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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 660f537942a85f8⋯.jpg (16.79 KB, 187x204, 11:12, jewalarm.jpg)

02e745  No.256748


- Usury was outlawed in every form.

- Debtors of Jews were no longer liable for certain debts.

- Jews were not allowed to live outside certain cities and towns.

- Any Jew above the age of seven had to wear a yellow badge of felt in the form of Two Tables Joined on his or her outer clothing, six inches by three inches.

- All Jews from the age of 12 on had to pay a special tax of three pence annually.

- Christians were forbidden to live among Jews.

- Jews were licensed to buy farmland to make their living for the next 15 years.

- Jews could thenceforth make a living in England only as merchants, farmers, craftsmen or soldiers.

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