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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 8162a238194d658⋯.png (805.45 KB, 896x834, 448:417, canada_on_fire.PNG)

85c771  No.245162[Last 50 Posts]

You burn churches, God burns your country.

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2f3d1a  No.245173


< believes in 'god'

so your parents already ishares the same last name?

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2f3d1a  No.245174


lol @your filthy people not even being able to afford circumcision

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85c771  No.245176



tell me about the doughnut incident..

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2b9b21  No.245178


Excellent bait.

Caught three already.

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2f3d1a  No.245183


I'm actually creating a thread about it in here on Sunday

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2f3d1a  No.245184


once you hear the actual true story, you'll find out exactly how easy it is to get steamrolled by the police, whether you're black or white or kikeroach

you really can't win against a system that's designed to prevent you from winning.

it's actually a very simple chain of events, but there are a series of seemingly 'complicated' (frustrating) parameters, and they made the entire ordeal seem surrealistic and seemingly unlikely, but it actually happened. .

I'm going to tell the entire story on the 4th

a celebration of freedom

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2f3d1a  No.245186

File: 9750095a941cc99⋯.jpg (905.34 KB, 3346x2510, 1673:1255, PicsArt_07_02_06_06_19.jpg)

wendy cut her hand today

and we've been at the E.R.

but now we're home………

and we just make two


and Gouda- Black Truffle

kettle chips, some ripe

watermelon, and lemon sorbet…

wendy's falling asleep next to me

the pain pill is working.. and

now it's time for me to feed the cats

and cuddle next to her and crash

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85c771  No.245187

File: 529839acd61e905⋯.png (392.84 KB, 1919x935, 1919:935, neptune_bolshevik_0.PNG)

File: 1ec7939c88491b2⋯.png (20.67 KB, 466x244, 233:122, neptune_bolshevik_1.PNG)



What's it like knowing modern-day Bolshevism was destroyed by a neet who "can't get any pussy?" Maybe you can write a thread about that.

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2f3d1a  No.245189


good for you !!…. congratulations….

But I don't create threads about politics

I create threads about


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85c771  No.245190


stay defeated faggot

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2f3d1a  No.245191


oh, I will…. I enjoy staying defeated….

it's "what I do"

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2f3d1a  No.245193

File: 2b553ff2a416b9b⋯.jpg (707.79 KB, 926x1280, 463:640, 20210702_213548.jpg)

while BEYOND BURGER is one of the two best meatless 'burgers' I've ever eaten, I'd be remiss if I failed tio mention thatIMPOSSIBLE BURGER IS THE BEST…..

impossible burger is AMAZING

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2f3d1a  No.245194

you don't have to be a vegetarian to eat them

in fact, Impossible Burger is SO fucking enjoyable, that you really owe it to yourself

to try it…. be prepared to be surprised

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2f3d1a  No.245197

File: 2648469f0110e86⋯.jpg (816.18 KB, 1053x1280, 1053:1280, 20210702_213622.jpg)

The makers of impossible burger figured out what

makes burgers taste like burgers :HEME

as in: hemoglobin

The Iron in blood

But they patented away to create plant-based heme…. and TRUST ME…

that's what makes them so fucking good

it looks just like meat

it smells just like meat

when you drop the patties on a skillet,

it sizzles just like a burger…

the beet juice looks like blood,

and that's where the heme is

so when it hits the skillet, the

unmistakable smell of meat

cooking (heme burning) will

fill the air…

and the taste ?…………..

it's like the best god damn

cleanest backyard burger

youll ever eat…

Speaking of which, I higy recommend

cooking them on a backyard grill…

(it's so good you'll lick your fingers)

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2f3d1a  No.245198

File: c71c32fb1bb0317⋯.jpg (632.74 KB, 889x1280, 889:1280, 20210702_215555.jpg)


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2f3d1a  No.245201

File: 06c20506b0ee549⋯.jpg (639.92 KB, 874x1280, 437:640, 20210702_215652.jpg)

Tomorrow Wendy's making her delicious

pineapple cucumber slaw, with rice vinegar, a touch of (real) honey and this badass sauce

it's sweet, and hot, and vinegary, and pineapples, and crisp & cold with cucumber

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6ab6a0  No.245202


Looks good! https://www.bibigousa.com/ I've never had Korean sauce before. I will look for that one

Try these https://www.yellowbirdfoods.com/

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2f3d1a  No.245204


dammit, man !!!……

That looks good as shit !!

They owe you a commission

Because you just sold me

I'm going to order some of that. I want the habanero carrot garlic first, and the other ones look equally as delicious

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2f3d1a  No.245206

dead serious…. I would order some right now but I'm already in bed getting ready to crash.

But that stuff looks like its EXACTLY right up my alley

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2f3d1a  No.245207

I'm stuffed right now.. but looking at those different sauces just made my mouth water real bad

I can think of so many uses for that stuff

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2f3d1a  No.245208

File: a079baa7f5283fb⋯.jpg (58.25 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 27337125_10155895336806488….jpg)

File: b9890d162fa4705⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210702_102324.png)

the correct answer was :

Her name was Tiffany, and she's the one on the right…

She was on her honeymoon,

And her weasel husband got

Into a stupid argument for no

Particular reason and decided

To shoot her in the chest…

Turns out he and his father are big gun enthusiasts because they both got small genitals

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2f3d1a  No.245210

File: cbcaaadb7517c73⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1274x1280, 637:640, 20210702_103331.png)

File: 976961755930c89⋯.png (224.15 KB, 1280x551, 1280:551, PicsArt_07_02_06_13_16.png)

Tiffany was pretty…

Her friend is still SMOKING HOT

It's sad because Tiffany has a little boy

I think 4 years old or maybe 5

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2f3d1a  No.245212

File: 454eb89f865f871⋯.gif (159.82 KB, 250x226, 125:113, DisplayImage_1_.gif)

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6334b5  No.245229


Does God (you) also like to post anonymously?

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85c771  No.245230


God is, I'm not.

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3bcc90  No.245239


>it's time for me to feed the cats and cuddle next to her and crash

4 minutes later: >>245189

still posting an hour later >>245212

Good job getting caught in the lie. You don't have a wife. You don't have a cat. You eat Kroger brand chips.

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5520d5  No.245241


Yep. You caught me, huh ?


funny you'd mention "lying" about having a gf

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5520d5  No.245243

< so fucking uninformed, that he doesn't even realize the difference between Kroger's Store Brand (Kroger) and their subsidiary PRIVATE SELECTION Label

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5520d5  No.245244


speaking of which, this is the part where you're STILL trying to figure out a way of covering your laughable lie about having a girlfriend

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5520d5  No.245245

File: cac5972afe8f14b⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1280x1276, 320:319, 20210703_062843.png)

its not surprising that your mother doesn't have enough class to buy Private Selection's Artisan Foods Lineup when she goes shopping for you.

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5520d5  No.245246

seriously, though… It's Saturday, and yet another lonely weekend of imageboards & videogames has begun.

Mommy usually goes shopping while you're "discussing politics" (masturbating to pornhub) on Saturdays, so do yourself a favor and tell her to buy the Private Selection French Goat Cheese & Marinated Vegetable Artisan Pizza.

It's only $5, and it's THE BEST PIZZA YOU'VE EVER EATEN, just as good as any handmade artisan pie from a bistro

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5520d5  No.245247

Too bad your father settled for a less than desirable wife, because if she was thin and pretty, you could theoretically have mommy hold a piece of paper that says ELVIS on it

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5520d5  No.245248

but if she was in your "proof of life" selfie, there'd be no way anyone would possibly think she was 'your gf'…

so, back to plan B

silence, and pretending that by not showing proof of life, nobody will realize you're alone.

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5520d5  No.245249


I can honestly say that I'venevermet an intelligent person who believed in "god"

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a0f707  No.245252





are you both bedridden and senile or just senile?

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143730  No.245257


>>America and Europe

Aww, you look so good in black.

(Now to get these disgusting creatures to put on the red arm-band.)

Never mind the gun on the table.


I desire the creation of a Gestapo+Stasi+Pre-crime

Now pick up the gun and put it in your mouth/

Look out before all reality, it's many kinds, and say cheese.

You say these strange and funny things…

Yet, I write reality.

Did I not desire war?

Did you not suggest a greater suffering?

Did I not agree?

Did I not state I would dress you in black and red?

Did I not make mention of Reich?

Did I not say I was at hand and work?

Do like ideas attract like minds?

I will continue to power elect.

It is in this way I will quietly replace your governments with a new kind of right.

You will institute pogroms.

You will create concentration camps.

You will build reeducation centers.

You will perform roundups.

You will engage in open executions.

You will centralize powers.

You will enact nationalist socialism.

You will become totalitarian states.

I have come to collect.

It was you who sold your souls to me…

I have come for you.

I will still honor your decision to change:


Civil War

World War


Extreme Natural Disaster

You will find that reality stops obeying unless you move in any of these specific directions.

I have come for you.

There is no escape.

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5520d5  No.245261


All Three, actually

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4a89c6  No.245262

if you're so intelligent, then please describe the thought process behind believing in an invisible boogeyman in the clouds who knows what you're thinking

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241757  No.245269

File: 01e36256d1d2173⋯.jpg (28.21 KB, 640x480, 4:3, NPC_header_1_640x480.jpg)


They can't. They're not intelligent. They've had religion pounded into them since conception. They can not even IMAGINE a world without a God. I can imagine a world with a God and it would be NOTHING like our reality. They are NPCs.

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85c771  No.245295


Pretty much.

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85c771  No.245296


My boogeyman isn't invisible or in the clouds.

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ef43c1  No.245302

if there WERE a 'god', she wouldn't be a male figure

but there's not, and we are bacillus

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85c771  No.245303


You're free to live your life according to that belief.

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ef43c1  No.245304


and you are free to find patently empty comfort in the TRANSPARENTLY false belief of a higher power

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ef43c1  No.245305

if you believe in a higher power at all

that means you have been conditioned

nobody would ever "notice a god" unless they were conditioned by other people

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ef43c1  No.245306

I'm certainly don't have any desire to change your belief system….

I'm happy to simply remind you that NONE of your belief system came from within you, and every bit of it was developed by somebody else a long time ago, and spread verbally in an effort to control others

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85c771  No.245307


Your problem then is not with God but the concept of any 'higher power.' You're approaching the issue from a place of ego. It's no wonder you only find yourself.

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85c771  No.245308


>control others

See? Exactly. This is about your desire to be "top dog" and not led by anyone else. Your approach is ego. I can't debate or even discuss spirituality, which is meant to lessen the ego, with one who has made his own self into a tutelary deity.

Good luck in your search for truth.

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ef43c1  No.245309


nope…. I'm approaching it from an angle of LOL YOU FELL FORTHAT??!!!!

Rumpelstiltskin was a much better written fairy tale….

Jack and the beanstalk…

If you're going to build your life around a fairy tale, couldn't you have at least chosen one that was even pseudo-believable?

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ef43c1  No.245310


I've never had any desire for competition, I've never wasted a minute of my life trying to convince myself of some imaginary superiority (sound familiar, Himmler?) And I would never cut dad using the term like 'top dog'…

I'm afraid you're applying your own inferiority template on to me

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ef43c1  No.245311

I'm NOT the one who spends every day of my life trying to convince myself that I'm superior to somebody else, or that any other group of people is inferior to me…

That's textbook inferiority complex


Manifests in the 'superior self'

overcompensatory behavior…..

In other words, /PND/

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ef43c1  No.245312


This is the part where you go back to your conversation about how Jews are inferior to you

You and your video games

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ef43c1  No.245314

Hee Hee !!……. speech to text

typos are often


I never said CUT DAD

When I actually said was,

"I would never be caught dead"

using a term like TOP DOG

I cringe when people use cliche terminologies and labels, when they're fully capable of developing their own words and thought processes

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ef43c1  No.245315

trust me….. I am WELL AWARE of my strengths

my abilities

I'm completely comfortable with my level of abilities, and I'm not in competition with anybody

Which is exactly why I am also

Absolutely content with my inabilities

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ef43c1  No.245316

I'm surprised you guys still haven't figured out what I'm doing here……

I gravitated to this board because it's inhabited by three adult males who need continual coddling, an extension of their relationship with their mothers, an unquenchable thirst and desire for continual empty false reassurances of your alleged superiority…

I'm here to remind you guys that none of us are superior…

I'm definitely not better than you or anybody else

are you sure as fuck aren't Superior to anybody

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ef43c1  No.245317

I'm completely comfortable being worthless

I don't mind being insulted, because I tend to agree with the insults

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ef43c1  No.245318

like I said, I'm fully aware of my shortcomings and drawbacks. I'm just as flawed and failed as you, if not more so….

I'm a completely worthless piece of shit in almost every way, except for the areas that I excel in, which I openly admit on a few and far between…

When I was young I went to the exact same self-defeatist "superior self" overcompensation for an inferiority perception that you guys are obviously swimming in over your heads…

I've yet to see anybody in here knock my socks off and demonstrate even the vaguest semblance of superiority over anybody else

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ef43c1  No.245320

I'm not quite sure why my speech to text is making so many typos today…

I notice that sometimes it works exquisitely, even if I'm walking outside and it's a windy day or if I'm in a noisy store…

And then other days I notice that the speech recognition engine seems to be misinterpreting my words, even when I'm speaking slowly and clearly in a quiet room like I am right now.

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ef43c1  No.245322


right ?……… I bet you're going to suggest it was a Jew who developed the speech recognition algorithms?

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ef43c1  No.245323

One thing I have definitely noticed in here :

I've noticed that it's not just Jews you think you are so superior to, but also FEMALES, and anybody who's successful.

But it's a fashion trend you like to follow, and you're not very original, so 80% of your inferiority complex gets directed towards Jews, because you feel like you've been accepted by the other two men in here, accepted for the first time in your life, your final opportunity to 'fit in' somehow, and you're not about to let it slip between your fingers, so you're going to continue bending over backwards following the fashion trend, making sure that you use the word JEWS or KIKES in every transparently insecure sentence you type.

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ef43c1  No.245324

Basically, anybody that 'has their shit together' gets added to your list of people who are inferior to you….

It's 4th of July weekend….

Which video game are you going to be playing?

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ef43c1  No.245327


If there really was a 'god', this website would never have existed, both of your arms would have been amputated so you weren't able to turn on a computer or play another video game, and that's all based on the hypothetical mathematical possibility that God forgot to make your mother miscarry

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ef43c1  No.245328


Tomorrow as a special celebration of my inferiority, I am going to create a thread about one of the most embarrassing events of my entire life.

And I'm going to be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT HONEST, including the parts where I completely fucked up, AND the parts where I actually didn't do anything wrong at all.

I'm giving you a heads up, an advance disclaimer:

I promise on my mother's ashes that every word I'm going to include in the thread is going to be 100% true…

Because I'm really not embarrassed about it…

Shit happens….

I definitely made some stupid mistakes,

And you're going to learn all about them

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ef43c1  No.245329

please continue with your DEEP MEANINGFUL CONVERSATION…..

the exact same deep meaningful conversation you have every single day, all day and all night long

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ef43c1  No.245330

you know the one :

The deep, meaningful conversation where you DEBATE about politics and news

(brushing eachother's egos about how you're better than jews IS NOT DEBATING, has absolutely nothing to do with news or politics, and is in no way shape or form deep or meaningful)

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ef43c1  No.245331

the rest of the world continues living their lives, functioning, failing, succeeding, fumbling the ball, scoring touchdowns, and getting back up on their feet and doing it all over again…

Grains of sand on a beach…..

and then there's /pnd/

where three men come

to occupy their time

not part of society

three grains of sand

who continually tell

eachother and themselves

"The Beach Is Inferior"

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ef43c1  No.245332

File: fdb8d9f2a1a5283⋯.jpg (190.1 KB, 1023x744, 11:8, PicsArt_07_03_03_25_04.jpg)

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f3d840  No.245335

Your churches fuck, abuse and murder our children, people will burn down your churches.

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85c771  No.245336

File: 332d0804c78577b⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 3000x1937, 3000:1937, Communist_Goals_27.jpg)


>Crypto-Jews and Bolsheviks haven't admitted to infiltrating the Church in order to do the very things we're now complaining about

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949d99  No.245433


So why are there random tornadoes and blackouts in Texas?

God isn't punishing you for burning churches. He don't give two fucks about random buildings.

What he's punishing you for is being a filthy Amalekite.

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994abd  No.245604


>retard picture for retards

Christfags sired an entire race by mixing with mongoloids in Latin America, hundreds of years before anyone even thought of communism.

The Christfags will never stop blaming communists for the shit they do themselves.

Communists didn't import hordes of niggers into North America. Christfags did. Niggers in that thing called "America" are the original Great Replacement.

Communists didn't force integration with niggers on the White Nation and call it "Civil Rights." Christfags did. They did it for their fellow nigger Christfags they love so much.

The only reason Christfags even hated the USSR was because they said niggers belong to another nation, and Kikes aren't a nation at all.

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cd0f5e  No.245784

File: 724119a04c5b072⋯.gif (2.5 MB, 498x259, 498:259, _H0OoMF.gif)


dude its still GMO

nano particulte riddled

you retardes stupid

dumbfuck that shit

is butt ass dishgusting as fuck

you stupid sourceless player

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85c771  No.245787


>it's not the communist jews

>it's the christfag goyim

who is seriously buying into your propaganda?

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81f14a  No.245930


Define God, that is the real NPC test

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241757  No.245977


I'm using the definition of the Christian God. The all knowing all being cloud sitter. All religions are stupid and all their gods are fake and or metaphors but there's no real being in space watching anything. There is no God like that. I suppose if you want to to choose something as a God for you to worship, like the sun, than that fine, but it has to be real. Like the sun.

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f9ec40  No.245987


That sounds good! Just make sure that "bad ass sauce does not have high fructose corn syrup or aspartame and your safe.


That is crap! Check the ingredients on that shit anon. This is what I'm betting: it's loaded with non-organic GMO crops and grain, canola oil, high fructose corn syrup, nitrites, sodium benzoate and other chemicals you likely can't even pronounce. I would not touch that crap.

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f9ec40  No.245988


Yesterday night me and the fam cooked sirloin steak smothered in my infamous garlic blue cheese sauce which I make with a freshly chopped head of garlic mixed and cooked up with 2 packs of blue cheese! Spread and smother the sauce over the sirloin steaks and it's delicious!

I'll admit, I don't do it often because it's expensive, it was my treat.

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f9ec40  No.245990


How to cook Killcen's infamous blue cheese sauce:

You'll need one whole head of fresh garlic, 2 packs of blue cheese, some extra virgin olive oil and half a stick of butter.

Add to a small skillet 1/5th cup of olive oil and half stick of butter. Let the butter melt. When oil and butter is mixed and hot, add in all the chopped garlic. Wait a minute and then add in the crumbled blue cheese. Let it all sizzle and melt with the garlic and butter mixed in! Stir it up and turn it off.

Preferably smother this onto some steaks or some chopped chicken breast. Also good with green veggies!

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