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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: eb2a60837720efc⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1165x1080, 233:216, PicsArt_08_03_12_53_10.png)

7e3856  No.253436

the new /PND/ RULES have only been in effect for an hour, and there are already several people trying to break the rules.

the only reason that they're breaking the rules is because they realize they are not 100% White

From now on, if you cannot produce a verifiable DNA test result, YOU CANNOT POST IN /PND/

nigger kikeroach

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7e3856  No.253437

File: 4635d8c4e94a862⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1141x1080, 1141:1080, PicsArt_08_03_12_57_44.png)

ANYBODY can PRETEND to be 100% white

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705ae8  No.253447


I did this a couple years ago. Frisian/Dutch + Non-Turkish Eastern European and 23andMe tosses in the "1% ashkenazi" on literally every test to try to stamp out antisemitism.

So, if you consider Frisians and non-Turkish Romanians to be White, then I can post.

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7e3856  No.253456


Upload the results with verifiable identification and I will reimburse you the cost of the test

It currently costs $99

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7e3856  No.253457


I offered to reimburse everybody $99 each for the cost of their verifiable DNA ancestry test results

And I'm a man of my word

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705ae8  No.253487


>dox yourself, pls

No thanks and I don't need the $99 because I'm not a nigger.

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