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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: f2b9cb3349bed6e⋯.png (162.68 KB, 1440x905, 288:181, fake_jew_killer.png)

File: 0fc3b2e5e2af4ff⋯.jpg (2.09 MB, 2400x2400, 1:1, fake_jew_babbitt.jpg)

5f6f35  No.258469

Fake Jew killer exonerated, should be given a medal.

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b766af  No.258617

you're the most boring homosexual

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5f6f35  No.258619


youve come to white-knight for your dead fake jew girlfriend. how romantic :3

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b766af  No.258620


No, I came here to tell you that you are a homosexual, and you're boring as fuck

goodnight, faggot

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5f6f35  No.258621


dont be embarrassed. you love her. i understand.

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53ec95  No.258629


I'm awake now. Making coffee…

No, actually I thought she deserved it. That's why I've been ridiculing her since he shot her

You really ARE clueless, aren't you?

it's because your delusion is more important to you than your reality

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53ec95  No.258630

obviously you missed all my graphics I made ridiculing the stupid bitch laying there dying with her nasty fat tits hanging out

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5f6f35  No.258689


so you're being contrarian in this thread for attention. your mommy not give you enough milky this morning? didnt pat your head enough times? get lost fake jew freak.

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