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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 2c23f3bb3c82ef3⋯.png (128.72 KB, 354x504, 59:84, merchant_worried.png)

f05e47  No.254029

As western forces leave, one thing is becoming clear, the Taliban want revenge. Over 900 were killed in one day as Taliban soldiers went to door killing government officials, journalists, bankers, judges and women's rights campaigners and others seen as being traitors.

Declaring the current government "a Zionist puppet" the Taliban has vowed to purge the country of those who tried to stand against them.

In the past week, the Taliban has seized over half of the country and is surrounding the capital city. The bloodbath is coming and everyone can feel it.


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187188  No.254032

File: b2ee7ff6b7a2ad5⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1404x936, 3:2, opium_fields10.jpg)


>killing government officials, journalists, bankers, judges

They got what they deserve then. Corrupted bastards. By the way, for those too young to recall, the very reason the US was in Afghanistan was to set up a ZOG puppet government and then be allowed to make $$$$ Trillions $$$$ from protecting the opium poppy fields that the Taliban were previously burning down (the Taliban was originally an anti-narcotics militia, they were sick of all corruption and death the heroin fields were producing in their own nation!) The US Govt and ZOG cronies made mad bank $$$$ protecting the poppy fields and then shipping the refined heroin into the Western World!!! FACT.

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3913e2  No.254033


PS: about that "Apple CP spying" thread…… THIS would be the kind of content getting people red flagged and put under digital surveillance these days!

>>254030 (reference)

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f05e47  No.254034


But the U.S. pulled out of Afghanistan and the Taliban are back in charge. Why would anon be watched for posting something our new government agrees with?

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8aa7bb  No.254037


Good question. I believe the reason is because those that have been calling the shots and pulling the strings know that the American Empire is only a few years, at best, from major economic crisis due to debt insolvency and conditions are becoming very much similar to the USSR before they faced a collapse. If you have been paying attention to current events it's pretty easy to see we are living in a vastly declining Empire right now. And at this point, the Taliban are the least of their worries, they're focused on maintaining power and control after the next major economic collapse. They wouldn't want the US Federal Reserve being the third central bank to be abolished in US history, would they? They wouldn't want us taking back our country or something like the Turner Diaries to happen either, would they? They now have more important issues to deal with, at least that is what I suspect.

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f05e47  No.254038

File: 94e211db75f098b⋯.jpg (52.35 KB, 1106x445, 1106:445, DailyStormer_siege.JPG)


>They wouldn't want us taking back our country or something like the Turner Diaries to happen either, would they?

Well, considering the Turner Diaries is shilled by Jews loyal to Israel, Western ZOG governments are counting on an uprising. As more normal Americans and Europeans wake-up to the Jewish Problem it's important for Jews, Zionist and Bolshevik alike, to make the issue seem as unreasonable and dangerous as possible. The people simply want justice, the Jew wants to repeat WW2.

The U.S. has turned against Israel and our laws are beginning to reflect that change. Zionist, Bolshevik, Neo-Nazi, Marxist… all controlled opposition and once they're out of the way true American patriots, educated on the Jewish Problem and how both sides of all conflicts are controlled by Jews, will either reconcile with the newly liberated United States government or overcome the old.

That's just my hot take and predictions of certain outcomes.

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