>I know there's a lot of Jews putting out anti vax propaganda among white populations, why?
That's not true at all. I just knew a white dude who died after (reluctantly) taking his first jab (which his wife nagged him to death to get!) Many people have been dying from this vaccine and it's hardly being reported by the media! Many vaccine deaths they cover up by calling it 'covid related' death.
CDC Chair of Vaccines In 2019: "We Need To Get Rid Of White People"
>Because they want you dead (it's their religion) and they want to take any savings you have and move it to their bank account. That's what happens when you go to the ICU a week or two before you die.
True, that's what happens when you trust their corrupted (((medical system))) in the first place! Absolutely! I had covid and refused any medical intervention. I told no one about it when I had it, and I survived it simply by boosting my immune system with vitamins, zinc supplement and curcumin. Now I'm naturally immune and I live a normal life avoiding the (((medical system))) like the cancer racket it is.