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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b42d2562a43b855⋯.png (92.7 KB, 400x378, 200:189, kitty_moon.png)

102f81  No.248347

Through mapping the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) sea-level rise scenarios, flooding thresholds and astronomical cycles, researchers found flooding in American coastal cities could be several multiples worse in the 2030s, when the next moon "wobble" is expected to begin. They expect the flooding to significantly damage infrastructure and displace communities.


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740d89  No.248349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ridiculous Wobble

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740d89  No.248351


50% of the people reading this will be dead by 2031

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ececa3  No.248355

File: e2d617dd7071817⋯.png (177.71 KB, 622x672, 311:336, Killcen.png)

let's get down wit da end times niggaz!

hyperinflationary collapse

end times prophesy leave you gob-smacked

tit-for-tats with 9mm gats

wuhan bio-engineered viruses from bats

biowarfare for profits, vaccine rats

WWIII without nations, geo-engineering global starvation

toxic suffocation, monetary strangulation

mind control for slave domestication

endless propaganda regurgitation

censorship gags the global population

as they die off in end times tribulations

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2bf347  No.248369


lol so what? Just go put a magazine under the moon's gimp leg and move on.

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f09bbd  No.248381

Could we please build a wall around these coastal cities? I don't want millions of urban leftist refugees spilling into our humble towns and small communities out yonder.

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a4710d  No.248439


> 50% of the people reading this will be dead by 2031

a lot sooner if the vaccine does what it's supposed to

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