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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e0cd99230453a28⋯.png (25.28 KB, 1042x284, 521:142, HAITI.PNG)

68b420  No.247284

Haiti was Mossad's attempt at framing the United States. And people know.


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807b8f  No.247327

File: aa28fb38165c526⋯.jpg (71.4 KB, 492x559, 492:559, 3_countries_have_refused_c….jpg)

Framing? They are all fucking jews.

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a04790  No.247420

No at this point the US government works for Mossad. And those are still Amarican Assassins. We kill the president of Haiti for not fallowing Amarican orders… I really am starting to hate this country for legitimate reasons like our government actually being a Mafia State and not actually respecting human rights.

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68b420  No.247422


>it's not the israel

fuck off israel

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807b8f  No.247471

File: 55d5439edfde740⋯.jpg (43.87 KB, 410x216, 205:108, 5_countries_5_dead_preside….jpg)


>Amarican orders

This has absolutely nothing to do with nation states. It is much larger than that and I am still doing the digging to figure out who the real culprit is. It is the implementation of a BioTerrorist Global world order. Do any of you really think that 'you will own nothing and be happy' doesn't also include the rights to your own bodies and perhaps even your own soul?

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807b8f  No.247472

File: 4677eb5a3e9639a⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 711x3936, 237:1312, organic_prepper_own_nothin….jpg)

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68b420  No.247873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Haitian police claim Florida-based doctor was mastermind of president's assassination

>The national police chief indicated that he believes a Florida-based doctor, Christian Emmanuel Sanon, was plotting to assume the presidency. The U.S. dispatched a team to assist in the investigation.

<It's white people, not the Jews!


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37022a  No.247886


>implying the United States needs Jewish subversion to be global murderers

Nobody's framing the US, faggot. The US is guilty as fuck.

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68b420  No.247891

File: b9b84c3d35d59e5⋯.jpg (127.79 KB, 564x633, 188:211, Misdirection.jpg)

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8f1709  No.248035


It's normal. Although most people don't hate their country or fellow citizens, they hate their oppressive corrupt governments. And rightly so.

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