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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: edc252da3580e17⋯.gif (4.13 MB, 480x386, 240:193, biden_deal_with_it_4.gif)

0b3a6e  No.246830

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fdea5f  No.246952

File: 1c3c89fd5bee762⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 800x526, 400:263, 1c3c89fd5bee7621ab6bd7b582….jpg)


It's FRIDAY AGAIN, lonely boy

and yet another lonely weekend of videogames, pornography, imageboards and social rejection has begun again

you fucking douchebucket

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fdea5f  No.246953


boring fucking parrot

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fdea5f  No.246954


by the way, soon you will begin to notice a lot more outsiders entering this board, ridiculing you, making observations about your ineptitude

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fdea5f  No.246955


I've decided to invite some people to come here and demonstrate your inability to stand up for yourself… .

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fdea5f  No.246956


there's onlythreeof you in here

so it won't take many people to outnumber you effeminate sissies, take the fun out of it for you, and send you packing

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fdea5f  No.246957



because you're unemployed

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fdea5f  No.246958

no job, no girlfriend, no wife…..

the disenfranchised sexless adult male continues

whining and pouting online……

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003973  No.246973


I welcome that anon. We need more people here to read news and openly debate. What we do not need is more hate. There is plenty of unnecessary hate on this board already, we need more constructive criticism, mostly about real life events, political/economic issues and other such thorny topics.

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fdea5f  No.247014


Very well worded

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fdea5f  No.247018


Politics, news and debates :

THREEthings you'll never find on this board

THREEpathetic angry disenfranchised lonely unaccomplished unemployed adult males: the only things you ever see in here anymore

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b3721d  No.247042


> post something critical of israel

< immediately get six extremely emotional posts on a totally different topic

That shows this guy is overly protective of israel so you know who he works for and what he is.

Just keep that in mind when you see his act in other threads.

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03e11f  No.247052



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7ca5d6  No.247211


I am going to play GENOCIDE ALL SUBHUMANS. It is a game of global strategy that results in the extermination of everything that is worthless and unproductive. If you win, you get a literal paradise and the ability to travel to the stars and make a White galactic Empire that spans galaxies and eventually spawns its own universe. If you lose you stay here and chat with that kike fagbot.

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0b3a6e  No.247259

File: 24e735301e3586d⋯.gif (610.96 KB, 500x281, 500:281, biden_deal_with_it_3.gif)

this guy makes JIDF and lonely Jewish housewives seethe

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