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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 7c6eb0238ef56e9⋯.jpg (391.16 KB, 1080x590, 108:59, Pied_Pipers.jpg)

0120bb  No.254451

Why are so many Freemason pied pipers getting sick, /pnd/?

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41335b  No.254521


> getting sick

Not a single one of the stories in that image mentions anyone being sick, in fact the one about Sebastian Bach says the exact opposite.

Retards like OP who can read one thing (testing poz) and repeat something else (being sick) are what's wrong with the world.

Hey OP: if you really want to eliminate some sickness from the world:


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0120bb  No.254522

File: f3a6221d969794e⋯.jpg (193.75 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, me_and_freemasons_3.jpg)


you couldn't even gain acceptance into the brotherhood, andrew. youre just a sperg without a cause.

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41335b  No.254544


aww did I hurt your little fee-fees? Cry some more faggot.

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0120bb  No.254547


Seems like I hurt your "fee-fees," you effeminate betamale.

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41335b  No.254559


> Seems like

I'm sure it seems like it. That's why they call it projection.

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