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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

af8a0f  No.245893

The Ultimate Savior Is Online, Going To Reveal The Truth Of Life Society Civilization

The life you know is just one out of endless society civilizations of the Universe.

But people are not smart enough to even fully understand the “game of life” they are in, thus have chaos life and could not have the right decision/solution.

As the real savior legend Messiah, Mahdi, Maitreya, Kalki, Christ, Buddha or any other names, it is not right to say farewell without giving the “answer/explanation” of the end times life.

So I have decided to reveal, to decode the end time revelation of the Bible and various solutions, explanation of life in this society civilization. So I hope you guys can have a better picture of what going on, the meaning of life and various other subjects.

Since I do not own any internet hardware or software, so I am going to use many webpages to publish my articles, here is the list:

ultimatesavior.wordpress. com

finalsavior.livejournal. com

reddit. com/user/ultimatesavior

finalsavior.forumotion. com

finalsavior.aimoo. com

gab. com/finalsavior

gettr. com/user/finalsavior

pastebin. com/u/finalsavior

The time I online will be limited. When I think it is enough to stop everything I will close all.

I can only give you guys opportunity, the final result of your life is decided by you, not by any gods deities beings.

This is the last opportunity and final chance for you guys to wake up.

Best Regard,

The Final Ultimate Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

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22c66d  No.245896

File: 302d27a3616fb0f⋯.jpg (332.15 KB, 1048x1584, 131:198, soyjack_8.jpg)

>The Ultimate Savior Is Online, Going To Reveal The Truth Of Life Society Civilization

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fb728b  No.245897

File: 716356279f9f318⋯.jpg (19.67 KB, 580x314, 290:157, E5i_kRdX0AYVzSU.jpg)

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8f4dca  No.245902

File: 66a2e5aba2c2ad7⋯.png (105.87 KB, 1280x552, 160:69, 20210705_222635.png)



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ebe9aa  No.245935

File: 8783054b7a13af8⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.16 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20200310_202533.gif)


Imagine not word-filtering this spamming dufus!

Allow me to provide an example, mods…


I think everyone can agree that OP's post reads a lot better when certain words are filtered.

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5f8d4f  No.245946


free advertising ?… anything for a visitor, huh?

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5f8d4f  No.245947

File: 14e66e0e3db07e8⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 8c0e4215f08d43b4954dad3bc8….jpg)

File: e2c40a84aa92236⋯.jpg (29.72 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 4f5b76f6318a4672baaa30c20a….jpg)


Jim was literally terrified that if he faced civil liabilities, even the court costs would bankrupt him.

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