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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 6ac17db0dfeaef0⋯.jpg (89.15 KB, 620x679, 620:679, famine_crowning.jpg)

File: d157de564e55fad⋯.png (60.34 KB, 994x534, 497:267, famine_1.PNG)

5d8d30  No.256424

It will not matter where you are, how you're living right now, or how much shitcoin you've accumulated. You wanted Communism so now you'll starve. Still not too late to turn this around though.

>World food prices have soared by 31% over the past year, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Supply shortages caused by extreme weather is one of several factors behind this food inflation.

<There's no doubt that changes in weather patterns are impacting our food supply

said Jennifer Bartashus, a senior analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence who covers retail staples and packaged food.


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658211  No.256459

Go inna woods, hunt and gather.

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1fab77  No.256553


I've already made a thread about this but yep, you are correct. Much of the youth today is begging for either socialism or communism, well they're about to get a big taste of it. Tastes kinda like rubber soles, dead rats and stale rice. Not to mention you'll have all the fiat in the world to buy just about nothing with it!


There is a big myth spread around about "going innawoods" to survive SHTF. I live in rural Missouri and I have gone hunting, fishing and camping out here too, innawoods. Morel mushroom hunting as well which is fun. Don't underestimate some of the negative factors of being out in the woods for a long time. Especially living in the woods. You're going to get ticks. You're going to get fleas. You're going to get bad shitty weather. You're going to have to decontaminate that water you find outside or risk getting sick from it. You're going to run into some wildlife and you better know how dangerous they can be - potentially - and some are. You're going to have to know basic survival skills: hunting and butchering, building and starting bon fires safely, cooking over open fire, setting up tents or building some nigger-rigged DIY shelter, you might run into forest rangers over time (and if you are on private property or govt land they'll escort your ass out!). It's fun when you have a week with all the necessities all ready to go, and are with people you trust. It would be a completely different scenario trying to live under those conditions under heavy rations day to day.

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a539c6  No.256850

File: dec1499a69e24ee⋯.png (314.68 KB, 396x538, 198:269, Screenshot_2021_07_21_6_48….png)




Speaking about Communism, do any of you guys want to join my political club to talk about Trump and the 2020 election? Email me at: benflee222@gmail.com or Discord link is https://discord.gg/mut5bQWS8e.

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d13296  No.256886


Not touching that honeypot.

As far as food shortages, those that are too dumb to prepare ahead deserve what they get. As for poorfags, not so much as they've been told to stock up on bulk rice, beans, pasta and spam before (all which you can buy for pretty cheap wholesale).

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