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File: 931640f5faa39dd⋯.png (22.23 KB, 1076x890, 538:445, Screen_Shot_2021_07_20_at_….png)

488615  No.249710

every single person here is a retard

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7339ad  No.249723

A retard is an Op that sages his own thread's first post.

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fd8f99  No.249741

File: 80646df0973f1dc⋯.jpg (38.5 KB, 411x381, 137:127, op_i_literally_cannot_stop….jpg)

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1b64bf  No.249752


there's onlythreeof them who come here

and they're not "retarded"… they're simply inadequate, never learned how to fit in at school, never learned how to attract girls, never learned how to integrate into society, and spend their lives isolated sitting in three stinky computer chairs playing videogames, masturbating to porn, and larping in here…

because they're unaccomplished lonely losers, each of them suffers from inferiority complexes, and as any schoolchild can tell you, ALL inferiority complexes result in the textbook manifestation of a false "superior self" fagshow…

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1b64bf  No.249753


unironically, allthreeof them harbor animosity towards females… they harbor animosity for men who get pussy… they harbor animosity for anybody who's socially adjusted…

And they harbor animosity for people who are successful, which is why they found it so comfortable to 'spraypaint' themselves with the cliché predictable trendy "anti jew" fashion statement

thesethreelonely, failed, pathetic loners somehow inadvertently stumbled across eachother's paths, and since this is the first time they've ever felt like they 'finally fit in', they desperately cling to their imaginary sense of belonging, and come here all day, every day, and every night…

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d0c8d1  No.249807


>every single person here is a retard

And you are here…

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72d31a  No.249810

File: a7c1fd647ed3ad6⋯.jpg (241.82 KB, 1440x1504, 45:47, 234.jpg)

no u

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