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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 8cec4c1f71eaaf2⋯.png (26.27 KB, 757x342, 757:342, apple.png)

2f59b4  No.254013

A dark day for Johnny Neptroon.

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2f59b4  No.254019

All day 4/pol/ has been spammed with Siege/DailyStormer/TRS shit. Meanwhile, Neptroon is nowhere to be found on 8kun. Imagine my surprise. That weak limp-wristed Israel shit is working double-time in worry xD

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0e8dda  No.254024


Holy shit /pnd/ is so damn naive today. This is not about "protecting children" at all. This is about red flagging those who are spreading content the State deems to be 'a threat' to their control and who dismantle their lies (propaganda). They're using CP as an excuse for carte blanch surveillance and red flagging people now. Anyone using these products have to be dumb as fuck.

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2f59b4  No.254026


>This is about red flagging those who are spreading content the State deems to be 'a threat' to their control and who dismantle their lies (propaganda).

Nazbols, NatSocs, and other forms of Jewish controlled opposition?

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169126  No.254030


Our government doesn't go after Jews, they protect them. Remember? They'll red flag those calling out their bullshit lies though. They'll go after you if you try to organize legitimate protests or if you are spreading damning information that exposes the corrupt bastards and their (mostly Jewish) cronies.

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2f59b4  No.254031

File: 54cdedb13028918⋯.png (17.13 KB, 535x261, 535:261, israel_abandoned_3.PNG)


>Our government doesn't go after Jews, they protect them. Remember?

Yes but the thing to consider is how the government protects Jews and what they're protecting Jews from.

How is through Jewish groups like the ADL.

Why is because Jews themselves promote "anti-Semitism" to ensure their own groups receive funding, recognition, and impunity.

I have no problem with our government going after (((Neo-Nazis))), (((Bolsheviks))), and other Jewish controlled opposition.

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5995f3  No.254095

File: d278f206b4beaa6⋯.mp4 (11.37 MB, 854x480, 427:240, km_20210806_12_480p.mp4)



( converting doesn't count, because a cockroach is a cockroach, and will never become a legitimate KIKEROACH)

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5995f3  No.254097

File: ae3bf6f340276a0⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, km_20210806_13_1080p.mp4)

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2f59b4  No.254133



>I don't know what Sephardim means

Why are the dumbest people always the loudest?

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