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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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d99646  No.256869

Eat more Greek Yogurt to prevent chemtrail-induced Alzheimers disease.



In a recent study, memory problems were reversed after old mice were given “friendly” bacteria. This research suggests gut-boosting yogurts could help to ward off Alzheimer’s disease, which opens the door to the development of probiotics that treat or even prevent dementia.

“It’s a potential game-changer. We’ve now established the microbiome can be harnessed to reverse age-related brain deterioration. We also see evidence of improved learning ability and cognitive function,” says corresponding author Professor John Cryan, of University College Cork in Ireland, per South West News Service.

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1a6f18  No.256876


Or just buy a probiotic complex.

Don't forget about prebiotics.

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a3553e  No.256989


At least that's a good idea.

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