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File: 49d21ef31e32d85⋯.png (51.89 KB, 990x453, 330:151, world_is_zog.PNG)

0614da  No.249205

Wow.. it's almost like the entire world is ZOG, geo-politics is theater for the dumb masses and gullible 'intellectuals,' and the only solution is total annihilation.. just like Moarpenis said.


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711a0d  No.249236

Wayne Madsen mapped all this out 15 years ago; the Saudi Royal family were originally Kuwaiti jewish merchants that were put into power in Saudi Arabia by T. E. Lawrence during WWI and the utter collapse of the Ottoman Empire.


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0614da  No.249237

File: 9269dc133644d3a⋯.png (787.84 KB, 970x878, 485:439, _wayne_madsen_.PNG)


Don't worry, Wayne. After we rekt the Zionists we're coming for the Bolsheviks.

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0614da  No.249245

File: 9d83da5a9e6f2af⋯.jpg (188.97 KB, 1026x1390, 513:695, bolshevik_future_is_bolshe….jpg)

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844f1b  No.249311

Yep, best to make fun of it and make sure all the blame goes to the top and they fuck things up like they usually do. Because the only way they can get Gods attention is when they kill millions of people.

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0614da  No.249314


checks out

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711a0d  No.249319


according to that logic Max Kaiser is a Bolshevik too?

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0614da  No.249335

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