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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 2b96832e2a6e8c0⋯.png (447.69 KB, 1023x460, 1023:460, israel_bad_news_day.PNG)

e142b9  No.258445

Why is Israel falling apart?

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dfa37e  No.258449


Because you touch yourself at night.

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e142b9  No.258450


that's quite possible

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b85ae5  No.258614


Sally, grow up and just simply ask yourself this:

1. Are the crooked central banks being abolished for systemic fraud and insolvency?

2. Are our crooked control freak politicians still usurping unauthorized and abusive powers?

3. Are they successfully rolling out vaccine passports and a medical police state around the world?

4. Is the Western world still being deliberately destabilized with third world migration?

5. Are kikes like Goeorge Soros dead yet (from assassination)?

If the answers in order were: No, Yes, Yes, Yes and No, then NO they still have plenty of power and are still using it.

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e142b9  No.258618


1. Are the dumb sleeping masses realizing the scam played against them by the banking system?

2. Are the dumb sleeping masses no longer falling for the Right VS. Left false political dichotomy?

3. Are the dumb sleeping masses instinctively refuses the vaccine?

4. Are the dumb sleeping masses protesting and rejecting forced mass 3rd world immigration?

5. Are the dumb sleeping masses realizing the Liberal fake Jews like Soros are the same as the Conservative fake Jews like Bibi/Bennet/el al?

If the answer is yes to any of the above questions then they are losing their grip on power.

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a9701a  No.258624


Yes, for sure the public is slowly waking up, and that is a good thing. In fact, we do have a lot of the alternative media to thank for that, you know? However, these despotic Jews still hold and cling to a lot of power, it's going to take mass defection and disobedience to break this whole system.

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e142b9  No.258625


>alternative media

such as?

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cd22a1  No.258628

File: 24ffd95f1acfe8f⋯.jpg (124.55 KB, 1067x958, 1067:958, E9OTMDpWUAo5cpD.jpg)


Kikeroaches will extract money from Amerigolems and somehow keep it alive, worry about your dement-in-chief

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e142b9  No.258688


biden derangement syndome

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