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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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f03a27  No.260873

I know there's alot of Jews putting out anti vax propaganda among white populations, why?

Because they want you dead (it's their religion) and they want to take any savings you have and move it to their bank account. That's what happens when you go to the ICU a week or two before you die.

It was correct to be skeptical of these vaccines but now we have enough evidence to proceed and it's urgent you do so..

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cdf8f8  No.260874

The big pharmaceutical company Pfizer is now developing a Covid pill that is meant to be taken alongside the Covid vaccines that have already made the company a staggering amount of money. The new pill is expected to be released by the end of the year and will be required to be taken twice per day.


Guess what's in that Pfizer twice a day "covid medication" they're cooking up? The mystical horse paste they've been losing money on with a brand new shiny label that rakes in the dough!


HAHAHAHA! Can't make this shit up if you tried.

*gay voice singing:* A horse is a horse of course, of course, and no one can talk to a horse, of course, that is, of course unless the horse is the famous Mister Ed!

*deep loud voice:* and I am Mister Ed!

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12bd27  No.260875

>how do you do, fellow white people?

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622b6d  No.260876


That pic of Joe Rogan was edited by the media, it's not the original Telegram pic. You bias fucks fall for all kinds of BS trickery lol. Much like THIS: >>260874

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f03a27  No.260877

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You can't handle the truth but for others who know how to weigh evidence.

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622b6d  No.260878


Stay scared.

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f03a27  No.260882

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Dude you've already been exposed as a Jew a hundred times.

Since all of us non Jews aren't taking Andrenochrome i will post the next best thing.

You're welcome

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bebf44  No.261061


>I know there's a lot of Jews putting out anti vax propaganda among white populations, why?

That's not true at all. I just knew a white dude who died after (reluctantly) taking his first jab (which his wife nagged him to death to get!) Many people have been dying from this vaccine and it's hardly being reported by the media! Many vaccine deaths they cover up by calling it 'covid related' death.

CDC Chair of Vaccines In 2019: "We Need To Get Rid Of White People"


>Because they want you dead (it's their religion) and they want to take any savings you have and move it to their bank account. That's what happens when you go to the ICU a week or two before you die.

True, that's what happens when you trust their corrupted (((medical system))) in the first place! Absolutely! I had covid and refused any medical intervention. I told no one about it when I had it, and I survived it simply by boosting my immune system with vitamins, zinc supplement and curcumin. Now I'm naturally immune and I live a normal life avoiding the (((medical system))) like the cancer racket it is.

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bebf44  No.261062



Which brings me to this hypocrisy….

Materials & methods: Interaction of ivermectin against the key proteins involved in SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis were investigated through molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulation. Results: Ivermectin was found as a blocker of viral replicase, protease and human TMPRSS2, which could be the biophysical basis behind its antiviral efficiency.



Pfizer’s new ‘daily pill’ to fight Covid utilizes a protease inhibitor… ^ Ivermectin is also a protease inhibitor:



MY COMMENT: It doesn't really matter what anyone thinks of ivermectin, just the information provided above is obvious for anyone with a brain stem to figure out, this is all about $$$$$$$ and they do not care about anything else but population control and making a shit load of $$$$$$$

In other words, goyim, ivermectin is only OK if the government or Pfizer says it is and can make money off it!!! And just because they have the right to test and use it, does not mean you the goyim should have that same right!!!

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