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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: ae7b33741ae388f⋯.jpg (188.58 KB, 1311x845, 1311:845, Jew_influence_dying.jpg)

f91dd6  No.246829

Jew influence is dying.

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2a2bf9  No.246836


Nope. Just getting bored and moving on to the next thing.

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f91dd6  No.246838


>nuh uh we're still influential!

lmao kys

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2a2bf9  No.246839


Every few years a new thing comes along that takes over pretty much everything. You're either too young or too dumb to have noticed.

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09f6bc  No.246979



But the reason she can't sell anything is because 90% of ZOG accounts have fake bot 'followers' to prop their names into the mainstream in attempt to subvert minds.

Guess what? I've never even followed yuppy Jews from Pedowood. Don't know who she is, never heard of her and simply do not care! But I do know my local pals I hang around from time to time to drink a beer and have pit fires. Those are the kinds of people who matter to me in life!

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09f6bc  No.246981

Get your kids off the TV and get them off all those 'smart' gadgets! Take them out fishing sometime. Don't let the commies subvert the youth!

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add360  No.247057

Xhe looks like a tranny on hormone therapy. An ugly anglo jew tranny.

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c4f07e  No.247087



The market was flooded with too much low quality shit so it's time to make a new market

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148262  No.247094


Zero evidence for claim.

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11f18d  No.247102

File: f4e931e84988e0d⋯.jpg (24.61 KB, 474x464, 237:232, 1584335175588.jpg)







Influencers never made money because the millions of followers were often bots from the audits people have done on the accounts, even celebrities like katie perry, seth rogen have mostly bots retweeting them. This has been the game forever I still have Instagram scripts that can artificially become popular in weeks while normies ask how I become so popular so quick.

The (((influencers))) that did make money were always directly related to jews or somebody already rich or running a scam like fuckjerry kike stealing copyright memes. Same goes for onlyfans.

Social media is entirely bots and 3rd world shitskins at best. Which why i don't get why retards post twitter screen caps of leftards or right wing owning leftards because both accounts are shared by bots. Majority of people lurk at most. But anybody who repost twitter screen shots of any kid is indeed a kike or a kike site, to keep (((twitters))) influence relevant on the rest of the internet. Really goes to show I hate that Trumps on twitter pushed on commietards was a mindfuck to get magatards to pay attention to twitter as a (((source))) and to get specific user metrics on right wing people.

The real scam is they told useless people they can be useless and make money which was just to get the retards to use the social media platform to boost the real user ratio for advertising.

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