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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: f21ec30e54060b4⋯.png (14.71 KB, 720x320, 9:4, 19963385_F294_426D_BDB0_4E….png)

File: b8862859171af74⋯.png (15.14 KB, 750x320, 75:32, A27AD671_1D7E_479D_8418_33….png)

e3e705  No.246900

Thank me later

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024b5b  No.246905


Nobody's going to thank you for retardation.

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2e4205  No.246944


Blow Me Later, Videogame Faggotboy……

is there ANYTHING that comes out of your brain thatDOESN'Tinvolve videogames and imageboards?

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2e4205  No.246945


this was your "shining moment", huh ?

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2e4205  No.246999



Open your bedroom door and yell thank you down the hallway…

Thank her for coddling you as a child, enabling you to become an effeminate lonely sissy boy, trapped in the body of an adult male, who sits isolated all by himself in his stinky little bedroom, playing video games and convincing himself that he's some kind of superior elite genius.

Thank her for continuing to pay your internet bills, feed you, and allow you to continue making excuses about why you can't go get a job.

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