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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 5f625625c30f123⋯.png (48.67 KB, 856x402, 428:201, hamas_1.PNG)

File: fcec42667402367⋯.png (106.94 KB, 1313x968, 1313:968, hamas_2.PNG)

File: d97187bbf95ff22⋯.png (57.83 KB, 1158x481, 1158:481, hamas_3.PNG)

783ff2  No.250260

Palestinians are becoming redpilled on (((Hamas))). Next they'll realize the Palestinian Authority is Mossad.


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159b21  No.250276

peoples are more aware of what's going on.

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783ff2  No.250279

File: 5de09d97408cc2f⋯.gif (298.76 KB, 500x266, 250:133, accelerate.gif)


it certainly seems that way

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084212  No.250379

palestinians can't call the police if they see terrorist activity. if they tell Israel, then Israel will flatten the homes of everyone who lives in the same building.

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783ff2  No.250383

File: 9d63560cb314273⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 3016x2256, 377:282, Greater_Israel_ISIS.jpg)


israelis are the terrorists.

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eed690  No.250385


They are actually the largest terrorist in the USA and then due to their ideologies, governments and religions, by extension the largest terrorists the world has ever seen. We have the data in the USA and jews are 100% the biggest murderer/terrorists followed closely by spics.

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783ff2  No.250386

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