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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: cf2976a6bdd2203⋯.png (575.83 KB, 925x578, 925:578, The_World_Wants_America.png)

7c06d9  No.247264[Last 50 Posts]

Unlike Communism and Judaism, the world actually wants and needs America. The world also wants and needs us to stop being the attack-dog of Israel. Everyone is tired of that fake state and their abominable "people."

The sooner we annihilate world Jewry the better for everyone.

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6123b8  No.247268

Nobody wants or needs the JEW-S-A

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b453d3  No.247270

Don't be a fool. They brought those troops home so that they could be used against White Americans by the kike government. They aren't for niggers.

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7c06d9  No.247271

File: bd4a81abe48aa94⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1920x1041, 640:347, never_again_2.jpg)


You don't think the world is willing to exchange their Jews for their version of pic related?

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b453d3  No.247272


There is only one place (or people) that picture could ever occur and it certainly won't happen in some AIDS infested subhuman shithole.

The very 'best' neighborhood of the richest people in africa is too ghetto scary to even consider living in for a White person.

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7c06d9  No.247273


You're not wrong. I believe though that civilized people have a duty to civilize others. Not at great personal expense to the civilized, of course, but as a past-time. It's possible to give all peoples a satisfactory experience in this reality if we remove the greatest obstacle to their success: Judaism.

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b453d3  No.247275


Fuck that shit. Simply remove subhumans. Problem solved and Whites can enjoy paradise forever.

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7c06d9  No.247276


Removing a problem from sight isn't solving the problem. Settling on not solving the problem is a sign of weakness and inferiority.

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b453d3  No.247277


Who said anything about removing them from sight? I meant totally remove and leave a White only planet.

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7c06d9  No.247281


Genocide? That's what Jews and niggers do LMAO I don't think you'll be welcome in the ethnostate..

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b453d3  No.247348


It won't be an ethnostate long unless you complete the war. There has never not been a war. It has always raged. You can't stop it and neither can your government. They only thing that can stop it is a White Ethnoglobe.

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6bd24e  No.247363

File: 54ef997c86d8afb⋯.jpg (251.38 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_05_59.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247364

File: 6ad4a4e5f3dd6c5⋯.jpg (280.76 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_24_14.jpg)


Marshmallow Sally™

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6bd24e  No.247365

File: 0891d58537b8400⋯.jpg (260.77 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_22_16.jpg)


and when your mother calls you LITTLE HIMMLER

it's because your parents have seen you naked

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6bd24e  No.247366

File: 2efc37e41688113⋯.jpg (301.23 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_04_39.jpg)



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6bd24e  No.247367

File: f6853bd0e91ce02⋯.jpg (225.03 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_02_42.jpg)



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6bd24e  No.247368

File: 78f74e405ccc0c1⋯.jpg (260.69 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_19_51.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247369

File: caed11791b49aca⋯.jpg (247.93 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_03_44.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247370

File: f7a46bd45d9caec⋯.jpg (238.45 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_39_43.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247371

File: 13d93f3a35df59c⋯.jpg (256.43 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_21_28.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247372

File: add5eeee84f50b9⋯.jpg (241.55 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_01_36.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247373

File: b509557cfb78ce8⋯.jpg (48.49 KB, 414x500, 207:250, 514Wa3YvnwL_AC_SY780_.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247374

File: d9b9c729a72d9d8⋯.jpg (250.35 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_51_53.jpg)

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7c06d9  No.247375


War evolves as intelligence progresses. You're still stuck in the rock throwing stage of war.

>Grug kill!

>Grug burn with fire!

We have to take things to a whole new level if we mean to ever answer the Jewish Question.

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6bd24e  No.247376

File: e2257eb39f072c0⋯.jpg (258.85 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_04_07.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247377

File: f16d35577f076af⋯.jpg (256.53 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_38_10.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247378

File: 4191abc01ca7bf3⋯.jpg (226.25 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_39_15.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247379

File: ba19cff0fc23136⋯.jpg (281.22 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_20_10.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247380

File: 9d597d12cdc67ab⋯.jpg (310.24 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_22_17.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247381

File: c2988e31ac364a5⋯.jpg (234.31 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_45_30.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247382

File: d390ad20f7dfd8a⋯.jpg (259.18 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_18_15.jpg)



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6bd24e  No.247383

File: 1ea4d65e6afdd99⋯.jpg (191.62 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_16_29.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247384

File: c8f8169b3331fe6⋯.jpg (245.78 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_16_48.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247385

File: 70e7eb8d5254233⋯.jpg (201.8 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_15_26.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247386

File: 35218cb755f91be⋯.jpg (258.84 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_03_04.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247387

File: 412ea8971730a2a⋯.jpg (260.44 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_11_05_27.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247388

File: 16e54df73b38732⋯.jpg (234.7 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_51_35.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247389

File: 1579b75aa47e4e8⋯.jpg (245.24 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_46_09.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247390

File: 5ca828c8a8af3cd⋯.jpg (274.54 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_36_26.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247391

File: 204aea327d336f8⋯.jpg (248.12 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_40_11.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247392

File: b59063b30a638f7⋯.jpg (245.14 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_37_01.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247393

File: 0778ffa8e33feb9⋯.jpg (263.46 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_30_01.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247394

File: 733e6a69dc87e49⋯.jpg (272.42 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_28_29.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247395

File: 19a1e6421dcd00a⋯.jpg (310.62 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_01_01.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6bd24e  No.247397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

talentless sissy

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6bd24e  No.247398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6bd24e  No.247401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


D&D warlock black robe heavy metal guy

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6bd24e  No.247402

File: 36d740fd5917e7a⋯.jpg (239.46 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_52_10.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247403

File: 85ef4221d2b712a⋯.jpg (276.76 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_26_55.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247404

File: 88acc987fe91271⋯.jpg (298.21 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_22_46.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247405

File: 4d449721c28c491⋯.jpg (261.42 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_41_11.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247406

File: 04f7905d153ee23⋯.jpg (243.73 KB, 1643x1080, 1643:1080, PicsArt_07_10_10_29_02.jpg)

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6bd24e  No.247407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f0d7fa  No.247409

Haiti needs the help of ethnic cleansing

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75d9f7  No.247410

I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams.

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7c06d9  No.247411

File: b7122b65446f5ca⋯.png (53.92 KB, 2618x646, 77:19, unbounded.png)

bump for more kvetching

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7c06d9  No.247412

File: 7ec632922b9fbe7⋯.gif (1011.72 KB, 740x900, 37:45, spoopy_2.gif)



last two digits of posts and seconds are mirrored (19 = 1+9 = 10)

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7c06d9  No.247413

File: af08b7829ae2574⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 275x252, 275:252, magic.gif)

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