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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 85a4328292ee6b4⋯.png (77.54 KB, 1127x605, 1127:605, offshore.PNG)

dec5f2  No.244504[Last 50 Posts]

The migrant crisis failed to result in International civil war leading to World War. Instead, the migrant crisis has become unsustainable and now Europe is beginning to expel our trained Islamic militants. Next the goyim will start asking questions. Questions like:

>Who championed 'open borders' and brought Muslims to Europe in the first place?

When the masses start asking "Who?" you'll know the total extinction of our people is imminent.

What do we do?!

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a3235e  No.244508

File: 88a40662e50856c⋯.jpg (545.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 20210630_122611.jpg)


when I read '"David, Moshe, Chaim… get in here.", at first I thought it was a KISS photo shoot


btw have I already mentioned how boring you are in this thread yet?….

no ?…….

oh, okay… I will

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dec5f2  No.244512


Hey Kushnershill/johnny. So glad you're here. How do we save the Jewish people from the angry mob Moarpheus predicted would come for them once WW4 failed to materialize due to the migrant crisis?

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a3235e  No.244513

File: 1cceb9cb76bdf5e⋯.jpg (177.85 KB, 1023x711, 341:237, PicsArt_04_15_05_47_32.jpg)


hey…… it's me again…………. I'm back……

Q : "What do we do?!"

continue never seeing a vagina in real life?

whine and pout some more?

continue gaining weight?

pee in another pepsi bottle?

I'm tapped for ideas

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a3235e  No.244515


lol hold on a minute I'll be right back

I actually want to answer your question

Let me take care of something I'll be right back

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dec5f2  No.244519


Hurry back, brother. I am terrified :(

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a3235e  No.244520


I'm outside right now working on a cat rescue gimme a minute

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1d162b  No.244525


The sooner they throw those illegals out the sooner they can clean up the mess in their cities and lower the crime rates. Hope they can manage doing that. Those that have committed such deliberate destabilization should be jailed too (NGO lobbyists, politicians et al).

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a3235e  No.244527

File: a8126f00e2611bb⋯.jpg (634.6 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20210630_125320.jpg)


His right leg is injured. We're gonna get him in a Hav-a-Hart™ Trap and get him to a vet

but it's beginning to rain so we may have to stick it out nearby until it blows over

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dec5f2  No.244529


awwww :3

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a3235e  No.244530


okay, I'm back…….

To Answer Your Previous Question :

I'm only here to discuss Elvis Presley….

I have zero political opinions or beliefs

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dec5f2  No.244531


Once the rapes and beheadings stop you'll see Europeans asking "Who is responsible?" And every finger will point at Jews because they admitted to everything. As the normal masses turn against Jews you'll see politicians come into power who share those sentiments. Then, the military will shift its attitude. All of these things will happen throughout the whole of Europe and America. No amount of damage control or pleads for sympathy will have any effect.

As a Jewish woman I'm terrified. All I wanted was a little white genocide and now my people are in tremendous peril. The worst part? They haven't realized it yet. Oy vey!

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dec5f2  No.244532


Then you should prbly contain yourself in Elvis threads :)

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a3235e  No.244535

not even joking…. .

I basically have ZERO political beliefs

just the most basic shit,

like "a chicken in every oven" or

a car in every microwave…

but yeah, even if i DID have political opinions,

they wouldn't matter… there are 7.8 BILLION

political beliefs on planet Earth

and I don't have the time to hear them

not do I assume anybody else deserves to have me waste their time with MINE

I don't care…… I just love Elvis and Cats

and my mom and my kids

and my wife, & Cats & Elvis

in that order

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a3235e  No.244536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's exactly what I'm doing

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dec5f2  No.244538


Well, if you're going to be in this thread then engage the topic. See: >>244512

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a3235e  No.244539

no shit…. that's the long and short of it

you're free to have your political opinions

I'm not trying to stop you from expressing them

But don't get mad when I laugh at them

because I'm just having fun

I like to laugh


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f73594  No.244540


LOL at the last comment.

Here in America it's mostly drug cartels that rape victims but typically it's teenagers who are unarmed and found alone. They tend to stay away from certain areas of the country where people own a lot of guns and have open carry rights like my State.

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a3235e  No.244541



WHAT……. THE….. HOLY….. FUCK ???????

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a3235e  No.244542

W H A T T H E F U C K ? ? ? ! ! !

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a3235e  No.244543


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a3235e  No.244544

ooops I was wrong


but the conviction was overturned

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a3235e  No.244546

fuck that disgusting nigger

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dec5f2  No.244547

File: f278c688b7ab3e6⋯.jpg (2.25 MB, 2311x1988, 2311:1988, kushnershill_maymay.jpg)


You see everything unfolding as I said it would and you can't believe it. You were so certain. And now you can see the same future that I see. So you come here to vent, kvetch, and have mental breakdowns in varying degrees. Perhaps you think that somehow imageboards and propaganda are crucial to my "magic" and you've come to derail, demoralize, and disarm. But clearly you have failed.

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a3235e  No.244548


Im in a bad mood now

dammit… I might even get drunk now

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f73594  No.244549


I can agree with that anon. Ironically Johnny doesn't understand how DESTRUCTIVE his politics he supports really is and how this eventually ends. If he did, he would look himself in the mirror for a while and turn that God-damned TV off for once.

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a3235e  No.244551


yeah, yeah, yeah man…………..

wow I'm so bummed out they overturned that nasty niggers conviction

god DAMMIT !!!!

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dec5f2  No.244552


Too late to cry over destruction now.

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f73594  No.244553


Remember you said all cops were bigots and racists, and your comrade allies did you a favor by canceling your FAVORITE SHOW? What was that show called again? Live PD?

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a3235e  No.244554


Lol @ tv


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f73594  No.244556


Johnny…. you need to stop and think and reflect for a while, and see how destructive these radical comrades you support really are…. they do not like people like you or me or any of us…. they want our American culture destroyed…. they want to censor our opinions and speech…. they want to cancel us and replace us…… with NIGGERS just like Cosby! And guess what? They want every citizen disarmed so you, your wife, your kids, your grandchildren can't defend themselves….. ask yourself something: is that the future you really want?

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a3235e  No.244557


wrong… what I said was :

In America, and many other countries, law enforcement agencies WILL NOT HIRE YOU if your IQ is higher than 100

but I'm a federal informant…

I help law enforcement if I ever see a need

And I'm glad LivePD got cancelled because my addiction was unchecked

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a3235e  No.244558


hahahaha "that i SUPPORT"????

I don't support ANYBODY…. NOBODY

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a3235e  No.244560

and you're mistaken….

I never said cancel culture did me a favor

(omg I can't believe i just said cancel culture)

I was furious at the time….

Only in retrospect a year later did I realize it didn't matter

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f73594  No.244561


FORGET about Trump and conservatives and all the other bullshit political circus carnival bread and circus acts for a minute………..

Is this the future you want to live under?

What about your children's future?

Why do you condone all the corruption today or turn a blind eye to it?

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a3235e  No.244562


I don't

but unlike you, I'm not wasting my time

thinking I can change the world…………

I'm simply living in MY world

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f73594  No.244563


The root of all of that IS corruption. Follow the profits, follow the money….. what institutions are making BILLIONS $$$ from cancel culture today? Who teaches this bullshit and charges $100,000+ for nonsense indoctrination to the American youth? How much is being made at the expense of others due to this outright criminal and fraudulent subversion? What entities had this all subsidized by US taxpayer money and protected this racket!?

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58d769  No.244564


White women are the cause of all this

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a3235e  No.244565


by the way, nice work

for me,

things easier read they're

are to when formatted


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f73594  No.244566

File: 2e0baecbd1c68ac⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 336x329, 48:47, War_Criminals_Shut_Down_Pr….jpg)

File: 611b2d372c3a051⋯.jpeg (104.74 KB, 1007x457, 1007:457, Dance_Of_Death.jpeg)

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dec5f2  No.244567

File: a451ac71a40faa7⋯.jpg (189.14 KB, 1490x990, 149:99, typical_jewish_women.jpg)


Is this why (((you))) hate white women?

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a3235e  No.244568




that's to blame….. money

This is what happens when you pay an attorney $5 million

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f73594  No.244569


I never said I hated women at all. I once had a wife, she passed away. Sure we had our differences, and she gave me a hard time, a lot. Sometimes because she really did care about me and my troubles…. that's besides the point. Women should have NEVER been given the right to VOTE. That was the big mistake!

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dec5f2  No.244571


You specifically said white women. White women are the voting minority. Hispanics, blacks, and kike women are the majority voters. You'd accept that fact but you're a kike, so I don't expect you to argue honestly or even value the truth enough to not lie.

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a3235e  No.244572

File: c81b07597e34d2b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210630_133852.png)


Hold on a second. I'll be right back. I want to tell you something…


Believe it or not I actually knew Joey Ramone in real life… I painted two Elvis portraits for him.


back - stfu

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a3235e  No.244574

true story : Joey Ramone and I walked from The Fox Theater to The Agora Ballroom across the street to go get Mark Mothersbaugh, who was in the amphitheater Watching Another Band Perform, and get him to come across the street back to The Fox….

not that it matters……

I realize these days in particular that story doesn't really have any value..

Because these days music sucks and people are really stupid and they have no appreciation for really cool stories

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a3235e  No.244576

but yeah……. it's true

for whatever it's worth

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f73594  No.244577


That's likely true but no, I'm not a kike. I've seen when women were given rights to vote and when they became more involved in politics. My old home town became INCORPORATED long ago over a community vote which many of them spearheaded! I ended up having to move out many years later due to increasing taxes and bullshit anti-livestock & zoning regulations!

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dec5f2  No.244578


Who spearheaded the women's rights movement? Was it was white woman or a kike?

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f73594  No.244579


Both, really. Women were subverted by the Bolshevik Jews.

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3ad307  No.244580


Uh.. I mean, this stuff is like a drop in the bucket. Who is making these threads with this same theme over and over? Is it Morpheus? The "migrant crisis" is really just a very recent surge of what was an already existing demographic problem.

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dec5f2  No.244581


>Women were subverted by the Bolshevik Jews.

Then every single problem we might complain about concerning our own people… it all boils down to Jews. Had Jews never existed we wouldn't complain about ditzy white women voting for an obvious bad guy. We could have removed the ditzy and gullible trait from both them and our men but instead we have toed the line for Jews for no other reason than to not be called "anti-Semitic." I'm so relieved that era has already come to an end and soon following the Jewish 'people.' Don't you ever shit on white women again in my presence.

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a3235e  No.244582


don't be mad at him

he knows we're white

he just likes calling everybody kikes

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dec5f2  No.244583

File: 244b91eddfd4862⋯.jpg (230.32 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, white_genocide_intent_2.jpg)




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3ad307  No.244584


Yes, I'm aware of that. I'm saying the "migrant crisis" is a recent surge of something that has been going on for decades and simply deporting some radicals doesn't do anything.

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dec5f2  No.244585


>for decades

Irrelevant. Right now everyone sees what Islam and Judaism have done to the West. Now.. not a decade or two ago. Removing these militants from the general population is an admittance of defeat.

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dec5f2  No.244586

File: c07c2b915ee07ca⋯.png (43.91 KB, 866x289, 866:289, _torba_.png)

Look: They know their time is short. These rats are now trying to distance themselves from the others, hiding behind Christianity, piling on their sins. The future is bright. Lambright.

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dec5f2  No.244587

File: fac8e8a8ac3579e⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1335x694, 1335:694, two_jews_pretending_to_be_….png)

See? There is no place to hide now but the Pit.

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f73594  No.244588


For the most part he is correct. The problem is, whenever someone calls anyone a 'kike' because they feel like we are not addressing the root problem enough, it ends up a shit-slinging name calling fight. That tends to turn most people off, even many normfags who could AGREE with most of their stances. As stated before, most normfags know something is terribly wrong but cannot wrap their head around the long history of Marxist subversion many Jews have engaged in over the world. I often have to be careful how I talk about issues like this in real life, it takes people first understanding how corrupted these institutions and governments really are and then slowly pointing them in the right direction so they can figure this thorny topic out for themselves, at their own pace.

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a3235e  No.244589

File: 6f5ebef295d0630⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 383x480, 383:480, 5f9072dca0a4455c2ea1e8fb09….jpg)

File: d3d6de51746e96f⋯.jpg (72.06 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Capture_2020_11_02_08_19_3….jpg)


speaking of Elvis :

When he was young he was like a both of lightning from another planet… No one had ever seen anything like that before, and to be honest they still haven't…

When he got older he completely went insane

His health deteriorated because of his insane decisions and behaviors… He wasn't even necessarily fat because of eating, although he ate like a disgusting pig… No, the actual reason he got big and 'fat' was because he had abused drugs to the point where all of his internal organs had swollen to twice their size… He was dying… slowly…

He committed suicide in the end, so obviously hit the downward spiral was his own doing, part of a slow process of suicide I suppose…

And he was completely insane by the end, although he had also become somewhat of a genius you could say… He started off as a completely uneducated white trash redneck hick, but by the time he killed himself, he had become self-educated in tons of different fascinating fields of study, and he was actually smart as fuck by the end.. which is surprising.. you wouldn't think he was a genius by looking at him at the end when he was all fat and sick and dying….


his insanity indeed WAS my favorite thing about him

I think him going insane with the most fascinating part of his entire life…. That was cool as fuck !!

He used to wear a turban and a giant gemstone that came from the movie HARUM SCARUM, and a cape.. and he would pull people over in Memphis Tennessee for running stop signs and point guns in their faces, then give them $50,000 wrist watches and apologize and speed away from the scene in a BMW with police lights…

Totally insane and totally cool

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dec5f2  No.244590

File: 2770ced41977374⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 1592x3000, 199:375, Accelerationism_Jews_Fear_….jpg)



You had your chance to do it your way with Trump. Look at the mess that became! Now we're doing it another way. Not slowly and not sparing a single one.

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dec5f2  No.244591

File: ccfbfe34c2a220a⋯.png (113.93 KB, 1223x657, 1223:657, Jews_Schizos.PNG)


Elvis was a Jew. Of course he went insane.

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152dcb  No.244592



FACT: if you point out corruption within the system, most normfags will AGREE it is wrong and needs to stop. BUT…. once you start throwing the word 'kike' around or 'national socialism is the only solution' they get turned off and nothing happens, they'll blow you off or worse, perhaps report you as an extremist IRL. THAT is NOT something you want to happen. This is the reason why these kinds of image boards are not very popular and are heavily monitored too.

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a3235e  No.244593

File: 5ae645ca88af2a3⋯.png (385.36 KB, 936x1280, 117:160, 20210630_141117.png)

BOLT* of lightning

Like I said I'm outside

Using speech to text

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152dcb  No.244594


The best way to prevent the subversion and corruption from continuing is to get normfags to notice the bad things Bolshevik Jews are doing - regardless whether or not they know Bolshevik Jews are the root problem - and get them to protest and rally to stop this subversion and corruption they are conflicted with. By stopping the actions of the Bolshevik Jew, you undermine their ability to corrupt and subvert the system further.

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a3235e  No.244595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


actually, THIS….

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152dcb  No.244596


Well if it's working in those countries, keep at it. Problem is most Americans were brainwashed even before WWII. That takes decades to overcome.

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dec5f2  No.244597

File: 16ae826f08e97e4⋯.jpg (124.45 KB, 1131x732, 377:244, Russia_VS_America.jpg)


>That takes decades to overcome

It's been literal decades. And it's been overcome :)

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a3235e  No.244598

File: 25279184a3f4bea⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 540x960, 9:16, de6ad2a95c5bf699e97467ecfd….jpg)


there are really onlyTWO POSSIBILITIES:


if somebody can look at him and "not see it"

they're either :

1 : blind

2 : stupid as shit

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a3235e  No.244599

File: 1f20005bf084262⋯.jpg (39.36 KB, 600x600, 1:1, FRAMED_Young_Elvis_Presley….jpg)


but isn't germany where he

first began taking benzadrine ?

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152dcb  No.244600

File: effb2906a13e499⋯.jpg (69.68 KB, 650x641, 650:641, slim_whitman_g.jpg)



I liked this man better… and so did Europe.

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a3235e  No.244601

File: ab3780d5f1c02f8⋯.png (714.15 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210630_142842.png)


and fucking priscilla ?

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a3235e  No.244602


lol Elvis was


more well known than the name JESUS in fact

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dec5f2  No.244603

File: 3e23a8687a39ddf⋯.jpg (39.26 KB, 545x478, 545:478, brainlet_merchant_2.jpg)


>more well known than the name JESUS in fact

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152dcb  No.244604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The demonic kikes, listening to Slim Whitman!

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a3235e  No.244605


trust me…… it's 100% true…..

still to this day

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a3235e  No.244606


I'm going to explain something to you here, just so you'll understand it from now on…..

You will NEVER meet anybody who knows more about Elvis than I do

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a3235e  No.244607



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a3235e  No.244608


And I'm not bragging, because it's nothing to brag about

It's only important to me

I realize it's not important to anybody else

It's just a little fact

And I'm not necessarily proud of it

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152dcb  No.244610


I have a discography from him in my music collection, along with Slim. But I don't make a big deal about Elvis, because the truth is, Slim was the better hound dog. He could make the coyotes yodel to God up in the sky!

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c28cdc  No.244611

shit……… I WAS THE ONE

Who showed Todd Morgan

at Graceland where Elvis

had shot the bullet holes

in his father's office out back

They didn't even realize the bullet holes were there

And they added it to the tour afterwards, where the tour guides would tell the people about the bullet holes as they walked through the office

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dec5f2  No.244612


I wonder if other kikes are reminiscing about the past to avoid looking at the future.

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c28cdc  No.244613



If it wasn't for me

Graceland would have never known

About the bullet holes

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c28cdc  No.244614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Speaking of which :


Is one of his best songs

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c28cdc  No.244615

I'm going to let you guys get back to your little Hitler Nazi song and dance

I don't want to disrupt the party

All I'm trying to say is

If I say something about Elvis

You can absolutely guarantee it's accurate

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c28cdc  No.244616

Speaking of which :

Slim Whitman offered to give Elvis a rim job

backstage at the the Louisiana hayride in 1956

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dec5f2  No.244617

File: 494dc0831836f0c⋯.jpg (68.73 KB, 600x600, 1:1, jew_kvetching.jpg)


I considered being the One for the Jewish people. But again: Deception is an inferior strategy. Unfurled Destruction is coming and no one will save them.

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c28cdc  No.244618



Imagine how inconsiderate that would be of me

Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Jews Jews Jews Jews

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c28cdc  No.244619



If they're human they need to die

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dec5f2  No.244620


Prbly because this isn't an Elvis board. you can create one tho :) You can't stop the conversation, kike. Sorry.

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c28cdc  No.244621


I already did create one

Take your shoes off and get comfortable

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c28cdc  No.244622


I have no intention of stopping any conversation

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dec5f2  No.244623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They claim to be inhuman. The words of your elders are the death-sentence of the young.

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c28cdc  No.244624


Just don't try to stop mine when I make fun of you

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dec5f2  No.244625


You can make fun of me if it makes you feel better for lacking the intellect to debunk my positions or the integrity to admit I was right.

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c28cdc  No.244627


No offense.. because I realized you're actually a very intelligent man… I don't feel the need to insult your intelligence, because you're obviously very smart…

But when I was 12 years old I could already run circles around you and your redundant washed up hackneyed predictable parrot routine…

I've heard your bullshit a million times before

Delivered much more articulately and convincingly

By 13-year-old kids, so don't give yourself too much credit

You ARE intelligent, but it has nothing to do with your boring political nonsense.. that's actually when you appear the least intelligent…

And I'm not being mean…

But yeah man.. you're the only one patting yourself on the back. I don't see any groupies or fans standing behind you telling me how smart you are

Just you…..

You're confusing my boredom with inability

I got bored of your conversation before you were ever born, and the true sign of intelligence is somebody who actually doesn't stay on the same topic 24 hours a day

It's boring

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c28cdc  No.244628


And I'm not actually here to make fun of YOU

I'm making fun of a BEHAVIOR

A very predictable behavior

A trendy behavior

A boring predictable trendy behavior

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c28cdc  No.244629


Plus you focused on the term "making fun"

which is really weird because I was just about to correct myself…. You actually usurped me correcting myself, and sent me on a small tangent

I was going to correct myself and say :

I was wrong when I said I'm here to make fun of you

The primary reason I'm here is because I'm bored

And I don't like humans and I don't like the internet and I don't like social media and I don't like lots of things…

I'm a very happy person but I hate everything that's outside of my personal bubble

I have found a Zen State happiness inside of my little personal bubble with my family and rescuing animals

Everything that's outside of that bubble can eat shit

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c28cdc  No.244631

File: 785b9c2746d1161⋯.png (1.05 MB, 804x1280, 201:320, 20210630_120324.png)


but ?……

first and foremost…..


just silly stupid digital doodles

That's why I'm here

Like my award-winning


routine in another thread

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dec5f2  No.244632


Maybe you should bring back the 12 year old you because I've been rekting you for years.

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c28cdc  No.244633

File: f8b0f1d5ec88c81⋯.png (169.48 KB, 737x366, 737:366, PicsArt_06_30_12_17_23.png)


Where I noticed something interesting about the roper's logo

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c28cdc  No.244634

File: 68c9524e856c497⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1783x1080, 1783:1080, PicsArt_06_30_12_16_28.png)


Namely, how much it reminds me of your sex life

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c28cdc  No.244635


I couldn't care less whether you 'rek' me or not

I'm not worried about your perceptions

Because I don't have to live your fucking life

Thank God…………….

That would be repugnant

I would literally kill myself

And I'm not just saying that loosely

I would have already committed suicide by now

But here's a suggestion :

you can continue 'rekking' my nuts

with your chin

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dec5f2  No.244636

File: 56594cd7d39bb8a⋯.png (478.61 KB, 1391x809, 1391:809, logo.PNG)



You used the same line in another thread with another anon. I guess you're all out of witty things to say and have resorted to regurgitation. Now you're boring. Let me know when you have something original to say.

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c28cdc  No.244637

File: 26008eb31452dac⋯.png (178.03 KB, 1080x1263, 360:421, PicsArt_06_30_03_20_54.png)


So I'm guessing it's safe to assume "paying attention" isn't your native language?

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c28cdc  No.244639


and YES…… Yes regurgitation is my specialty

Which obviously has no effect on you

Obviously I'm not affecting you at all

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dec5f2  No.244640


>get called out

>exposed as using the same shill lines every single thread

>low IQ kike is low IQ

<but this means I win!

Ok. You're done, yid. So fucking oblivious.

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c28cdc  No.244641


Would you like to discuss me not having any effect on you some more?

Are there any more elements about me not having any effect on you that you would like to get out in the open?

Any other elements about me not bothering you that you would like to get off your chest?

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c28cdc  No.244642


Still too stupid to even realize how deeply you're putting your foot into your sexless little mouth

The little mouth that's seen so much corn syrup and refined sugar, but never tasted a vagina

Even after I showed you a screenshot, you're still barking like a little angry puppy

one of those obnoxious little dogs like a poodle or a shih tzu

The type of little obnoxious irrelevant powerless dog that can always be found around a disgusting old woman….

Kind of like you after your father abandoned you

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dec5f2  No.244643


>Would you like to discuss me not having any effect on you some more?

I didn't mentioned the word "effect" once. I think you're insecure and hoping that I reassure your efforts. So let's talk about the efforts of Jewry:

No Trump.


No pro-Zionism wave.

No pro-Bolshevism wave.

Ecelebs are irrelevant.

Migrant crisis is coming to a close - Jews defeaed.

All that's left i pushing the proverbial button inside of humanity's mind. You do know about the memetic buttons, right anon?

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dec5f2  No.244644

File: 5397e9655e6a5e7⋯.png (150.49 KB, 731x600, 731:600, brainlet_merchant.png)


<i win!


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c28cdc  No.244645


I'm not sure I understand you completely

Tell me some more about how I'm not getting under your skin

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dec5f2  No.244646


>i'm getting under your skin, r-right?!

lol sure bro. See: >>244625

whatever makes you feel better about the future of jews.

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dec5f2  No.244647

File: c1205619f22574e⋯.jpg (100.37 KB, 1080x631, 1080:631, rumsfeld.jpg)


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152dcb  No.244648


Good riddance to a war criminal scumbag Zionist neo-con.

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c28cdc  No.244649


No actually I think it was a very valid comparison

And I didn't even realize it until I said it……..

Everybody hates those little yapping fuck face small dogs, always barking and acting tough, yap yap yap yap yap, always trying to put on the Big Show…

But they're the size of a football……

And just like a football

It only takes one kick….

but then I stopped and realized those little tiny fuck face irritating powerless obnoxious yapping poodle dogs are always associated with a disgusting fat old woman

Never with a man and a woman…

Never with a man at all, unless he's gay….

Never with a husband and a wife…


the fat stupid unlikeable woman

and her "special little prized pookie-poo fag dog"

…. And then I what about how effminate you are

And how unlikely you got that way by "being raised by both parents"

And how there's an 85% chance you were raised by your mother

And suddenly it all made sense to me

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c28cdc  No.244650


Dear Mr. Attention Deficit :

I couldn't care less about Jews

I only care about you

Not having the balls to admit

I nailed it on the head

About the woman and the poodle

Just like you and your mother

And that's why you're so effeminate

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dec5f2  No.244651




You're projecting. All you do is yap. Just look at your post lmao. Why are Jews like this? It's like you can't look at yourself objectively so you subjectively project all the worst parts of yourselves onto others xD You're fucking garbage bro LOL

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dec5f2  No.244652

File: 2511f8c91be0eed⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 490x591, 490:591, mein_sides.jpg)

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152dcb  No.244653





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152dcb  No.244654

TO BE CLEAR…. I have already lived "The Day Of The Ropers"….. MANY TIMES!

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c28cdc  No.244655


G O O D ! ! !


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c28cdc  No.244656

File: d27943a8b6eb619⋯.png (552.3 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210630_153903.png)


lmao @ fatboy not realizing I clearly said

My ropers art was from ANOTHER THREAD

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c28cdc  No.244657


it's just an educated guess….

I could be mistaken, of course…. .

I'm just facing it on my anecdotal experience that every effeminate creepy fat fuck fagot I've ever met like you in my life was raised by their mother because their fathers abandoned them when they were kids

But if you weren't raised by your mother, it's actually even WORSE

That would mean your father raised an effeminate sissy

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152dcb  No.244658


"The Day Of The Ropers" is the day you get SICK from the night before after finishing a whole bottle of whiskey in one night…. and you have such a headache, you wife (or in some cases daughter) has to help service you by helping make the couch comfy, providing blankies and pillows, helping prop you up and turning on a DVD set with The Ropers so you can watch it all day long. They'll serve you food and water and hot cocoa (Stanley's favorite drink!) while you lay on the couch half the day watching The Ropers, and changing the DVD discs when need be!




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dec5f2  No.244659

File: f5fb33b85d114db⋯.gif (1.56 MB, 250x250, 1:1, psychic.gif)


I left home at about 16. Your "educated guess" and "experience" amounts to nothing. You're terrible at cold reading. You need some books? I found OORT and The Supplemental OORT very useful.

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c28cdc  No.244660


Because you are not even vaguely masculine

Trucking.. you don't understand masculinity so how would you even know?

You behave like a middle-aged woman..

You behave exactly like your mother

You are effeminate in a decidedly creepy way

Not a young "nelly" effemininity

but a MIDDLE-AGED DIVORCED WOMAN version of effemininity

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dec5f2  No.244661

File: 8891349b8304838⋯.jpg (37.63 KB, 485x487, 485:487, me_selfie_fb.JPG)




>Because you are not even vaguely masculine



Why are Jews like this?

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c28cdc  No.244662


Like I said I realize I could be wrong

And I can live with that

Because you aren't important to me

I don't give a fuck if I'm right or wrong

But I'm correct about one thing :


You do not come across in a masculine way

And if you move down at 16,

Then obviously you managed to manifest the personality of a bitter resentful divorce chainsmoking middle aged woman ALL ON YOUR OWN….

If I'm not mistaken you're the guy who openly admits not even being sexually attracted to females

You certainly don't act like it

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dec5f2  No.244663


>Like I said I realize I could be wrong

No you don't. You're too arrogant to think you could be wrong. You're literally a stereotypical Jew LMAO

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c28cdc  No.244664


I'm not sure what the photograph is supposed to mean….

I'm guessing that's supposed to be you?…

If so, it has zero meaning or value to me

I don't care what you look like

I'm telling you how you BEHAVE

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dec5f2  No.244665

File: 7d1b0fc149f47fe⋯.png (20.97 KB, 1747x138, 1747:138, moarpheus_respected.PNG)


>I'm telling you how you BEHAVE

pic related. Maybe you should try behaving liek me?

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c28cdc  No.244666


I'm mistaken all the time…

I get things wrong just like everybody else

But I'm not wrong about your behavior

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152dcb  No.244667


And let me make this CLEAR: when you're shaking from heavy detox the day after while having migraines… there is no laughing… it is not a laughing matter or experience…. but who really needs to laugh while watching something like The Ropers? That's why it's the PERFECT SHOW for such extreme binge drinking results!

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dec5f2  No.244668

File: bdb33df5a23fff9⋯.png (28.86 KB, 661x187, 661:187, moarpheus_good_work.PNG)


Nice try, Satan.

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c28cdc  No.244669

I'm definitely NOT wrong about


You don't come across like one of the dudes

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c28cdc  No.244670


At least you're right about one thing :

Laughter was never associated with The ropers

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dec5f2  No.244671

File: f80efe1b41780b6⋯.jpg (140.34 KB, 1801x634, 1801:634, moarpheus_accelerationism_….JPG)


I seem to be doing fine..? :)

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c28cdc  No.244672

Not Insulting you I'm just making an observation

I have known a lot of neurotic Divorced middle-aged women that behaved just like you

You have the exact same personality

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dec5f2  No.244673


I'm just making an observation



Hold on. I'll get you a couple books on Cold Reading so you aren't such an embarrassing impotent twat.

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152dcb  No.244674


If you ever feel like you're dying, and just need to relax to some classic TV show, having Wendy take care of you all day, it's really not all that bad!

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152dcb  No.244675

OK, time to cook something to eat and pig out watching some Bitchute videos!!!

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dec5f2  No.244676

File: b1ccb49d12c066c⋯.jpg (81.62 KB, 703x688, 703:688, my_sides_3.jpg)

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dec5f2  No.244677

File: a6c08405a4e1010⋯.jpg (213.05 KB, 990x556, 495:278, yfw_its_over.jpg)

>yfw came to demoralize but left demoralized

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de4624  No.244678

File: 46f358dc93f57cc⋯.jpg (46.38 KB, 485x487, 485:487, PicsArt_06_30_04_16_44.jpg)

Damn it.. I didn't even realize it was a JEWISH middle-aged neurotic divorced woman

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de4624  No.244679

All the proof I could ever need exists in your attached earlobes

My grandmother was a German occultist…

And she taught me all about attached earlobes when I was a little kid…

And now I see everything I had guessed was correct

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de4624  No.244681

lol @ "left"

You're never right, are you?

Can you imagine somebody actually taking a few minutes away from the image board to discuss something with their wife?

That's impossible. Obviously I must have left

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de4624  No.244682

I've got a terrible memory these days because obviously I don't care enough to bother remembering things.. obviously they must not have been that important..

But suddenly I'm recalling a conversation about attached earlobes, and the other person had it COMPLETELY BACKWARDS

They had it all wrong

They actually thought attached earlobes was a good thing

Trust me it's not

………………lol NOPE….

……………….it's NOT a good thing at all……………..

In fact it verifies everything I said earlier

And I'm assuming it must have been you I had the conversation with

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de4624  No.244683

And I'm not even sure if that's you in the photograph

But you attached to photograph

Of a man with attached earlobes

And I'm beginning to feel attached to you

Kind of like fungus attaches itself

to Killcen's toenails once a year like a lizard

So let me "read" the man I see in the photograph

Even if it's not you

Okay here I go..

I'm really really good at this…

Give me a second. Let me light a cigarette…

And I'm going to give you a free reading

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dec5f2  No.244684

File: 1dd18899f88bd33⋯.gif (271.86 KB, 498x278, 249:139, lel_4.gif)


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de4624  No.244685

I see a photograph of a man

Without a life companion… Without a girlfriend or a boyfriend…

But what helacks in interpersonal emotional and sexual relationships, he more than makes up for in a false bloated pompous sense of self entitlement

He thinks he's a lot more handsome than he actually is…

He played dungeons & dragons as a child

He likes science fiction

He's into fantasy roleplay

He's the type of guy that would wear a cape with a hood like some kind of druid cloak

I'm not sure if he's still into wizards and warlocks

But he definitely used to be

He's alone

He's insecure

And he doesn't understand

People don't see in him

What he thinks he sees in himself

He's a neurotic bitter late divorced chainsmoking woman

Trapped in the body of an adult male

And he looks like he's got Slavic polish DNA

Borderline Jew

Filthy Eastern European genetics

Maybe even Hungarian….

That's what I see…

And don't worry….

I'm not charging you for the session

But I'm guessing the only question that really matters is



Because you're not the purple Panzy

And you remind me of marshmallow Sally

But I expected marshmallow Sally's face to be fatter… I'm positive your body is big and dumping and out of shape… You don't have the face of a man who is physically fit…

But some people have weird body fat disproportion problems, where their face almost seems normal, but the rest of their body is like a big saggy water balloon

So I'm guessing you're a marshmallow Sally?

Or are you the douchebag that calls himself striker?

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dec5f2  No.244686


>Without a life companion… Without a girlfriend or a boyfriend…

Left home at 16 and ran away with a girl :) I've never really been single.

>He played dungeons & dragons as a child

No. I studied cold reading and magic as a child, along with occultism and theology.

>He likes science fiction

I'm an action/horror guy.

>He's into fantasy roleplay

I used to troll roleplay nerds on Lycos chat

I could go on with the rest by why bother? Please read those books I sent on cold reading. Practice at least two months before trying it live. Also.. how'd you get that scar on your left knee?

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de4624  No.244687


So I got one thing wrong?

Because everything else you listed was synonymous

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dec5f2  No.244688


Are you retarded?

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de4624  No.244689

I say tomato, you say action horror films

Tell me about the heavy metal music

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dec5f2  No.244690

File: 945cada35c31f47⋯.png (28.88 KB, 485x443, 485:443, brainlet_14.png)

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de4624  No.244691

D I S C L A I M E R :

Notice that nowhere in my "reading" of you did I say I'm better than you….

I never even said anything negative about you

(other than the bad DNA part, which is evidenced by the earlobes)

I simply sized you up as a fantasy (magic) enthusiast who's got a bloated sense of self entitlement…

but yeah…… I never said that you're a bad person

Or that you're inferior to ME…

We're definitely both inferior

But I'm the only one willing to admit it

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de4624  No.244692

Pantera ?……. Metallica ?………

Or was it Judas priest?

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dec5f2  No.244693

File: ad63cc551e0e9c3⋯.jpg (92.4 KB, 300x300, 1:1, lmao_x_context_is_hilariou….jpg)



just stop. you consistently get out-trolled and out-smarted. i even used cold reading on you better than you used it on me. you're a joke bro. get gassed.

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de4624  No.244694


not so fast, jewnose…..


You're not fooling me or anybody else

in fact, YOU are about to prove me right

because I'm going to take a time stamped

photo of me and my wife….

tell me what you want

the 'sign' to say…

and. I'll have her hold it

and you're going to do the same

I want her to hold a piece of paper

that says ELVIS

we can even have them pose topless with us

Unless of course you're completely full of shit

In which case you won't produce a photograph

You'll simply produce more excuses

And use stupid terminology like "trolling"

As your continual distraction technique

okay, so now we're going to do this thing

What do you want the sign to say?

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de4624  No.244695


I'm about to prove that you're a fucking liar

and a coward

Tell her I want her to hold the piece of paper between her middle finger and thumb, with her index finger extended…

She's not allowed to hold the paper with her index finger and thumb, or that'll prove it's fake

What do you want Wendy to light on the piece of paper?

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de4624  No.244696


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de4624  No.244697

it's fucking raining out here god dammit

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dec5f2  No.244698

File: 2b39b2aa9d7de32⋯.jpg (130.59 KB, 750x1125, 2:3, Christ_took_what_you_deser….jpg)



>n-no im right!

>you're the jew!

5 years later and it's the same shit I defeated 5 years ago. If you ever wonder why your "people" are losing so bad it's because of incompetent propagandists like you. Ever consider there's a reason I rekt the propagandists first?

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de4624  No.244699

lol @ thinking I'd ever use the word TROLL

or consider myself to be a "troll"

Do you ever think or say anything that's not predictable and prepackaged by somebody else?

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dec5f2  No.244700


who called you a troll? youre literally talking to yourself because thats the only way you can win LMAO

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de4624  No.244701


I never said you were a Jew…

That's your job…

You're the idiot who calls people Jew

When they're more German than you'll ever be

All I said is you have a Jewish nose

I'm guessing you've got Hungarian or polish DNA

You look like a Pole to me

Maybe French dirt DNA somewhere in the mix

But you're definitely not 100% white

All I said is I'm about to LET YOU PROVE

I bet you don't have a woman in your life

And you were lying

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dec5f2  No.244702


lmao you will never be german, moshe.

>You look like a Pole to me

I already told you my House.

It's like Hitler said: When you Jews get destroyed you come back the next day pretending not to remember the day prior when you got destroyed. You are a stereotype! LOL

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de4624  No.244703

File: cb75559dc382355⋯.png (743.85 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20210630_172147.png)

See?….. Just like I said

You're a liar

That's the difference between you and me

Everything I say is true

And you are a distractionary

Who thinks you're skilled at fooling people


what do you want Wendy to write ?…



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dec5f2  No.244704


>muh girlfriend!

fuck off jew no one cares about your wife' rotten snatch lmao

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de4624  No.244705


Your words have zero value to anybody other than yourself

I said you are Hungarian or French and you have dirt in your DNA

And I'm 100% correct




And if you don't tell me what you want Wendy to write on a piece of paper, then everybody will realize you're trying to back out of the deal because you're a coward and you're a liar

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dec5f2  No.244706


>I said you are Hungarian or French and you have dirt in your DNA

Are you claiming the French aren't white, Moshe?

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de4624  No.244707


But you really ARE single……..

take a selfie NOW

and prove me wrong, lardbelly pantera sissy

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de4624  No.244708

File: 12582b6b6964a89⋯.png (223.08 KB, 1080x932, 270:233, PicsArt_06_30_05_27_06.png)

yes … you really ARE

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de4624  No.244709

tell ya what I'm gonna do, hooknose no-lobes

since you're refusing to tell went what to write



and since you will refuse to upload a selfie

Of you and your non-existent girlfriend together

you'll prove me correct

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de4624  No.244710

you're a liar…………..


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de4624  No.244711

File: c2e435398c375ac⋯.jpg (682.43 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 20210630_173323.jpg)

since you've got no life companion

OF COURSE she can't hold the piece of paper between her thumb and middle finger with her index finger extended….

What do you want Wendy to write on the paper?

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dec5f2  No.244712

File: 455ba006f11b086⋯.jpg (3.75 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, House_of_Bernadotte.jpg)

I guess you're going to failtroll all the way to the chambers LMAO

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de4624  No.244713

I guess youre a liar?

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de4624  No.244714

I guess you just proved me correct


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dec5f2  No.244715

File: e24517c0a79a68f⋯.png (92.34 KB, 211x375, 211:375, mkultra_eyes.png)


post yfw it's all true and unfolding before you very eye

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de4624  No.244716

Je suppose que tu es un lâche ?

Gondolom, van egy varázsló köpenyed ??

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dec5f2  No.244717


אתה לעולם לא תהיה לבן.

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de4624  No.244718


si j'ai bien compris le truc "pas de petite amie", alors j'ai bien compris le reste aussi

JUNE 30 2022

the day Marshmallow Sally got proven to be a cowardly liar

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dec5f2  No.244719

File: abf918275cf4134⋯.png (317.96 KB, 491x334, 491:334, projecting.png)


>cowardly liar


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de4624  No.244720

trust me………

nobody ever believed you in the first place

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de4624  No.244721

so don't get in a big huff, lonely guy

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de4624  No.244722

Nobody believed you could ever supply us with photographic evidence in the first place

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de4624  No.244723

oh well………………………..that's too bad

secretly, I was hoping you would PROVE ME WRONG

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dec5f2  No.244724

Did you know that men belonging to the House Bernadotte are automatically granted the title "Prince?"

It must be a big exciting day for you to get rekt by royalty.

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de4624  No.244725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

but you couldn't…… and that's too bad

oh well….. Run along and play Make Believe with your little imaginary one man army

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dec5f2  No.244726

File: f9780e926dfae44⋯.gif (665.23 KB, 355x200, 71:40, rofl.gif)

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de4624  No.244727


You misspelled the word princess

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de4624  No.244728


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de4624  No.244730

the princess and her childish cartoons


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de4624  No.244731

poor little lonely princess………

I tell ya what….

Let's recap my "reading", okay ?

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de4624  No.244732

I see a photograph of a man without a life companion… Without a girlfriend or a boyfriend… But what helacks in interpersonal emotional and sexual relationships, he more than makes up for in a false bloated pompous sense of self entitlement. He thinks he's a lot more handsome than he actually is… He played dungeons & dragons as a child. He likes science fiction. He's into fantasy roleplay. He's the type of guy that would wear a cape with a hood like some kind of druid cloak. I'm not sure if he's still into wizards and warlocks. But he definitely used to be. He's alone. He's insecure. And he doesn't understand. People don't see in him what he thinks he sees in himself. He's a neurotic bitter late divorced chainsmoking woman. Trapped in the body of an adult male And he looks like he's got Slavic polish DNA. Borderline Jew. Filthy Eastern European genetics. Maybe even Hungarian….

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dec5f2  No.244733

File: c1711d4eb303daf⋯.png (39.41 KB, 959x388, 959:388, dumb_jews.PNG)

>y-you're so insecure!

First the world turns against the Political Jew, being both Nationalist and Internationalist. Next, against the economic Jew, being both Capitalist and Bolshevik. Then the religious Jew – Orthodox first, Luciferian next. Until finally we have solved the problem. Don't believe me? Look at how the Jews themselves are doing all the work setting this up for me.

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de4624  No.244734


damn, I'm good

nice ears, btw Sally

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dec5f2  No.244735


haha kvetching in redtext! i must have unlocked a new reward lol

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de4624  No.244737


AGAIN : why don't you have a job?

AGAIN : why don't you get any pussy "dude"?

lol calling you 'dude' is weird….

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dec5f2  No.244738

File: 708aba316879aec⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 396x216, 11:6, LMAO.gif)

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de4624  No.244740


Your Effeminate Distraction Attempts are empty


(I forgot to mention 'unbathed' earlier, but that one was really obvious because of the greasy hair)

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de4624  No.244741


Lashing out again ?……… Hmmm

Was it something I said?

Was it the part about you not getting any pussy?

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dec5f2  No.244742


>5th grade insults

>acting like a middle-aged jewish woman

>clearly upset but pretending he isnt

I'm bored :(

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de4624  No.244743

Oh Well………..

So Now It's Finally Out In The Open

Marshmallow Sally™ has no vagina in his life


dammit, Sally

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de4624  No.244744


You misspelled the word BORING

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de4624  No.244745

Which is exactly why no girls find you interesting

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de4624  No.244746

that's EXACTLY how you became a lonely adult

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de4624  No.244747

ouch @ being bitch slapped so briskly

You made that too easy

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dec5f2  No.244748

File: aae12f12c16554b⋯.jpg (982.67 KB, 2400x3000, 4:5, bored_senseless.jpg)

>is any of this sticking?!

Nope, sorry. You should have read the books I sent.

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de4624  No.244749

I wrote a song about you…

Would you like to hear it?

okay.. Hold on

la la la LA LA laaa

okay…. Here goes


Did you like it?

I'm still working on it…

Polishing the rough edges here and there

But that's the basic gist of the song

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de4624  No.244750

so my "wizard" observation was correct, too ?…

because if I'm not mistaken ..

all you've got is that computer

and isn't that the "purist" state you lonely

excuse makers call "being a wizard"?

no chance of getting a girl, right?

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dec5f2  No.244751

File: 0014a481cb0ee61⋯.png (460.17 KB, 737x924, 67:84, female_merchant_1.PNG)

>y-youre unattractive!

put johnny back on, wendy. u r boring everyone

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de4624  No.244752

here's the Chorus :


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de4624  No.244753

but you ARE……………

your face is like a ferret

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756d62  No.244754



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dec5f2  No.244755

File: 7fd577567d6e888⋯.png (116.5 KB, 490x562, 245:281, female_merchant.png)


>i wrote a song for you

put johnny on, wendy. for fuck's sake..

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de4624  No.244756

Of course the ridiculous facial hair was intended to distract from the diminutive chin

plus, you're FAT AND DUMPY

That's the same picture you've been using for years

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dec5f2  No.244757

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de4624  No.244758

Okay, time to make dinner……

Have fun larping, MARSHMALLOW SALLY™

(At least we finally figured out that you're not striker)

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de4624  No.244759

Tonight I'm making my famous Pineapple Garlic BBQ Shrimp

adios, AND SALLY™

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dec5f2  No.244760

File: c2aca23df18c862⋯.png (146.73 KB, 1795x942, 1795:942, striker_moarpheus.PNG)


bye wendy :)

btw… im the one who rekt striker. you and neptune would know that if you werent so retarded. See? I am coming for all Jews. Politics and religion are irrelevant to me.

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de4624  No.244761

File: b1b9b05c22cb4dc⋯.jpg (740.32 KB, 1280x786, 640:393, zero_respect_for_your_cult….jpg)


What the fuck was this thread even about, anyway?

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dec5f2  No.244762


baiting neptune and his wife. anons need to see how you jews behave. they need to see that you have no counter or defense against anything i say. so even if they dont like me they will listen because of (((you))). see? i use you. why do you think i spend hours engaging? did you think i was triggered by failtrolling? youre just pawns who got pwned.

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dec5f2  No.244768

File: 3ec2e72bba99e2e⋯.jpg (34.62 KB, 461x600, 461:600, checkmate_sweetiepie.jpg)

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eb7aa9  No.244771


I'm back, you potbelly nig sexless heavy metal "warlock" faggot with no girlfriend or wife….

That dinner was amazing !!

How were the totino's Pizza rolls?

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eb7aa9  No.244772

File: c0c1579493cccc6⋯.jpg (161.65 KB, 1080x1406, 540:703, PicsArt_06_30_07_43_57.jpg)


larped about being a heterosexual

but chickened out when push came to shove

Any other predictable image board catchphrases you would like to mention?


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eb7aa9  No.244773

I grill the pineapple until it caramelizes, and I simultaneously caramelize vidalia onions…

I make my world famous GARLICUE Sauce from scratch, then I glaze the shrimp with it, and finally, I toss the charred pineapple chunks onto it, and glaze it one more time…

I used brioche rolls, and tonight I used a prepackaged APPLE SLAW to top the sandwiches off….

Fucking BADASS……………………

I'm guessing your mother does most of the cooking?

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eb7aa9  No.244774

File: c71f5ac2e314e59⋯.png (306.84 KB, 1080x1084, 270:271, PicsArt_06_30_07_53_20.png)

Do you ever have the decency to cook for your mother and lighten the load for her a little bit?

After all… You're unemployed…

You don't pay your own bills…

It's the least you could do.

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eb7aa9  No.244775

File: 132bc7fbfe4497e⋯.png (548.13 KB, 1080x1239, 360:413, PicsArt_06_30_07_58_35.png)

Imagine how happy your mother would be if you lightened the load a little bit for her

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dec5f2  No.244777

File: fa499c597611a53⋯.jpg (25.91 KB, 451x501, 451:501, HITLER_SMILE.jpg)

hey. just had some lunch. you still kvetching?

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eb7aa9  No.244779

File: b1079a1e38bd721⋯.png (430.67 KB, 1080x1239, 360:413, PicsArt_06_30_08_03_49.png)

Inconsiderate mooch at the end of the hall

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eb7aa9  No.244780

File: a765fea50d6bace⋯.jpg (149.35 KB, 1080x1200, 9:10, PicsArt_06_30_08_10_10.jpg)

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dec5f2  No.244781


yes. tell us again how hitler is jewish.

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26e942  No.244783


Anon, I'd highly recommend those wanting or waiting for someone like Hitler to return from his grave to consider one true statement an anon posted on another thread I created titled "THE FUTURE"…. what this anon had to say is very revealing of the predicament the world really is in. One thing anon said in his statement which holds true:

"We no longer have this luxury of expecting things to go like they did in 1950's America (or 1990's western civilization . Or hey let's add 1930's Germany too. Those time periods all ended. Mass chaos ensued. Small numbers of people in the know were murdered (look at gen patton) . The other small amount became stupid rich off of the changes of the world."

His full statement is here if you'd like to read it: >>244494

Hitler is gone. He's dead. He's not coming back. The past is not coming back. If we want change, we need to make that change for ourselves.

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dec5f2  No.244784

File: 05976566608d843⋯.jpg (454.96 KB, 1488x1488, 1:1, Timeline_Redpill.jpg)


We're repeating the events which led to the rise of Hitler. Only this time we have all of his mistakes to learn from.

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dec5f2  No.244786

Too bad Zionist and Bolshevik kike lost control of the PSYOP, huh? No Hitler for them. Only the real thing baby <3

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e096a2  No.244837

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