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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: bd9eec28873e377⋯.png (134.71 KB, 1740x872, 435:218, _free_.png)

4f60c1  No.249826

Have you or someone you know ever been imprisoned for saying "nigger" aggressively at a nigger? If so, first of all thank you for your service in the Great American Racewar. Second, did you happen to notice the judge penalized you, like, at all? Due to a Supreme Court decision all the way back in 1942, it is currently not protected by the first amendment to say a word towards someone that is known to instigate violent acts.

The only idea I have is some martyr hangs around nigger bars until someone calls him a "cracker" or "whitey", act like a nigger yourself, then find a lawyer who is willing to take this current discrepancy in how the law is applied up to the Supreme Court. Then win the case and no guarantees there. Needless to say, this is a pretty bad plan, but it's a starting point to stimulate a brainstorm. Whaddaya got?

Side note: I noticed this in the first place when I wanted to learn what speech is not legal as indicated by the 8kun splash page

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caa4d1  No.249831

File: f5ba409dd89141d⋯.jpg (58.58 KB, 600x809, 600:809, bawwww.jpg)


>m-m-mommy why do my actions have consequences?! D: D: D: D: D: D:

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549882  No.249873


"FREEDOM" is an imaginary concept used to brainwash you since you were a child, and "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" is an irrelevant concept for irrelevant people.

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549882  No.249874


America is number 17 on the list regarding nations with personal freedoms….

New Zealand is number one…

And the world would be a much better place if everybody exercised their right to SHUT THE FUCK UP because nobody gives a fuck about your opinion or my opinion or anybody else's opinion

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549882  No.249875

File: cce775e549a74b4⋯.png (692.5 KB, 2155x1080, 431:216, PicsArt_07_22_03_18_31.png)


there… I helped you fix it

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549882  No.249876

I challenge you to name even ONE TIME that voicing your opinion made a difference, or any discernible benefit you've ever received from your imaginary freedom

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38e41f  No.249902

File: 8de52cb4ad2c8c1⋯.png (134.61 KB, 1790x890, 179:89, translation_of_black_into_….png)

homosexuales suscipiendi sunt Iudaeorum

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