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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 2c331304f8aa6aa⋯.png (844.49 KB, 800x445, 160:89, sa.png)

File: 967ca46a46e756c⋯.png (5.4 MB, 7125x5700, 5:4, South_Africa_Infotable.png)

bf3aac  No.249656

Columbia University President: ‘Critical Race Theory’ is ‘Urgent and Necessary’

>Lee Bollinger, president of Columbia University, believes that Critical Race Theory is “urgent and necessary.”

>Columbia News interviewed several Columbia Law School professors to explain CRT, as well as efforts from Republicans to “demonize” it.

>“Critical race theory and the essential scholarship it has advanced may challenge many long-held views, but that is what makes this work so urgent and necessary,” Bollinger told the outlet. “I could not be more proud that it is taking place at Columbia. This is, after all, what makes universities such vital institutions in society.”


This happens when at the same time South Africa burns because of Critical Race Theory imposed by jews and their communist puppet government. The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice.

South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the jewish ruling class.




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bf3aac  No.249657

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7dc724  No.249658

Columbia University is where the Frankfurt School went when they fled Germany.

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b9943e  No.249716


> Critical race theory may challenge many long-held views, but that is what makes this work so urgent and necessary,

Committing mass murder challenges many long-held views.

Shouting nigger in a crowded theater challenges many long-held views.

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af0d1b  No.249904

Communism was founded to counter what Marx claims to have "huckstering as their worldly religion, money as their jealous god"

A shame it was appropriated by the same huckstering-religion money-worshipers.

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