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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: adbfba70a31c949⋯.jpg (91.39 KB, 1080x729, 40:27, Jews_Arent_Human.jpg)

339faf  No.247596

>“Humanity isn’t ready,” professor and retired Israeli general Haim Eshed said this week, during an interview with the Hebrew-language paper Yediot Aharonot. Eshed told the paper that aliens are already among us on Earth, and that several species have formed a “Galactic Federation” akin to the one seen in Star Trek, according to translations by the Jerusalem Post.


So Jews and their shabbos goy are aliens from another dimension, secretly living among humans, acquiring wealth and status, until finally they've conquered the world and subjugated the human race..? Sounds like a great story to me. But I wouldn't let any back-seat writers suggest that it takes an alien to defeat an alien. The ending wouldn't be the same. Instead humanity as a whole, led by an as of now unknown chosen or even a group of chosens, must defeat them. Much better story.

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339faf  No.247597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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339faf  No.247598

File: 7548f9e5fcfe540⋯.webm (561.17 KB, 840x676, 210:169, TayTay_Jews_arent_Human.webm)

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0dde98  No.247851

File: 5a7d6f6f38a4abb⋯.jpg (169.24 KB, 990x600, 33:20, alien_queen_deluxe_alien.jpg)

We know who the jews are.

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339faf  No.247854

File: 21298f27975427f⋯.jpg (63.98 KB, 793x396, 793:396, Jew_alien.jpg)

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