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File: 7503b370be22805⋯.jpg (113.84 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 13466193_0.jpg)

04e86d  No.245405

The Idea for the thread is simple: We turn the slogan in the picture into a reality, and laugh our asses off when the retards who usually spout this stuff turn against the messages on their own t-shirts.

Pro-White Whites leaving their countries for shitholes, forming communities there, and eventually taking those places over, possibly by sending the locals up where we came from to hasten the decline and thus make it more difficult for this gestalt Whiteopia from being attacked by the "new old world".

Whites like that can thrive no matter where they go, and blood must come before soil, thus if sacrificing soil could result in the securing of our blood, it is the correct route for us to take.

As this is an idea that requires people to actually do something, I expect a lot of pushback, but the idea is simple, it means taking the ideas of multiculturalism to their logical conclusion in order to save our race.

If they can come to our countries and find a better life here, then we can go to their countries to find a better life there, if they can come to our countries and undercut the local labor force, then we should be able to do the same to them, and if they form their own diaspora communities to introduce their culture to our lands, then we should be able to do the same to their lands, and finally, if they can come and commit all sorts of crime in our countries by disregarding the local laws, then they have no grounds to complain when we return the favor, same goes for domestic terror activities carried out against the local folk and establishment due to the demand by immigrants that their cultural and political values be honored by the state and it's people, turnabout is fair play, what goes around, comes round again.

Of course, we will also pull every play in the immigrant textbook, such as demanding privileged treatment as compensation for our oppression at the hands of the embedded powers, we will also go to work on destroying their cultural and historical identity, to replace it with more and more of our own, until they lose themselves as a people and turn against each other due to becoming atomized individuals with nothing real to belong to, those holdouts will be shamed for clinging to a past that (according to us) "never existed".

It's not "colonial imperialism", it's globalistic multiculturalism and an expectation of reciprocation for our open borders policies, only a xenophobic bigot fascist would oppose such activities.

As the global north turns brown and falls into decline, the global south lightens up and rises.

It's not a complete abandonment of our homelands, Whites will eventually return, once they've built themselves up enough in the south, and their enemies have collapsed to a point where reconquest is possible, they will retake the lands they or their ancestors had left some time ago.

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f427fa  No.245406

File: 3f95d36351590e0⋯.jpeg (96.63 KB, 1017x659, 1017:659, Anglin_star.jpeg)


>we are impotent

>please do our work for us

fuck off kike.

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04e86d  No.245412


The first one to call someone who proposes an idea a kike is a kike.

If you don't want to look like a transparent shill, make a case as to why this idea is bad.

I can make an even better case as to why this idea is good:

In a White country, we don't know who is Pro-White, and who is a traitor, but in a country of of Non-Whites, we do know, it also limits the likelihood of dealing with undercover feds, since we are out of jurisdiction, only thing to worry about are intelligence agency spooks, while here we also have to worry about them, but we have to worry about a lot more than just that.

Because of this, we can easily establish communities in a land with a Non-White majority than in a country filled with White people, if we make no-go zones in these areas, we essentially have the beginnings of an ethnostate already.

In addition, it would make it a lot easier for us to have a lot of children in such a place, compared to here.

as illegals, we can undercut local workers because we don't pay taxes, yet we can do the things illegals do, and benefit from local services, demanding that their state caters to us.

We also would be able to offer superior services/products to the locals compared to what international corporations or local workers could, meaning we can dominate the economy by providing better product/service at lower cost, from then it would be easy to expand our power and influence there, which would focus on benefitting those members of our own people in their country, until it becomes ours.

Especially when we start encouraging the locals to leave, and then setting up a policy of accepting all White immigrants, and forbidding Non-White immigration once we have the ability to do so.

The countries we will have left in North America and Europe will fall into decline in our absence, exporting shitskins to those places will only accelerate this decline, as incompetent as the militaries of those places have already become, it would not be too long until we or our descendants can move in and take them back.

We'd have other advantages, too, like the fact that with our north-selected intelligence in a land without winter, we'd be able to build up a great nation with a strong militia in an even shorter time than Third Reich Germany did.

There's a lot we could do if we just leave and make a better life for ourselves elsewhere, lots of opportunities would open themselves up to us once we make the move.

So let's just consider this seriously and throw out some pros and cons, rather than just calling each other names like a pack of shills, baseless allegations of ethnicity or profession gets us nowhere, because these aren't arguments, they are only means of shutting down discussion.

If this is a bad idea, I need actual reasons why.

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f427fa  No.245415

File: 62c63aa2d88c268⋯.jpg (219.64 KB, 1374x1032, 229:172, Weev_Maymay.jpg)


>why is it bad for whites to persecute one another?

You are the second dumbest kike I've ever encountered. Any guess as to the first?

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04e86d  No.245436


>playing defense for antifa

It IS bad for Whites to persecute one another, however, race traitors exist, and they deserve to be given the justly-deserved rewards of a traitor.

They asked for the racists to leave them, so we are giving them exactly what they ask for.

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04e86d  No.245459

We still are waiting on reasons for why these ideas are bad.

Nothing more suspicious than someone who comes into a thread just to call people kikes.

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21836c  No.245460


>run away

sage and report spam threads.

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21836c  No.245464

>oy vey goyim we’re invading your nations and destroying everything you have

>therefore you should abandon every last redoubt of yours

>give it all up to us

>go somewhere else that there are EVEN MORE NONWHITES than in your own nation and rebuild everything from scratch

>they’re totally going to let you do that

>anyone who says this is a bad idea is a jew

Commit suicide.

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04e86d  No.245471


>oy vey goyim we’re invading your nations and destroying everything you have

>therefore you should abandon every last redoubt of yours

>give it all up to us

It's already theirs, they control the minds of too many Whites and hold control over all the positions of power in our countries, the main thing keeping us from grouping together is mutual distrust, which an exodus can go a long way to repairing, if getting out of the city is good advice, then getting out of the country is even better advice.

With a mass migration exodus, we get out of their jurisdiction, we can better identify each other as allies, and we throw the places we leave behind into a rapid decline. There's a lot going for us if we make the move, probably even some additional upsides that I'm not mentioning here.

>go somewhere else that there are EVEN MORE NONWHITES than in your own nation and rebuild everything from scratch

>they’re totally going to let you do that

How the fuck is anyone going to stop us? We won't be doing it legally, and the shitheads are going to have to do a 180 to criticize us for this, not saying it's outside of their ability to doublethink, but every bit of cognitive dissonance is doing wonders for us on the morale front.

As fucked as things are over here, it's a much simpler feat to start from scratch than to try and overtake the imposing regime here and repairing the damage.

With how things are not just bad, but steadily getting worse, and with us knowing how bad it can get, and with modern technology making it almost certain to get worse than even that, leaving might be the best move in our case, better to move out of the way than try and tank the blow.

Last, you vastly underestimate our ability to get shit done once we form groups and work together, we can easily overtake a snall and sparsely populated country, then work our way across those lands in record time.

How old was Alexander when he conquered the known world? How many years did it take for the whermacht to get put together? The biggest sign that you aren't on board with White people is that you demoralize by lying about how capable we are once we have groups that can work together on a goal, we make the impossible real, that is what our race is capable of.

You can take your blackpill insinuations and fuck right off.

Now is the point where you start replying to my posts as if I had said things that are convenient strawman for your defeatist position

The only thing that would ever remove you from being suspected as an enemy of White men right now is proposing a better alternative to my suggestion, but you won't, because you only exist to shoot things down and maintain the status quo of doing fuck all.

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f427fa  No.245473


Seems like everyone has called you out for your kike bullshit. Now your kvetching in tldr. Stay defeated.

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04e86d  No.245476


Anon: makes thread suggesting anything actionable.

First response: haha nice jew trick jew, you're a kike you're a kike you're a kike.

You can try asking them of they have any ideas of their own, but they will never suggest anything, all they will do is poke he's in the plans of others, regardless what those plans are, with the expectation that nothing will ever be done.

I urge the anons of this board to keep an eye out for my posts and the posts of the id's of the ones responding to me.

We will see who is with is, and who is against us.

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f427fa  No.245477

File: 494dc0831836f0c⋯.jpg (68.73 KB, 600x600, 1:1, jew_kvetching.jpg)


>I urge the anons of this board to keep an eye out for my posts

lmao you're irrelevant, Andrew.

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41b56b  No.245502

File: 531a06fbc81016e⋯.png (619.77 KB, 1357x641, 1357:641, 4532841.png)



Good to see you back sagebro. I missed you a lot.

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04e86d  No.245505


Who the fuck is Andrew?

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b718d8  No.245606


Face it. Despite all your woes America is the best slim-majority White nation to be when everything goes to shit as long as you do not live in a major city. Europe will be dominated by armed Muslim extremists within the next 25 to 30 years. Australia will sell itself out to China and so will Canada become subjugated under foreign control for their resources (those people have it bad enough as it is under their oppressive governments today anyway). Iceland will perish once the global economy collapses. But America? Tons of guns, tons of rural land and tons of small towns and mountainous areas with doomsday preppers, ranchers, farmers, homesteaders, rugged individualists, skilled trade workers, hillbillies and off-grid enthusiasts all vastly spread out. Do you know how hard it would be to disarm and subjugate all of America at once? Next to impossible. You could nuke every American city into the ground and millions of us would still be around, with our guns, waiting for a fight. But all of that is worthless without one other fact: most Americans naturally love freedom. Most Americans naturally distrust authority. You can't take that spirit away from America, it is too deeply rooted in our DNA.

Another FACT you did not consider: the TSA and other agencies have total control over who travels into and even out of America. You cannot move to another country without other foreign government background checks as well. If you think you are going to bring guns into another country where they are banned, you are crazy and asking to be jailed or killed over it. Just ask the jailed Americans who tried bringing their guns into Canada. No other government is going to openly welcome White armed Americans to move in and set up another White armed America! LOL. That is every government's WORST NIGHTMARE.

With that said, stay here and fight if need be, or you'll lose a lot of freedom you have taken for granted.

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47097a  No.245612


Anon, if you really want to find a place that is friendly to whites, you just got to stop living among the niggaz in tha hood. Even if that city had a very good prosperous history and you grew up there, a hood is still a hood no matter it's history. Leave and let them kill one another off. There are greener pastures all over the place, even in many of the commie states if you know where to look.

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fc9a0d  No.245616


OP here.

I'm Canadian.

I fucking hate it here, the people, culture, history, government, everything.

I want to get out, desperately.

I agree that the USA is the best country on the planet, and had beleived so since I was in middle school, but I've been trapped here all my life.

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b718d8  No.245621


Anon, I wish we had more people like (You) in America. I would gladly welcome you with open arms and I'd like someone like (You) replace an Antifa scumbag who constantly hates our country. Lets import people like (You) and send all the commies and America-haters to Canada lol. See them get a little dose of their much-desired totalitarian rule lol, mandatory vaccine passport police state and all!!

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495cb6  No.245626


Fuck you, immigrant. Stay in your own country and fix it. Leave our country alone.

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b9add2  No.245638


He's a lot more patriotic than some of these younger degenerate urban dwelling SJW yuppies this country sees today anon. I'd rather have him come into the country and throw out the commie scum that constantly bash and gripe about our culture, way of life and freedoms.

I have a great idea: all the Whites who love freedom should come to America and all those who love tyranny, totalitarianism and collectivism leave already!

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495cb6  No.245775


If he were a patriot, he would stay and fix his own country. He's not a patriot. He's a fetishist. I guarantee you that as soon as he crosses the border he - like ALL immigrants - will immediately start looking for things he can change to make his new country seem more like his old one.

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3c28dd  No.245844


Thats retarded at the point its easier to take back your homeland because its what you already know and home field advantage. Logistics makes the whole scenario equally embarrassingly stupid.

You are better off doing ponzi elections in California and then stealing mexicos beaches and taking over the resorts.

All you need is a 100 people and you can take over any city council then go from there.

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