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1542d3  No.257606

US Government Is Really Earning The Hate



The Biden regime is trying to dismantle State's rights to protect American citizens' Constitutional freedoms and well being!

This government is beyond corrupted in every way, insolvent and incompetent. They can't win wars they started. More than half of the citizenry do not trust these lying SOBs anymore. This government is an insult to this country, and a total disgrace. Treasonous, bankrupt, corrupt, greedy, despotic, immoral, pigs!

Why don't they go save the 40,000 Americans stranded in Afghanistan? As if they really care about America!!!


Prepare yourself, we live in a FAILED STATE, despotism is here, prepare for collapse: https://archive.md/qEbvg

Never give up the guns because that would be a sentence far far worse than death itself!!!

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9514db  No.257607

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f7a103  No.257618


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8aeb9c  No.257619


>Why don't they go save the 40,000 Americans stranded in Afghanistan?

They ARE, you fucking smooth brain. Stop watching Newsmax and tell Tucker Carlson to go fuck himself. They are LYING to you.

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180784  No.257621

As the world watched in dismay, the fall of Kabul painted a vivid picture of the crumbling of the United States of America. The US military, hell bent on going “woke” with transgenderism and gays in the military, is utterly unable to protect its own personnel overseas, and has been impotent in protecting the US southern border from a relentless invasion of illegals that are pouring into the country.

The Biden administration is finished. Brain-dead Biden was never anything more than a bobblehead placeholder, and his time in the Oval Office is now coming to a rapid end.

As Biden’s rigged regime is ending, so is the United States of America as a “united” nation. With outrageous levels of fiat currency money printing, the collapse of the rule of law, blatantly rigged elections, government-enforced censorship of conservative views, media-fomented racial animosity, left-wing efforts to defund the police, racist CRT indoctrination in the schools and even a CDC director “doctor” who cannot admit that only women can get pregnant, the once great United States of America has fallen into a pathetic, laughable state of self-mockery and collapse.

The military cannot defend the country, the “President” cannot run the country, the Treasury cannot fund the country and the “science” establishment can’t even bring itself to recommend vitamin D to save the country from a pandemic that was launched by the scientists themselves. The United States government now functions as a terrorist Taliban, waging war against its own people with forced vaccinated, engineered food shortages, massive government looting via money printing, and the designation of anti-lock protesters as terrorists.

There is now no federal government agency that serves any real interest of the public. ATF, DEA, FBI, FDA, CDC, IRS, HHS, DHS and more, they only now exist to enhance their own power by waging war against the very people they claim to represent. The FBI runs the terror plots… the CDC runs the biowarfare attacks… the FDA attacks supplements and CBD… the ATF tries to banish the Second Amendment… the DEA runs the drugs… and HHS, which is supposed to stand for Health and Human Services, has a decidedly anti-human agenda.

Beyond the incredible corruption that now characterizes the US federal government, the United States of America remains steeped in dark, demonic SIN stemming from mass abortions, infanticide, organ harvesting from babies, the transgender indoctrination and mutilation of children, the rejection of God and the embracing of Lucifer across pop culture, censorship attacks on Christians, rejection of the Church and the embracing of depopulation bioweapons on a national scale, disguised as a public health vaccine program.

When churches embrace transgenderism and push vaccines, those churches are serving Satan, not God, and this is the path that most of the mainstream “Christian” churches have chosen. (They will reap the effects of their own divine betrayal soon enough, it seems.)

God is watching. And while God is patient, his patience has clearly run out. His wrath is now being unleashed against this nation of sin, and even those who are not steeped in sin will be swept into the chaos and destruction that has already begun. This means that praying to God is not enough. You must also be prepared for the collapse of civilization as we know it.


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8aeb9c  No.257622


You're a faggot. kys.


You win "Smooth Brain of the Day" and it's only 7am! Congratulations.

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f7a103  No.257630





>>257347 <- THIS



Don't give ANY info or donations out on this board, it's loaded with spook shills!

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8aeb9c  No.257643


You have zero grip on reality. If you did, then you'd know that US troops are staying in Afghanistan until every American who wants to leave is brought home. You'd also know that the complete withdrawal date isn't until the 31st, which means there are still US troops in Afghanistan and you'd know they've secured the airport in order to transport Americans out.


>I'd listen to Tucker Carlson

That says all I need to know about how smooth your brain is.

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76678e  No.257755


>>The 'Middle East'

I am satisfied in these ways and shall bless accordingly.

Unite these kingdoms of AllahRa.

It is through these powers that I, the devil, shall fulfill the promise of calamity.

Just as night gives way to the warmth of light, so too shall I fade and yode/God/AllahRa return to you. After calamity, it is in this way there shall be a new kingdom.

I shall protect the tricameral union of Iran, Russia, and China.


It was the seers. They are too great.

Do not be afraid; it is merely 7 minutes to eternity.

I will consume you into my waters and you shall disappear from the face of the earth.


I grow tired of the raccoons and trashmongers.

I shall replace you with Antarctica when I roll the earth.

You stole from me.

You took away from me what is mine and changed what is left.

An eye for an eye… HA!

A soul for a soul.

I will match this thievery by snatching all these lives in return.

One peoples for another.

I long for mine, but they are gone away from me by your hands.

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314d6e  No.257767


>then you'd know that US troops are staying in Afghanistan until every American who wants to leave is brought home

I'll believe it when I see it. I hope you are right, by the way.

And if I had a "smooth brain" I'd be watching TV propaganda, but I refuse to pay for that shit. Waste of time. Plenty of information coming out from real sources who don't cower to the corrupt. But I know Tucker Carlson really pisses spooks like you off, so he must have said something right to get that kind of hate. Bravo to that.

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314d6e  No.257770


Yah Sally, we know the take down of America and the West is all planned and so do you.

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8aeb9c  No.257777

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5f2302  No.257780


Good, then we'll see it happen. But in the meantime they better focus more on that rescue operating and learning from their own mistakes and less time trying to take away individual freedoms and stop attacking the few free States we have left in the country. Missouri, Texas and Florida don't want your nanny medical police state or gun control bullshit and we made it clear!!! I, a citizen of one of those states, can vouch for that.

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314d6e  No.257781


What it comes down to Sally, is give us freedom or give us death. No more beating around the God damned bush.

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8aeb9c  No.257799


Missouri, Texas, and Florida all require proof of vaccination in order to attend school. Always have. Vaccines are mandated in all three states. Wearing shoes in restaurants is also a health mandate in all three states. Wearing your seatbelt when you drive is also mandated in all three states.

You best start believing in medical nanny states, son. You're living in one.

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e9038f  No.257800


Parents can still apply for religious exemption in those states, but you are correct, it's being fought over by the medical tyrants who want to abolish all exemptions and loopholes.

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573945  No.257811


Biden announced the troops injected will stay until our own servicemen have been evacuated. American civilians and allied troops are on their own.

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d1eb6d  No.258147


Like I said to the other anon, I will believe it when it is proven and we see the results. I'm NOT getting my hopes up. Our government is completely corrupt and insolvent and I have next to 0% trust in our government anymore.

Back when George W. Bush was president it was already pretty low. Now days? That trust is all but gone. They'll have to do a lot to earn it back, and I have high doubts they will.

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a66ec3  No.258150



All 50 states have legislation requiring specified vaccines for students (Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, MMR, HPV etc). Although exemptions vary from state to state, all school immunization laws grant exemptions to children for medical reasons. There are 44 states and Washington D.C. that grant religious exemptions for people who have religious objections to immunizations. Currently, 15 states allow philosophical exemptions for children whose parents object to immunizations because of personal, moral or other beliefs.


The existing statute in Minnesota and Louisiana does not explicitly recognize religion as a reason for claiming an exemption, however, as a practical matter, the non-medical exemption may encompass religious beliefs. In Virginia, parents can receive a personal exemption only for the HPV vaccine. Missouri’s personal belief exemption does not apply to public schools, only child care facilities.

That's got to do with the basic vaccines in public school, NOT covid vaccine issues which is an entire new ballgame!

Today the medical tyrants not only want to mandate covid vaccines for BOTH children and adults, they also want to create "vaccine passports" to enforce this pharmaceutical police state on the public. And there are only a handful of States currently fighting against such draconian policies. States like Florida and Texas as well a few other States have seen massive resistance to this on the local and State levels thankfully. I can tell you what it's like in Missouri where I live: no mask mandate, no vaccine passport, no medical police state (the schools may be a different story but I wouldn't know as I'm old). Only St. Louis county on the other hand does have a mask mandate but most of Missouri has not enforced it, nor would a lot of folks out here go along with such BS. I've witnessed the same attitude traveling to other States like Oklahoma too, most areas people go about their lives without masks or vaccine gestapo checkpoints.

So to the point: we need the government out of the medical industry. If we are to remain a free people we must have the right to choose for ourselves. I'm going to continue to live my life how I want to, regardless of mandates or law. If we want to be free, we need to tell these medical tyrants that they ARE NOT in control of our bodies and stand our ground, with our arms by our side.

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059168  No.258220

Bumping legit news.

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36a25f  No.258616

>Never give up the guns because that would be a sentence far far worse than death itself!!!

Y'all know it's true. Stop kidding yourselves.

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317902  No.258796

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8aeb9c  No.271744

File: 719a1b1f475cf59⋯.jpg (414.59 KB, 900x635, 180:127, 031.jpg)

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