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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 2b44c50a725ae5a⋯.jpg (46.77 KB, 508x468, 127:117, TSZ.jpg)

b252a1  No.246440

I interpret that the alienation that many feel today, and the general degradation of society belong to one primary cause - that the wellspring of culture is now upstream of the people.

Before, it was communities that dictated norms and followed rules that became tradition. Culture was passed down from generation to generation with oral tradition and practices that were followed by the youngest, then passed down and so on. When advertising and governments wanted to gain power, they needed to appeal to the culture that already existed to gain support and respect from the people they were serving. The people had power to dictate the narrative that they would accept and that would shape their lives. The system was intact.

Somewhere near the dawn of women's suffrage, high divorce rates, single-parent households. Television became a surrogate parent. The balance of power became distorted. Now those who are appealing to the people have the power to both create the narrative that is tradition and to shape it to best serve their interests. Instead of the mothers and elders of society shaping the youth, it was Mad Men in marketing headquarters.

Culture is now being cultivated in board rooms, by analytics, and applied psychology to maximize added-value of a life.

This creates a very fertile landscape for the monetarily motivated. Hence the rise of hustle and grind culture, and the extreme disparity present.

Now the sensation that something is wrong, and unnatural to those inclined becomes prevalent and more disturbing.

Those who cannot recognize that the culture that exists now is not their people's become simple worker bees; NPC's or hylics if you like. The shadow of mankind consumes all, and the spiritual self within is left to rot, as it cannot coexist with the plastic culture that it encounters in realms of social media, games, TV, and radio.

A great unease exists within us, and the self that longs to forge tradition is crying to break out. Let it. Be free.

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50a78c  No.246443


I fear the only solution is to do your best to break away from the system, as much as you can without it negatively impacting your life and well being that is. Yes we still need running water and electricity, so I'm not talking about breaking away from the industrialized society totally. But we should focus on becoming more self-sufficient, independent and move away from crowded corporate-dominated urban areas. Support local. Live a humble, more traditional life. Homeschool your kids or send them to a private school or a local homeschooling network. Boycott TV service. Boycott Big Pharma as much as you can and eat healthier diets. Raise livestock and garden. Etc.

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7786a1  No.246468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Become a Mennonite.

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b252a1  No.246502


Agreed, a plot of land and a cabin sound quite appealing in a time like this. With starlink you can even get internet without having a wired connection, but I fear that the internet can be as corrupting as it is enlightening.

The true question is how we return to tradition as a society, it is easy to feel helpless as an individual and run from problems. But every problem has a solution, and it's possible our calls will be answered, and our voices heard.

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c2996f  No.247330

File: ec90ec9f2590db2⋯.jpg (93.09 KB, 815x800, 163:160, the_adoration_of_the_magi.jpg)


Was the Renaissance "traditional"?

At the time it was deeply alarming to traditionalists. For example almost everyone has an immense admiration for Leonardo Da Vinci's Adoration of the Magi. But it was never finished; the monks that commissioned it became alarmed by the violent contortions of the characters in the painting and paid Leonardo and sent him packing. It was too far outside of what was acceptable in its time. The painting sort of gathered dust in a storage room at the monastery until it was discovered during the Victorian era.

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