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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 22c6d0b326a1156⋯.jpg (205.01 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, pjimage.jpg)

9fb7b3  No.245772

Biden kneeling before the the new president of Israel/USA

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325ff2  No.245774

File: 6b075a05c87763e⋯.jpg (232.31 KB, 745x1183, 745:1183, _trump_.jpg)


post full video

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148160  No.245777


That's not what he's doing, you stupid nigger. We don't fall for your propaganda anymore. Go cry to Qoomers about it and they will seethe with you.

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9fb7b3  No.245778

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325ff2  No.245779


>biden makes a joke

<he's owned by israel

<we need trump in 2024!

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325ff2  No.245795

File: db957349a410444⋯.png (36.25 KB, 826x481, 826:481, moarpheus_biden.PNG)

File: 5fbfa12181f5e93⋯.png (30.32 KB, 803x314, 803:314, moarpheus_biden_2.PNG)

File: 8321a470a4db939⋯.jpg (79.69 KB, 1837x411, 1837:411, moarpheus_prediction_biden.JPG)

File: 94241a6ca9bedcb⋯.png (884.62 KB, 1918x950, 959:475, dumb_jews_havent_learned.PNG)

I think it's hilarious you kikes are trying to spin this into a pro-Trump piece. A lot of time was invested conditioning anons for this particular moment, but you are only now getting started. There is nothing you can do to stop the future. Maybe you'll realize that in the next four years.

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325ff2  No.245806

File: d87670438381703⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1920x2797, 1920:2797, Inferior_Jew_Propaganda.png)

Look at this thread. You tried so hard but there's no action. Did you think newfags would be persuaded? That it would be so easy?! There are too many oldfags repeating my message daily and redpilling those newfags. To defeat your propaganda all anons must do is shitpost. And that's what they're doing. Many of them. None part of a group or receiving instructions of the traditional sort. They're acting on their own, re-wording the message in their own style, all without thinking of me even once. Then, those naïve newfags - typically zoomers - repeat that message in YouTube comments, Twitter posts, spreading it even further. "This is the truth. I'm not sure how I know it or who gave it to me but here it is." Anonymity is one half the goal. At the same time I can DAWN a name and gather a following whenever it suits. That's how you do propaganda.

Stay defeated.

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749604  No.245923


There anti Isreal democrats are really seething. Amazing. They'll never win and it's fucking hilarious

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