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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 88e1382dbe982cb⋯.png (34.94 KB, 855x266, 45:14, zionists_worried.PNG)

406967  No.254579

Look at how stupid Israelis are. First they try and garner support for Zionism by turning the diaspora into a hyper-liberal and anti-Zionist mob. The logic is simple: If evil liberal Jews hate Israel then Israel must be great! But that low IQ "strategy" backfired and Jews are now beginning to realize that maybe persecuting one half of their own tribe for petty political goals wasn't the correct thing to do. These "people" have shot themselves in the nose for the final time. What's really embarrassing though is that these Israelis have failed to realize that they've already lost America.

I'd post a link but it's behind a paywall.

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b67374  No.254581


That may be all true, but it's deeper. Much deeper. Average Americans do not want to have anything to do with any form of tyranny or despotism. Zionists have been ruled just as draconian as fascists and communists. They're now being tossed into the category of everything that sucks with the world today!

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406967  No.254583


True, Americans don't want tyranny. But they're coming around to the idea of authoritarianism, at least as it relates to these fake Jews, conservative and liberal.

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b67374  No.254587


What I've witnessed in my lifetime, and even today at least where I live and have traveled, is most Americans just want to be left alone to mind their own affairs, peacefully and comfortably without any interference doing so. There is still a strong urge to "live and let live" or "you tend to your affairs and I'll tend to mine." It's rather rare to see control freaks out in public around here, that's typically reserved for politicians or bureaucrats (which are pretty much ignored anyway).

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406967  No.254588


That attitude changes after billions sent to Israel while our vets go homeless, Left and Right politicians elected to serve America but put Israel first, Jews promoting ethnic replacement (genocide) along with pedophilia and other distortions, and of course, the attack against our free speech to speak against such Jewish behavior. Now the people are experiencing a thirst they haven't had before. It's a thirst for Jew and golem blood. It will be satiated.

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b67374  No.254591


The real flaw of these Jews was they underestimated just how many Americans do care deeply about their lifestyle and personal freedoms. Now that all the corruption (mostly by the Jew cabal of bankers & puppet politicians) has interfered with our well being and lifestyle, we have taken notice of that threat. It's not so much we are "after blood" but we are armed and prepared to defend ourselves and fight them if push comes to shove. We still simply desire to be left alone though, all Americans ever really wanted was personal freedom and to be left alone. And for the most part we will be, or there will be war.

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406967  No.254592

File: 00e690c80005842⋯.jpg (164.43 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, black_and_gold_war.jpg)


>It's not so much we are "after blood" but we are armed and prepared to defend ourselves and fight them if push comes to shove. We still simply desire to be left alone though

>And for the most part we will be, or there will be war.

Nah. It's far too late for "for the most part." The "most part" is Israeli and Diaspora Jews subverting and destroying our country. And enough people have been made aware of it and turned uncomfortable that the thought of war is exciting. First it was "democrat jews eat babies," followed by "Zion Don" failing to serve anyone but Israel, and now there's covid. It was a triple shot to the American psyche, allowing the spirit of rebellion which was trapped deep inside of the national unconscious to flood into conscious awareness. Something must and will be done. War is coming.

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