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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 8cdcb9ca68b8211⋯.jpg (328.14 KB, 1120x1626, 560:813, China_Dragon_of_ZOG.jpg)

7f9a79  No.245934

And of course, based and redpilled, almost (((China))) obeyed.


I believe anons must free the Chinese people from their ZOG. Truthful propaganda smartly delivered can save them.

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7f9a79  No.245936

Remember when Eric Striker was saying China would save us from Israel? Or was that another no-clue-having Nazbol who should have listened?

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7f9a79  No.246091

bamp for eric

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7f9a79  No.246127

File: b4b51b8c302816a⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1920x2521, 1920:2521, TRS_irrelevant.png)


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2939a2  No.246131

File: 37d694d30b651de⋯.jpg (59.97 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, xi.jpg)

Any time you hear a story like this be sure to search Israel China. More times than not you'll find Israel and China buddy buddy.

Same w Russia, watch Netanyahu's farewell (translated obv.) He thanks Putin for his help in Syria thus confirming the book Life of an American Jew in Racist Israel, something like that.

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f45b39  No.246388


Then tell the Chinese about FGC-9, it's sem-automatic carbine that can be 3D printed with the greatest of ease as of yet, with modest reliability.

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