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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: bb4dd169e98b623⋯.png (1.37 MB, 2034x1337, 2034:1337, 1625960369674.png)

3d8788  No.247286

Time for the Saturday containment thread. Where is the autistic sperg? Get in here and stay here until the weekend is over. You have proven you're to be unreliable, irresponsible and frankly, embarrassing. You sit here in this thread and sperg like the autistic you are while the grown ups have meaningful conversations. If anyone catches the sperg please redirect him back to here. His tale tells sign is autistic sperging in thr form of spaced dialog in an autistic and spergy way, he likes to post this photo because he projects. And you'll see his i.d makes most of the comments on a thread (hence why I'm starting a weekly containment thread) but he also switches his i.d because his obvious autistic sperging is obvious with an i.d. please. Lets clean this board up of autistic sperges.

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ffafa8  No.247288

File: 11e583dfd6f2592⋯.jpg (113.81 KB, 934x585, 934:585, Preference_4_Freedom.jpg)


(You) must be new.

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3d8788  No.247290


Not totally. I was here before that q board showed up. And just because this place was dead and open for the autistic sperg, doesn't mean he gets to stay when a new group moves in. He sucks, he sucks something hard, he admitted to his intentions of not wanting to be liked by anyone, he's addmited to letting his fat wife control his movie time, he's just a bad apple. Full of sperg and autism. If he's gonna stay he needs to stay in this thread like a good autist.

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ffafa8  No.247291

File: 5464ffb52dd04fb⋯.jpg (727.44 KB, 2042x2048, 1021:1024, PicsArt_05_30_08_33_49.jpg)

File: 11b3cb4b8cee219⋯.jpg (160.28 KB, 900x495, 20:11, PicsArt_03_30_09_07_30.jpg)

File: 2b3419720f537e6⋯.jpg (173.19 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_02_29_06_13_50.jpg)

File: 1bdfd2b9e31fcc2⋯.jpg (276.76 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, PicsArt_01_25_08_15_37.jpg)

File: 000538058a9460b⋯.jpg (362.67 KB, 1920x1440, 4:3, Jewny_Nigturd_JKI.jpg)


While all true, you're still stuck with him. /pnd/ is his containment board! Good luck with creating containment threads for him. It's better to not announce them but make them impossible to resist for him, like pro-Trump or something… Then he contains himself! As for getting rid of him, he's obsessed with spreading diarrhea and making people miserable. There are more like him, but he is a fine example of his kind. He should be avoided and minimal interaction is recommended.

t. someone wIth experience

The Neptune Whisperer

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3d8788  No.247292


You're here aren't you? You're good enough to be stupid enough be here in this thread if you aren't already yhe eternal sperg. I'll be watching you.

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896c20  No.247293

It's Sabbath. Johnny is at temple with his Jewish wife.

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25b721  No.247304


best post of 2021

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10cb9d  No.247310


You win the internet for the night.

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10cb9d  No.247326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This late at night?

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