>they even harass my liberal piece of shit gran when she comes from her posh area to me, they realized it was my gran and quickly stopped as ive fucked up every child and their fathers mothers any one in the area they know me, the one even asked me that your mom?..
>drove this afternoon nearly got knocked into 3 times they cant fuck drive.
>im strong really fukin strong they see my skin they try something ad quickly realize DONT! because i look at them like i want to kill them, and thats because I WANT TO FUCKING KILL THEM!!!
>Usually i wouldve attacked as soon as i sensed something was off and by attack i usually check are there cops cars around cameras to determine what extent of damage(hopefully fatal, or it will be you!) can i inflict and what weapon can i use, ive just got an injury and would like to return to weights and boxing mma asap instead of aggravate my injury.
>Imagine what they would do to an average or some skinny or fat white, they will attack you o the regular trust me!
>your 1st choice should be a gun or a knife or a rock, never ever fists 1st with these guys, you will end up dead killed by someone physically inferior to you in everyway, Never ever expect its just going to be one on one, even random niggers may help his nigger ally against white, you should be outnumbering them 2 3 4 20 of you fighting one of them every chance you get and attack first, these guys have no honor.
>times this by a 100 for any white women they suffer far worse and more danger and easier target.
>This is what is coming to you and this isnt anywhere close to a really bad day for me this is typical.
>i fukin hate the rich people that have done this i wish i could flood there neighborhoods with these niggers so they can suffer, while instead they selfishly want to make themselves feel like they are better than you virtue signaling for sole reason so they can pretend they are better than you SCUMBAG FILTH. If i could i would literally torture all these rich and liberal whites till they begged for a permanent end, and i would not give it i would prefer they suffered for years.
>whites here drop like flies you always hear about this white house got broken into and shot or stabbed to death etc etc.
>there are literal torture horror stories of what they do
>i could go on forever and shock you worse than any nightmare or your imagination
>This is really no Fucking joke this is what is coming to you, you really cant have any mercy for any sympathizers liberals traitors whores cucks rich virtue signalers, little caps etc you really need to attack them first, this is no fukin joke man.
>forever throughout history people have fought for what they believe in, left vs right, religious vs atheist whatever it may be, but the system doesnt even allow you to fight for what you people want, the system supports the leftists that are causing your humiliation nightmare and extinction.
> you need to make palestine your main cause "they" big nose little caps are the biggest causes to oppress you and destroy you as they need to sacrifice you for greater isreal, your countries culture everything, every time there is a uproar about palestine theres a counter cancer distraction, 9/11, nukes in iraq, feminism, blm, the latest was a literal overdosed fetanyl nigger that made no sense anyone would protest for it was all orchestrated the same time as those video of Palestinians getting shot came out.
>you need to team up with antifa convince other right wingers and spread this as much as possible the system need to go once the system is gone you can fight for what you believe in, until then it all HOPELESS. once system down you can take out antifa leftists liberals etc.
>check pic image posted this is the system
>Im banned from pol and other sites for being REAL and a non bot, so you can copy paste or whatever to spread this.