.S. because of the degree of freedom available. If the U.S. means to survive they will surrender them.

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95eb9f  No.261450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are you listening to Biden?

>It's not about freedom

Spooky we were just talking about freedom, huh? Do you see? These kikes only use American freedom to subvert and eventually remove American freedom. You will get the jab or you will lose your job and starve. For many anons it's suddenly no longer funny or entertaining. What will you do, America?

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8cce5c  No.261451


I'm getting the LAST of my preps done ASAP, luckily I have most everything I could ever need stocked up. Now it's last time to double down and bulkup. I expect there will be a lot of lawsuits coming, a lot of workers quitting and being laid off, services slowing down, businesses shuttering too. I expect there will be a lot of outrage and backlash, I personally know one person who told me if something like this happens he's ready to retire and pull his savings. It's going to happen. Get prepared and stand your ground. There could be war and unrest ahead. The economy is going to be left in shambles but I warned about this plenty of times already, did I not?

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8cce5c  No.261452


PS: they're not "using freedom" they're trying to deny it and abolish it outright. But I understand, this is no longer fun and games, this is war.

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95eb9f  No.261453



Surrender the fake Jews. Simple as.

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0ca9c2  No.261454


There is a point you made here that I would like to expand on a bit, regarding religion; and you know how I hate to break up the dark party y'all have goin' on in here, and I know none of y'all are curious enough to follow any of the links I am about ready to drop, but I'll clue you in to where I'm going with all this by saying that Jen Psaki saying that all Federal employees will be mandated and required to get the COVID vaccine, or they will be let go, unless they can prove a "valid eligible exemption"… Well, that got me thinking… What about those religious exemptions after all?! Where is the Case Law on this in September 2021? So I looked it up… And I found some interesting things…

> Links Incoming…

It really comes down to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.


btw, if you can only handle one link, check this one out…

COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements: Potential Constraints on Employer Mandates Under Federal Law


In it, if you read carefully, is the secret… (But they're working on doing away with all religion, just like China, so…)

Philosophical Objections won't work, and most Religious exemptions won't work either, at least not according to case law, and they're rapidly creating new case laws in these areas… You gotta be careful how you approach the Courts.

The Muslim who said a vaccine contained pig was still forced to take a vaccine that wasn't.BUT…..The VEGAN who said she deserved a Religious Exemption, even though Veganism isn't a recognized Religion, WAS GRANTED A RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION BECAUSE SHE USED BIBLE VERSES TO SUPPORT HER CASE! I kid you not! I'm sure it won't work all the time. Not every judge is impressed by Bible Verses, but it IS Established Case Law!

Anyway, that's not my point. I don't really have one, as usual.

I just want you to learn to think for yourselves.

That's all I've ever wanted from anyone.

Have some more links I read in my own research into this matter…

COVID-19 Vaccines: Who will be exempted from a COVID-19 vaccine?


State Mandates Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination






Respecting Religious Freedoms and Protecting the Public's Health



Anyway, with any luck, the Vaccine Mandates for Federal employees will help us end up with a Smaller Government after all!

Much more likely to just fill the Federal Government, and the Military, with "Woke" Supremacists & Trannies.

Also, have a picture to remember what an image looks like…


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95eb9f  No.261455


Thanks for the research. I hope you're enjoying the accelerationism.

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0ca9c2  No.261456

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95eb9f  No.261457


Let me know when the issue stops being about furthering a political system and pivots to saving the People regardless of politics. Until then


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0ca9c2  No.261458


Uncurling from my computer made me realize I had forgotten to post one more related link:

Fact check: Workers fired for refusing a vaccine are unlikely to qualify for unemployment


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ba37e4  No.261461


>You will get the jab or you will lose your job and starve.

That is what the guns are for…no one is going to starve. We will build parallel economies without kikes.

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ba37e4  No.261462


I was talking with a ranger today who told me that after 6 tours of Afghanistan and Iraq, he just couldn't believe it was going to come to this. He said to prepare for massive violence.

I told him I understood. With no 'oversight committees' for 'war crimes' since we live in a global kike world they are going to throw literally everything at us. Everything they have ever dreamed of or imagined.

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95eb9f  No.261468


Who is 'we?'

NatSocs will not work with Nazbols.

Libertarians will not work with NatSocs.

Blacks will not work with whites.

Whites will not work with Jews.

Everyone is still stuck in their preferred cube.

They'll die in that box, too.

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ba37e4  No.261469


Whites will come together with other Whites. The rest can die, IDGAF.

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715977  No.261470


>Whites will come together with other Whites

Yeah? When will that be?

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95eb9f  No.261473


Alright but I ain't merging with (((whites))), Nazbols, Zionists, or trannies. I'd rather starve.

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ba37e4  No.261476


When it starts. There are no politics on the Battlefield. Those are a luxury of peacetime.

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ba37e4  No.261477


>(((whites))), Nazbols, Zionists, or trannies

None of those are White.

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95eb9f  No.261478


checks out

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715977  No.261479

Worldwide, the noose is tightening…

Big Business & Big Government coming together to do what the other one can't;in order to enslave us all.


The message has been made clear:

You have no choice but to hand over to (((them))) more money and more power.

> No Choice.

That is the message, anyway!

Are you getting the message?

Do you capitulate? Do you forfeit the "game" without even making a move?

What will you do?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

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95eb9f  No.261480


imma sit here and watch everyone get what they deserve.

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715977  No.261481


> "You Will Be SLAVES By Choice, and You Will PAY for the Privilege."

Imagine still paying taxes…

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715977  No.261482

The Biden Administration deserves more credit for making sure that Voluntary Vaccinations will drop significantly, yeah, precipitously, (depending on perspective), in the foreseeable future…

The "Woke" Crowd have done much to wake the world up to their insanity too.

We should really be thanking all of them.

Refusing to give credence to Natural Immunity, when the Science is in on that, only further serves to make sure no one ever trusts a damn word out of their mouths again.

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e5967b  No.261486


Biden, if your reading this, just know that I will cut off your hands, smash your head in with a boulder, and run your legs over with car tires.

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76c5ea  No.261488

I will not take their poison shot no matter what! I have no intention of giving up my guns or property either, so if you mother fuckers want war you got war mother fuckers!

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0db9a2  No.261495


as if anybody gives a fuck what one stupid idiot says

(you told us he was in the military, which proves what a fucking idiot he truly is)

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0db9a2  No.261496

Number One : the cloud formation is a natural occurrence, so I'm not sure why HAARP got mentioned….

as if we used billions of dollars worth of technology to make a "jellyfish" cloud

Number Two : you're a faggot

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0db9a2  No.261497


at your age, you won't be alive long enough to justify vaccinating you… it wouldn't be worth the $4.35

also, why waste nanoparticles to "track" the whereabouts of a man who spends his entire life in a basement?

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0db9a2  No.261498


If they wanted to locate you, no need to surreptitiously inject you with nano trackers

Aluminum foil reacts to the pH of fear, and creates a unique odor.

They could just follow their nose.

However, it would be hilarious to watch dozens of forks and bottle caps and spoons and Master locks being magnetically stuck to your body, so I'm recommending they give you 16 shots

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6ad126  No.277854

File: a814ec696102e4c⋯.pdf (267.39 KB, 2021_11_24_Mysterious_Clou….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF Say "What?" 🦀


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03f1df  No.277873

File: f9532bfbb3f71cc⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 17992159_1781192652197875_….jpg)

File: 31694cd79b0e084⋯.png (241.36 KB, 720x1500, 12:25, twitter_com_NickHintonn_st….png)

File: 1d23c8ed5a6c269⋯.jpg (175.57 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 1586088762238.jpg)

File: afab9c02ba6b522⋯.png (7.32 KB, 480x69, 160:23, So_dark_the_alien_con_of_m….png)

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0ebdeb  No.277876

File: 7dd32edfc476cc3⋯.jpg (29.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, NO.jpg)


Noto Cloudiness.

Noto China.





> "consorting with johnny neptroon


> "using psychic powers to destroy the planet"

Noto Insane Ego.







Noto Seeing Nothing but "fake Jews" EVERYWHERE.


Noto ALL Organized Religion; especially the 'Woke' Religion and the Religion of COVID.


Noto Accelerationism.


Noto Tribalism.


Noto Starvation.


Noto Politics. It has become more of a problem than solution.


Noto just sitting here watching the other guys get what they deserve.


Noto Slavery.

Noto Taxation Without Representation.


Noto Empty Threats and Juvenile Utterances.


Noto War.


Noto Crabs.


Noto Archon Butt Secks.


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5eaf01  No.295871

File: 6b12395ed9a7792⋯.jpg (71.64 KB, 492x680, 123:170, 148.jpg)

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f432ac  No.296446

File: 8b8260fc29ab92e⋯.jpg (108.01 KB, 670x645, 134:129, Conspiratory_Hierarchy.jpg)

File: 07b04c4e01ae0db⋯.jpg (71.05 KB, 650x645, 130:129, Conspiratory_Hierarchy_2.jpg)

File: a9b052f4132025a⋯.jpg (331.69 KB, 441x479, 441:479, Baphomet.jpg)

Blue Beam


Area 51

Other arcane areas

The American films have been portraying UFOs and Aliens for a long time as "fiction" when they can exist and they can be American military technology, so in case UFO-resembling spacecrafts adjoins real-life warfare people could simply blame "Aliens" instead of governments, of simply deem it as being too farcical to be real and "conspiracy theories"

The elite announces its plans beforehand

"Through fiction is the way we convey the truth"

"We hide stuff in plain sight"

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f432ac  No.296447

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f432ac  No.296448

American films appeared to be created specifically for the purpose of the elite hiding stuff in plain sight, predictive program people, and giving a good impression for America through their gaudy shenanigans

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0c5856  No.314472

File: 2737a6b27be28f0⋯.jpg (25.9 KB, 526x526, 1:1, image2022_06_29_17_23_25_d….jpg)

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67447f  No.315089


Military grade experimental undisclosed aircraft.

Possibly reverse engineered from debris recovered from a crash site where the little green men just wanted to say hello.

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119d21  No.320864




In 2000, Russia was bankrupt. The nation owed $16.6 billion to the Rothschild-run International Monetary Fund while its foreign debt to the Rothschild-controlled Paris & London Club Of Creditors was over 36 billion dollars.


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093400  No.321023



You´re the girlfriend?


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89b504  No.321719





>In order to rid jurisprudence of subversive 9'th circuit ruling we are compelled to pretend to accept the legitimacy of the SCOTUS, where compromised traitors overrule seditious colleagues courthouse kayfabe.

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5ee0d9  No.322092

This is a classic on Twitter, but still the clearest explanation of the socialist Democrats’ game plan. And so far it’s going swimmingly for them.


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3fb2b8  No.322675

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bb8314  No.322783


This guy has had an eventful last two years. especially 2022.


A video surfaced of Miller appearing to choke a woman in a bar in Reykjavik, Iceland in April 2020. According to Variety, the video shows Miller saying, “Oh, you wanna fight? That’s what you wanna do?” to a young woman, who appears to be jokingly preparing herself for a fight. Miller then grabs her by the throat, and throws her to the ground. According to a source at the bar, this all took place after Miller was confronted by a group of eager fans.


It’s unclear how much time Miller spent in Hawaii, but they were accused of committing several minor offenses there. Police say Miller was the source of at least 10 calls since March 7, mostly for minor offenses like filming people at a gas station, refusing to leave the sidewalk area of a restaurant, and arguing with people.


On the evening of March 27, the actor was arrested for harassment and disorderly contact at a karaoke bar. What set Miller off? Per Hawaii Police Assistant Chief Kenneth Quiocho, Miller was aggravated with people singing Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s “Shallow” from 2018’s A Star Is Born.

Miller was apparently yelling obscenities, grabbed a mic from a singing woman, and lunged at a man playing darts, according to police. They were released after paying a $500 bail.

In May, new footage of the incident was released, showing Miller get angry after a cop calls them “sir,” to which Miller responds: "I'm sorry, I'm not a sir. I'm a transgender nonbinary. If you fail to do that again, that is an act of intentional bigotry, and it is a technical hate crime under U.S. federal law. Please call me they/them/their, and you can use the term 'mx' if you prefer. Transgender nonbinary!"

In the video, Miller says they deliberately film themselves for the purpose of creating “NFT crypto art.” “I got assaulted and I started filming. Let me show you the video,” the actor says in the video. “I got assaulted in this bar, twice in a row. I film myself when I get assaulted for NFT crypto art.”


According to the AP, two Hawaii residents accused Miller of breaking into their bedroom and stealing their passports and wallets in late March. On March 29, the couple people filed a petition asking a court for a temporary restraining order. According to The Independent, the complaint says Miller “burst into the bedroom of the petitioner(s) and threatened” the alleged male victim by “saying ‘I will bury you and your slut wife.’” The restraining order was later dropped.


Miller reportedly threw a chair at a 26-year-old woman, striking her in the head, according to a police report from an incident on April 19. According to the report, police responded to a call about an assault at a party, and said Miller became “irate after being asked to leave and reportedly threw a chair, striking a 26-year-old female in the forehead, resulting in an approximate half-inch cut.” Miller was later arrested after police found them on the roadway during a traffic stop.


According to TMZ, based on new legal docs, 18-year-old Tokata Iron Eyes met Miller in 2016, when she was just 12 and he was 23, while the actor was visiting the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota. Her parents say they formed a friendship that put her at risk, and claim the actor supplied their her with alcohol, marijuana and LSD. The parents say Miller told Iron Eyes to go by the name “Gibson,” and took her car keys and credit cards. Iron Eyes recently posted on social media that they’re not in need of a conservatorship.


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1d22d9  No.322841


nice one

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64c95d  No.323954




is his name really crime0eo?

as in crimea?


crisis actor as 'police' check

isn't that a crime; inpersonating a police?


she's a beaut.




george is an obama fan.

thought fer sure trump would be out of office by nwo

admitted he worked for mossad; have no idea why he would admit that.


this is I think coms

red white and q //obvious

huge one in your backyard


'and it's about to be sunday'

'smoke house' a marine coup veteran

'we are going to make a bar b que sunday'

and it looks like something totally charred, not fit to eat.

`(just to mention if that's george.

people here don't go by authority

we do our own work, weather q is here or not.

no one here necessariily needs to listen to George, since we do our own work.

If George wants to share important things here, hat's no problem

Come on down; share and challege.

It's a Patriot thing.

Do you have ideas about memes?

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603d39  No.323973








Forget that, what we need is to steal a copy of their shit, or login to our target suites, TargetWatch Server Account, whatever the fuck and get ourselves straight and stop relying on these stingy voices in our heads, "handling," the situation. I think we're old enough to control ourselves, thank you very much!

Unless, of course, you like that sort of thing… you know, being dominated? I'm not very much into it, only because I prefer mutual love, but to each their own, right?

Mind control…for the out of control. How?

Would you really want an AI to be inside the mind of an autist? It just might break it!


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e5e1a4  No.324628


Any finite number will eventually be 'negated' and smeared as bigoted, hateful, etc, because the purveyors of the logic keep 'suddenly realizing' that their own constructions of FINITE sets of letters or numbers or symbols in a concatenated string, KEEPS 'IMPLYING' AN EXCLUSION OF 'OPPRESSED' LETTERS, NUMBERS AND SYMBOLS.

So more have to be added to 'negate' the first wave of 'oppression' by 'excluding' the 'zirzssz' gender.

So they add zirzssz. No more oppression of the zirssz!

But wait, WE CAN 'NEGATE' THE SET AGAIN by 'suddenly noticing' that it excludes the 'theyshehe' gender we just made up!

So they add the theyshehe's.

No more oppression of theyshehe's!

This pattern is not meant to 'eventually' include everyone in a 'diverse' soup of genders, it is designed to ISOLATE TARGET AND DIVIDE A PERSON FROM HUMANITY BY ASSIGNING A 'NEW NAME' TO PEOPLE WHO ARE TO TRUST THAT NOW THEIR OWN LOGIC MUST ADJUST.

Anon sees this pattern everywhere.

2 genders Marx smeared as itself a form of oppression. Why? Not because of daily work grind or nuclear family relations or quality of life, no no, Marx's logic was HEGELIAN to its core, Marx's LOGIC OF INFINITE MEGALOMANICIAL AGGRANDIZEMENT lead to him and his followers to 'see' a 'division of sexes'…as if a 'free' society of humanity would presumably be unisex, or as many sexes as there are people, or a warped Venn diagram that has women biological features in the men set and men biological features in the women set.


And so these 'wannabe gods' seek to destroy through division all truths about civilization, to replace truth with their own psychotic projections.

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71b2c9  No.324900


they go home after the show is over.

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2dbe41  No.325197


Kek. Hello, Elon!

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7f5186  No.325423

are we watching this water?

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2cf36e  No.325665

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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cafd5f  No.325674


this anon gets it

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311d2a  No.325850

6th of June


It was the dark of the moon

On the sixth of June

And a Kenworth pullin' logs

Cab over Pete with a refer on

And a Jimmy haulin' hogs

We was headin' for bear

On 'I-1-0

'Bout a mile out Shakey Town

I says, Pig Pen this here's the Rubber Duck

And I'm about to put the hammer down

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f91ebb  No.325865


They want to destroy cultures and sovereign nations, that´s why. Long term plan.

Drop the ET crap.

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2dbe41  No.326004


why don't they just throw out $10 worth of salt blocks for them if they care so much?

that would last a few ibex for months

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5ab1b0  No.326524

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7c9cb5  No.326763


Pride is still a Sin

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ae6fa0  No.326918


>Prayers for the good doctor and brave patriot. Rest in Peace.


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6ccb4e  No.327580

What might happen if someone with dual citizenship took control of one of our state's prominent positions of government?

Serious question. Can someone with dual citizenship, say, oh . . . United States and Israel, for example, become the Governor of one of the states?

What about other positions?

What, pray tell, could ever go wrong?

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ffa34f  No.328120


>and trolls

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f7d7dd  No.328122


There are different breeds.

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2f7fda  No.328125

"i was in the vicinity of a conversation where I overheard the President say something to the effect of…"

Where else but this Schiff-show could she be allowed as a witness?!

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78740e  No.328479


holy shit… at 17 minute delta, that for sure is a confirmation of Q

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71b992  No.328758


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44de41  No.329896


If that's not the cutest little thing ever, I don't know what is.

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7a1158  No.330083


Not buying it. The Uvalde police are involved. The DPS is involved. The Texas Rangers are involved. The FBI is involved. Big Pharma is involved. Gregg Abbott is involved. The Teachers Union is involved. You don't pull a conspiracy like this off without ALL LEVELS securing the op.

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6dfba9  No.330259


>There’s something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.

There’s something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.

There’s something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.

There’s something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.

There’s something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.

There’s something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.

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494788  No.330355


Millions of the livestock that provide families with milk, meat, and wealth have died. Even the food to treat hungry people like Salaad’s son is becoming more expensive and, in some places, might run out. Thus, for the first time, a fifth straight rainy season might fail.

An “explosion of child deaths” is coming to the Horn of Africa if the world focuses only on the war in Ukraine and doesn’t act now, UNICEF said on Tuesday.

Famine even threatens Somalia’s capital as displacement camps on Mogadishu’s outskirts swell with exhausted new arrivals. Salaad and her son have turned away from a crowded hospital after arriving a week ago.

They were sent instead to the treatment center for the extremely malnourished where rooms are full, extra beds have been put out and yet some people must sleep on the floor. Mothers wince, and babies wail, as tiny bodies with sores and protruding ribs are gently checked for signs of recovery.

“The center is overwhelmed,” said Mustaf Yusuf, a physician there. Admissions more than doubled in May to 122 patients.

'Drama with no witness'

The international community's sluggish response did not help. At the time, the UN humanitarian coordinator for Somalia described the situation as "a drama without witnesses." The alarms are going off again.

More than 200,000 people in Somalia face “catastrophic hunger and starvation, a drastic increase from the 81,000 forecasts in April,” a joint statement by UN agencies said Monday, noting that a humanitarian response plan for this year is just 18% funded.

Somalia is far from alone. According to UNICEF, the number of children treated for the most acute malnutrition — "the tip of the disaster" — increased 27 percent in Ethiopia's drought-affected regions in the first quarter of this year compared to the same period last year.

In Kenya, where Doctors Without Borders reported at least 11 deaths in a single county's malnutrition treatment program earlier this year, the rise was 71 percent.

Recent arrivals were devastated as they recalled watching family members die in one of Mogadishu's teeming displacement camps.

“I left some of my children behind to care for those suffering,” said Amina Abdi Hassan, who came from a village in southern Somalia with her malnourished baby. They’re still hungry as aid runs dry, even in the capital. “Many others are on the way,” she said.

Part 2

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5f0024  No.330699


…Why announce it, here? Oh, that's fucking right, to pin it on the board. Is it worth it?

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49a6a6  No.330716

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53a02b  No.331546


The liberals are so radicalized that literally NOTHING will come of this.

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c3c9c0  No.331739

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084388  No.331781


That you Hunter?

>My life is actually BETTER since Biden won.

>I make more.

>I spend WAY less.

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7fcbc7  No.332194

QClock July 2, 2022

Hunter's Laptop

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20f6f3  No.332375

Damn, Q. I hate saying I'm 8' tall on other platforms when I'm only 6'2" irl. Felt it had to be done that way today though.

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5eeb19  No.332659


VERY good question.

odds against by HUGE margin

was never going to happen.

but what if…

someone knew about dems & their software "vote counter"?

what if dems connected vote count machines to internet?

what if THAT was the mistake!

Out played at dems own game?

better chess players?

"russia russia russia" = plausible denial

dems can NEVER call out what maybe a "perfect crime".

oh, and if dems up the count machine s/ware in 2020, they get 81m, more than obumma & he had crowds! :-)

but I'm just spitball'n

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987231  No.333228


>if the suspense of justice is killing you, imagine what it's doing to the enemy

i imagine it is giving them time to reorganize, put counter-moves and counter-offensives into play, and lay traps for patriots and anons. they still have all of the "guns & badges."

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75c1d2  No.333456

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1a822a  No.333571



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b6859f  No.333682


They got in your system with the vaccine

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cb9d58  No.333733

Made something new tonight kek.

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fee96f  No.334552


BREAKING HEADLINES, [12.06.22 19:27]

Blast at Freeport LNG Plant Adds to Supply Concerns

READ: https://1.breakingheadlines.news/6S2b4Y


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dc01c7  No.335203


Good for you. Want a cookie?

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23dd2d  No.335208


'zactly, fat-belly cowboy!

Almost like the size of your dick after chasing cattle out of the waters of Bishop's Creek

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a541fd  No.335386


"They did it in droves"

"They should be fired immediately"


"No more fake drop …. boxes"

Anon picked this up re: Q's drops yesterday. Bueller ??

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fee96f  No.335621


Ew. Who let that she-boon on the squad? I wonder how much product she put in her hair to make it look somewhat human.

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354ddd  No.335946


They are not.

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0fddf6  No.336049


fug, even the Arcturians are moving the goal posts now….

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795ce4  No.336483


how 'bout this one? kek

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d7d730  No.336593


Semper Fidelis, Anon. Claim your inheritance. Exit the Matrix.

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1b2e3c  No.336792


This is correct, this country was founded on the idea that you could practice your "Christian" religion. We don't hyphenate Christ either.

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6e0f21  No.339059


Fauci is Back with a Warning for Americans: ‘Wear a Mask’ When You’re Indoors — This Outbreak ‘Isn’t Over Yet’

by Kyle Becker

about 10 hours ago

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e83166  No.339504




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6415dd  No.339824


We shall sir. What have you got in mind?

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b68192  No.340639

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8c5883  No.340805


enter your name and address in the box. someone will be right over.


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c4601e  No.340998

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977fc7  No.341016

It's your army 🤷‍♂️


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71d5f0  No.341321


>i think most of them are brainwashed

Yea, don't make one rat's fucking ass to me. My ass would be in jail if I was a witness to that. They would be in a ICU. Long time.


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9e971c  No.341463


I see The face, hovering over mine in my sleep. Since childhood.


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690203  No.341760

This is going to suck but the only way to show the sheep how corrupt the District Attorneys are is by indicting Trump.

It will happen, they will perp walk him to deepen the humiliation.


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513776  No.342283

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3c4c18  No.342311


I don't know. I wish he would elaborate.


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90cc6b  No.342416

Happy birthday to The Donald 🇺🇸

June 14th (Flag Day)


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74e3a7  No.342463


Nice fedpost bait mate, I rate it eight out of eight.


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3f52e6  No.342498


More American heroism. Your whole life is fraud now ur whole army is vax tarded.


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1c4541  No.342852



Red Text Fail…..

Is somebody fuckin with your box?



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75e119  No.344252


Kek, this movie is awesome with anons like you.


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944645  No.344310


>Define 'Plant'.

All you heathens are missing the point.

Read >>321023

Hope you know there was a post from the real/fake Q that said give them hell earlier to me.


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e93529  No.344321



Halt die Fresse Shlomo, du bist so ein verblödeter Judenbastard das es echt schon schmerzt!

Du müßtest den ganzen Tag schreiend durch die Gegend laufen!


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75afa0  No.344486


I don't think he is either. Piers Morgan was interesting yesterday on Fox. I think the narrative will shift more to focus on a DeSantis future instead of Trump.


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72939b  No.345246


Watch CA


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ac11fe  No.345307



great work!


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fb9f28  No.345474




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