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File: 7a2ad39c3d69ea3⋯.jpg (58.49 KB, 480x360, 4:3, videoplayback.jpg)

1c0ba4  No.245979[Last 50 Posts]

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16d349  No.246033


It's because of the camera. Before the camera became common, people didn't smile that much.

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6cd276  No.246035



Old cameras would take a long time to set up properly to take a photographic print due to the fact cameras back in the day were bulky, heavy, had big bulbs that could only be used one time (one bulb per shot), etc. One photograph session could take up 25 minutes back in the 1920s and 1930s. That is why they didn't smile, it wasn't a pleasant experience to sit in front of a camera waiting for the photographer to take the shot.

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595218  No.246040


we smile because it feels so good to know how bad you have it over there….

feels good, man …..

the land of excess

Better luck next time

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595218  No.246043


you're leaving out the most important part

globally, the advent of photography was viewed with a certain apprehension and fear

Thats why everyone was staring so oddly into the camera way back then

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595218  No.246044


almost as if they were superstitiously thinking the big box would steal their souls

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595218  No.246046


A : we smile because we look so good doing it

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595218  No.246047

File: ab1454a5e6a990b⋯.jpg (38.66 KB, 300x250, 6:5, b41b73ea0ac64d0b92696d3fcc….jpg)


A : because they pay $5,000 each to stand next to us for "meet and greet" shoots

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595218  No.246048

File: e58077d7e75aeab⋯.jpg (231.62 KB, 1080x1417, 1080:1417, PicsArt_06_09_12_14_15.jpg)


A : because we like your penis

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595218  No.246049

File: 3c89eee4c146966⋯.jpg (244.25 KB, 1080x1626, 180:271, PicsArt_06_09_03_20_32.jpg)


A : because heroin and meth

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595218  No.246050


A : you'd smile too, if you knew your country was about to launch a global thermonuclear theater

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595218  No.246051


A : impossible whoppers with cheese

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595218  No.246052


A : sex with our children

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595218  No.246053

File: fb41632ae2b0095⋯.png (491.24 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, PicsArt_05_02_09_31_54.png)


A : because our nipples drag on the sidewalk

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595218  No.246054

File: 106b5b815952d63⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 360x480, 3:4, imagejpeg_2.jpg)


A : because our genitals are bigger than yours

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595218  No.246060


because freedom ?

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595218  No.246063


A : because illiteracy?

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595218  No.246064


A : because we all know about your mother

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1c0ba4  No.246066

File: 2ec7d344d73ea8e⋯.jpeg (208.69 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DPpiz8OX0AAOfFV.jpeg)

File: 2371f802c767d44⋯.jpg (125.64 KB, 1400x1050, 4:3, AP_17088391481033_0_149085….jpg)

Smiling and laughing have nothing to do with happiness.

These things were reserved exclusively for the battlefield and torture chambers.

When you watch a comedy, what makes someone laugh? When an unexpected tragic event happens to the protagonist!

Its even in cartoons, what do children laugh at in cartoons? When something like Tom the cat gets out whitted and hurt by jerry or the road runner hurts the coyote.

Smiling, What does this have to do with happiness? Showing of the teeth is somthing wolves do when they are ready to tear up a peice of meet.

Laughing is the human equivilent to a dogs bark; a warning. Ha Ha Ha - Woof Woof Woof

and when do you laugh? When something unfortunate happens to another!

When you go to a comedy show when do people laugh? When the comedian says the PUNCH LINE! Someone must absorb some kind of hurt to induce laughing.

If not hurt, its when anxiety or nervousness is involved. A nervous laugh like when Spenny found out Kenny tricked him into fucking a Filipino transvestite. Or when he does a humiliation.

In the history of mankind, what marble statue of a noble person of high status is smiling? NONE! Because smiling is BRUTAL

Look at this stupid fucking bust of Ronaldo. Why is it fucking hilarious?


Its so funny because

1. Statues dont suppose to have smiles, historicly they never did, its so normal and bizzar

2. It makes the foot ball player Ronaldo look like an idiot, his misery is our laughter!

Looks at what they replace it with? Why is it not funny? BECAUSE IT DOES NOT CREATE A VICTIM OUT OF HIM. HE DOES NOT LOOK STUPID!

SMILES AND LAUGHTER- Manic emotes when someone is victimized some sort of way. When some sort of act of nervousness is invoked or someone is hurt.

Smiles and laughter are not happiness - these 2 behaviors are suppose to be reserved for BATTLEFIELDS AND TORTURE CHAMBERS

You all have been tricked! Think about it!

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1c0ba4  No.246068

File: ff9c24ae432fcf5⋯.jpg (40.83 KB, 450x600, 3:4, depositphotos_106173950_st….jpg)

Why was the court jester so valued?

Because they acted uncommon and not normal like LAUGHING AND SMILING PSYCHOPATHS. Dressed like faggots humiliating themselves. Invoking others to laugh at the humility of their position.

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1c0ba4  No.246069

File: 4255afcb0517f44⋯.jpg (38.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, artworks_000521682312_y868….jpg)


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595218  No.246071


A : we're not smiling…. we're farting

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595218  No.246072




one of these days, you'll finally secure a female sex partner

and you'll realize how stupid you sounded today

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1c0ba4  No.246073

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1c0ba4  No.246074

File: 8aaefd5bda09246⋯.jpg (18.04 KB, 400x210, 40:21, the_professional_golgo_13_….jpg)


Ive had hot babes call a stone faced stud like golgo 13. I bang chicks without the retard smile.

Fuck your smiles

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595218  No.246076

File: b8629d1c417099a⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1833x1080, 611:360, PicsArt_04_13_11_40_46.png)


so angry…… tsk tsk

Not Me

My wife and I laugh and smile all day long

hint : try NOT to demonstrate your frustration

and resentment towards life because

that's a self defeating prophecy

by being such an uptight dickweed

you're guaranteeing that no woman

will hang out with you, creating an

exponential continuance of unhappiness

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595218  No.246077


no……. actually, no… you don't

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595218  No.246078

if you did, I wouldn't be giving you advice

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595218  No.246079


you also don't have a pet….. obviously

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595218  No.246080

you don't "take care" of anybody

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595218  No.246081

or any thing

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595218  No.246082

if you DID, you wouldn't spout such

TRANSPARENTLY dysfunctional bullshit

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595218  No.246083

sorry, but I've been on planet Earth too long

for you to fool me

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595218  No.246084

hint : smiling is required to get a girl

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595218  No.246085

and after 600+ women & teenaged girls

I'm "kinda" an expert

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1c0ba4  No.246098

File: ce9fd9df220825c⋯.jpeg (7.51 KB, 201x250, 201:250, index.jpeg)


Sex Sex Sex thats all you care about. Its all you think about

You use it for not only pleasure, but validation in ones character.

Guess what faggot. I dont need a smile to get me sex from the Wench.

I just flash em one of these and a ahoy thier! Pussy into putty


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c379e9  No.246103


the measure of a man is not found in his opinion of himself

it's found in the opinions of women who've loved him

sex sex sex it's all you ever avoid

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270d5f  No.246104


They were right all along. It did.

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c379e9  No.246105

I'm not being mean…. I'm making an observation

you create needless barriers and boundaries

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c379e9  No.246106


Lol in a way, yes….

forgive me, but I JUST FOUND OUT one of my best friends died from a heart attack

I'm going off to meditate now…..

dammit, scott !!!!

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270d5f  No.246108


RIP to Scott.

Ironically I know a Scott who is dying to.

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c379e9  No.246109

File: 27e296b69318a39⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1280x919, 1280:919, 20210706_193619.png)

Scott was the guy who JUST SO HAPPENED to be standing at centennial park during the Atlanta olympics, with a video camera, and got the only video of the bomb exploding


likesuper, SUPER smart

he had offers from all the news agencies trying to buy the rights to the video….

He sold it to CNN for like $180,000

PLUShe made them hire him as a video editor

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1c0ba4  No.246110

File: 1dfa4647a3ec663⋯.jpg (28.09 KB, 233x423, 233:423, me.jpg)


Avast ye! Shiver me timbers! You must be some sort of Reddit faggit. You gain your validation from the likes of a strumpet! She owns ye Manhood!Ye will never get as much pussy as I. Why a wench go for a scurvy dog like ye when she can fancy a swashbuckler like I?

Yarrrg, ye such a Frenchified scallywag or a bildge rat if ye may. A reddit fag suchas ye , its better to dance with Jack Ketch! As a true buckeneer who sailed the 7 sees, amongst the Kraken if in a dual id give give no quarter. No room for landlubber on me ship! Such a lily-livered ye are. End of talkin, your son of a biscuit eater face can kiss me rum drinking lamp shape swinging arse!

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c379e9  No.246111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At 00:38 you'll see the 1 second of video that earned Scott almost 1/5th of a million dollars AND a badass high paying job at CNN

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c379e9  No.246112


Aye, aye…. Aye've never been to reddit in my life

and computers are the reason you're unhappy

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16d349  No.246113


wrong. you can hpld a smile with photo old process with good results. old videos show lots of people who don't smile for the camera or smile in general, but maybe smile to someone very intimate. smiles were not for strangers. examine Vermeer. While it's tru he had a photo-like process, it was his most diffivult subject, himself, alone who smiled in his paintings afaik (at himself).

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c379e9  No.246114

File: 8c66fe8697626d1⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 2272x1704, 4:3, url_3_.jpg)

File: 5a3a14bb24006ee⋯.png (16.15 KB, 643x393, 643:393, url.png)

Scott was SO fucking smart….

He could identify the individual DTMF dial tones

it didn't matter how fast or randomly you hit them, he would sit there and name them

"6, 2, 9, 5, 0, 2, 9, 7, 3, 2, 8, 6, 1, 4, 9, 8"

He had trained himself to recognize the multi-layered frequencies, and he could do it just like he was reading sheet music.. he could instantly identify the number just by hearing the time

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c379e9  No.246115

When he was a teenager, he figured out a secret way to PARTITION PHONE NUMBERS so nobody else could call through but him

and when he was in highschool he had tens of thousands of dollars from scamming dial in radio contests

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c379e9  No.246116

And he wasn't using computers

He figured out how to use relays and dial tones to PARTITION ENTIRE PHONE EXCHANGES..

back in the old days….

He would do it all from a telephone

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c379e9  No.246117

there were certain numbers he figured out all on his own (He was a mathematical GENIUS) and it was all based on the sequence of DTMF tones

and he'd make it where ONLY HE could call a number

He won three cars

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1c0ba4  No.246118

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c379e9  No.246119

Scott was COOL AS FUCKING SHIT !!!!!!


and I respected him more than almost ANYBODY

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1c0ba4  No.246120

File: 42ccbac325680d9⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 1128x480, 47:20, 6c21fdcf_c57d_47b8_bc13_50….jpg)


Word has it, he was a buck breaker

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c379e9  No.246121

God DAMMIT Scott !!!!!!

fuck fuck FUCK !!!!!

he had a heart attack crossing the street to the store

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c379e9  No.246122


This sounds corny and schmaltzy but….

there is NOTHING he couldn't figure out

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c379e9  No.246123

Oh well…. dammit…….

He was an awesome friend….




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c379e9  No.246124

lol in elementary school, he got caught putting cameras into both the girls AND boys bathrooms

He was a scoundrel

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1c0ba4  No.246125

File: 9493ab2a301dc67⋯.png (62.42 KB, 300x293, 300:293, thumb_brilliant_guinness_c….png)


Scott was a brilliant Scottish man whom hailed from Scotland. He even introduced me to butterscotch candy.

Even showed me how to use scottched tape.

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c379e9  No.246126

goodnight, scott

I think I'm going to smoke a joint now


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c379e9  No.246128

and I don't even smoke weed anymore

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c379e9  No.246129


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c379e9  No.246133

One last thing lol !!!

Scott was one of my "programmer" buddies (who never ever used the word 'hacker') and they had a ring, where they created fake bank accounts with tons of money in them, then created fake identities and and Friends go into the banks and withdraw massive amounts of money…

They got away with it for a long time but they eventually got caught by the FBI…

And the FBI came to them in the Atlanta pretrial detention center and offered a deal not to prosecute if they taught the FBI computer forensics teamhow they did it

So Scott and Sean and Kelly and Chris became consultants for the FBI

100% true

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c379e9  No.246134

File: 69f0f90bb135f2b⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1280x952, 160:119, 20210706_204131.png)

dammit, Scott

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c379e9  No.246135

you fascinating genius, you

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c379e9  No.246136


btw…………………………………… Lol

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f38104  No.247530

Sociopathy has trickled through to the mainstream. Pieces of shit look "wonderful" by doing a small amount of something "nice" ie smiling

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c15606  No.247540

File: 1c99719586c534a⋯.jpeg (114.47 KB, 602x445, 602:445, just_soying_with_the_boys.jpeg)


I hate to smile in photos, but I also hate it when other people put on exaggerated smiles. It looks disturbing. I have thought about this question for a while, and I have come up with a couple of reasons for this phenomenon: People's teeth were worse back then, meaning that few would wish to display them in photographs, but mainly there is the reason of aesthetics. I think, people back then believed that a person should appear neutral or perhaps a bit serious when having their photograph taken. They simply believed that it looks much better. Today, for some reason, people expect each person who has their picture taken to put on the most grotesque grin imaginable. Then there are studies which have shown that men who tend to smile in photographs have low testosterone, which most men today unfortunately have, leaving another clue as to why modern man forces upon himself a fake smile the moment a camera is pointed at his general direction.

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