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File: 833d62506edee4c⋯.png (565.57 KB, 514x574, 257:287, c4g7M7t.png)

9afdcb  No.244356[Last 50 Posts]

This is now Planet Satan and the Bolsheviks and their minions are setting us up via injection and putting the mentioned nano aluminum in water, chemtrails, food and almost any consumable you can imagine to achieve MASS Alzheimers, Mad Cow, CJD and other brain neurological catastrophes. There WILL be countless millions of zombies walking the streets in time.

The changes in personalities of the vaxed are commonly reported now. Other brain function distortions as well. These are likely the early, and rapid, onset symptoms of TSEs and the other terminal brain dysfunctions being seen and discussed by those who have seen friends and family post vax. The myriad things we've discussed…and there are MANY…all point to a multi-pronged, multi-faceted destruction of the current human race.

This 'vax', its unknown components and the spike, have been designed to decimate the immune system and all major organ systems of the human body. The bastards will also gather untold wealth as the Medical and Pharma industries attempt to 'treat' the untreatable terminal 'illnesses.'


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7aced8  No.244358

File: 0ce44ad89f38f28⋯.png (911.23 KB, 661x545, 661:545, _jeff_rense_.PNG)

Jeff plays the schizo role pretty well. Exaggerate the truth so no one takes you seriously. Over-used strategy though.

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9afdcb  No.244373


I would not be surprised if this was true though, I mean consider the fact many have openly called for depopulation of the planet and they have openly called for bringing back feudalism (albeit a more high tech) too.

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7aced8  No.244375


Maybe. But no one will listen to you because you're shilling obvious schizo CIAnigger shit.

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9f1fc9  No.244394


<This 'vax', its unknown components and the spike, have been designed to…

yet YOU pretend to know the components

because you're full of shit

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9f1fc9  No.244395

Obviously, you're very knowledgeable about this subject.

Feel free to explain the potential in-vivo uptake and subsequent toxicological effects of Al-containing nanoparticles (NMs composed of Al0 and aluminum oxide (Al2O3)) and soluble aluminum chloride (AlCl3·6H2O) using microwave assisted acid digestion approach followed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis in major organs in order to determine the oral bioavailability and distribution.

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a686c2  No.244396

just take methylsulfonymethane every day and you wont get heavy metals stuck in your brain

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82ea88  No.244397


Anything composed of aluminum oxide and aluminum chloride can't be very good for your health anon. No matter how much you want to dance around the science.

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49b678  No.244398

File: 933f5b123bda53c⋯.jpg (349.86 KB, 967x1280, 967:1280, 20210630_061246.jpg)

File: 549e3d3ce26eb8b⋯.jpg (370.69 KB, 964x1280, 241:320, 20210630_061307.jpg)


which of these charts do you think contains an obvious error regarding the distribution of ionic and nanoparticulate Al0 and Al2O3 ?

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49b678  No.244399


Aluminum is one of the most abundant elements on earth and is widely used in many different consumer product applications due to its unique characteristics. As an ubiquitous element, Al occurs in natural sources, e.g. food and drinking water, as well as in food additives, packaging and kitchenware. Besides industrial, also agricultural, medical and consumer product uses are known for synthetic alumina, mixed Al silicate and Al oxide NMs. Especially composite materials containing Al show favourable properties when being used as packaging materials for the protection of food against humidity and oxidation and are more and more common. Moreover, various Al salts are used in food as additives, e.g. as stabilizers, pH regulators and anti-caking agents. As a consequence of modern life style Al-containing materials and substances are of high abundance in the human environment.

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49b678  No.244400

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49b678  No.244401


let's keep this short and sweet.

you never graduated high school.

you didn't

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82ea88  No.244402


I could be a brilliant scientist like you, but ask yourself a question first: if I were to cook up a chemical called 1-1-8-tetrachlorethoxinite and told you to inject it into your body without telling you exactly what it would do to your health, would you?


Yes, I've heard of MSM supplement and have taken it before, it's actually good for keeping your bones and cartilage from weakening as you get older.

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49b678  No.244403

File: 74255565b57cb3c⋯.jpg (243.92 KB, 1310x1080, 131:108, PicsArt_06_30_06_19_20.jpg)


as if the "make believe molecular scientist" routine isn't ridiculous enough, you also BELIEVE ANYTHINGTHIS PATHETIC FAGGOTSAYS.

and then there's the gatewaypundit and zerohedge sources

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82ea88  No.244404


It's found in tap water, to which can be (and highly recommended be) filtered out. It's also found in some mass produced food additives which are NOT organic but are loaded with toxic JUNK. As for non-consumable products, that's OK then because that's not going to harm your health.

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49b678  No.244405


thankyou for repeating a much less informative repeat of what I JUST POSTED

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82ea88  No.244406


And I'll continue posting real news and there is NOTHING you or anyone else can do about it!

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49b678  No.244407


so, AFTER I type something, that's when you provide me with the cliff notes?

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49b678  No.244408


you didn't sleep again last night, did you?

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49b678  No.244409


the mania again…. rapid cycling, I see

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49b678  No.244410


I have no desire to "stop you from posting" anything

if you quit, then I couldn't ridicule you

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82ea88  No.244412


Difference: You're trying to justify TOXINS put in the tap water supply and mass produced crap junk foods to justify TOXINS being put into vaccines!!

I'm not!

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49b678  No.244413


justify? wtf?…. lol

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49b678  No.244415


I am NOT trying to stop you….

im simply making an observation :

you are very knowledgeable about "nano aluminum"

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49b678  No.244416


Lemme see…….

You're 72….

so since you dropped out of high school in the 10th grade, that would mean you dropped out of high school in the year 1965, right?

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49b678  No.244417


tell me more about the seycret ingredients in the vaccine, which you claim has "unknown ingredients"

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82ea88  No.244418


ANYTHING made with aluminum oxide and aluminum chloride is by definition toxic. You cannot dance around science of these vaccines trying to justify the bullshit toxic additives put into them. It's just that simple: smart people don't shoot toxins into their skin!

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49b678  No.244419


Killcen, I fucking LOVE YOU, dude……

I'm not attacking you

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49b678  No.244420


RE: smart people don't shoot toxins into their skin

You ought to mention that to Jerry

Does mainlining it make a difference?

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82ea88  No.244421


Look at all the other previous vaccine inserts to get a good idea the toxic crap they put into those things! And ironically, they don't even work!

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49b678  No.244422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


correction :

I indeed CAN dance around science

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49b678  No.244423


the reason you don't have polio :


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82ea88  No.244424


People who have taken the mRNA 'vaccines' have still gotten sick with covid after getting both jabs, so obviously it's not working very well…. even with all those deadly toxins, spike proteins and other garbage!

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49b678  No.244425


thank God the world hadn't already become a bunch of "spontaneous conspiracy molecular biologist geniuses" back when the polio vaccine was developed

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49b678  No.244426


lol ALL MEDICAL PROCEDURES have a certain amount of people who get unexpected results…

Thousands of people die every year from reactions to ASPIRIN

the number of people with unexpected results to mRNA COVID Vaccines is extreeeeemely low

much lower than those who died from aspirin

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82ea88  No.244427


Wrong. Disease like polio can be defeated with boosting your immune system. The reason I don't have polio is because I have a healthy immune system!


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49b678  No.244428


In fact, the number is SO LOW, that you can't even quantify how many people have had bad reactions…

all you know is "a few people"….

"a handful"

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49b678  No.244429


your immune system is GARBAGE




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82ea88  No.244430



Bullshit. Total bullshit. There are reports coming out every day about people dying, having blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, loosing normal abilities, etc from it. Every single day. I stopped keeping track because I could never keep up with it.

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49b678  No.244431


the reason you don't have polio, measles, rubella, or chicken pox :


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82ea88  No.244432


I'm an alcoholic who defeated diabetes by eating healthy foods, staying away from TOXIC bullshit and drinking clean filtered water, and staying away from sugary foods, and staying away from Big Pharma.

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49b678  No.244433



325 MILLION dieses of covid vaccine have been administered in America

154 MILLION Americans are fully vaccinated against covid

47% of Americans have received both doses

hahahaha @ thinking a handful of alleged "bad reactions" indicates a lack of efficacy

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49b678  No.244434


but you have NOT defeated diabetes at all


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82ea88  No.244435



My liver goes through multiple detox and I have organic healthy foods that help restore some of the damage done the night before. Plus I take curcumin which is a natural anti-inflammatory which boosts organ health too.

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49b678  No.244436

Killcen, last night at 10 PM (9:00 your time zone) I went to sleep… I woke up at 5:30 this morning

…….be honest…..

you've been awake all night?

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49b678  No.244437



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82ea88  No.244438

And guess what? I don't even need a doctor to 'fix' my dead toenails either!

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49b678  No.244439


lmmfao @ liver detox


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49b678  No.244440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Thanks for reminding me…..

Even further proof of your "incredible healthy status"?

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82ea88  No.244441


I got up early around 4:30 AM. It's natural out here to wake up early to let the chickens out.

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49b678  No.244442

Just admit it

you've been awake all night

Because the panic attacks are becoming more and more frequent, and you can only stay asleep for 45 minutes or so before waking back up again

Even the alcohol isn't knocking you out anymore

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49b678  No.244443


Oh okay, well GOOD !!! good good

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82ea88  No.244444


I did not drink last night, however tonight may be a different story.

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49b678  No.244445


btw I'm just giving you some WELL DESERVED SHIT

I'm just messing around with you

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49b678  No.244446

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82ea88  No.244447


I will admit, I do tend to wake up a lot later in the morning when I do drink. And I also fall a sleep earlier too. The drinking actually does help me sleep. I wouldn't be able to sleep at all if I quite drinking cold turkey.

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49b678  No.244448


llooookk,, dduuddee…………

II nneevveerr eevveenn mmaaddee iitt ttoo hhiigghh sscchhooooll

II ddrrooppppeedd oouutt iinn tthhee 99tthh ggrraaddee

ssoo iimm jjuusstt ggiivviinngg yyoouu sshhiitt

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49b678  No.244449


may I suggest heroin?

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82ea88  No.244450


I don't do drugs anymore. And even when I did, I'd never ever shoot anything up.

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49b678  No.244451


(I'm kinda butthurt that you didn't get a kick out of my "dancing around science" tort)

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49b678  No.244453


ask Jerry to teach you how

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49b678  No.244454


plus, I snort all my heroin……

Unless it's black tar, in which case it goes straight up my shit hole

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82ea88  No.244455


>47% of Americans have received both doses

This explains the Deagle predictions for 2025 pretty well!

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49b678  No.244456


A study conducted by the Consumer Affairs Agency based in part on these statistics estimates that around19,000 people lose their lives every yearin accidents while bathing.

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49b678  No.244457

btw the correct terminology is MANAGING YOUR DIABETES……….

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82ea88  No.244458


A study conducted by All News Pipeline, Natural News & Rense based in part on these statistics estimates that around200,000,000 Americans will be killed off within 5 yearsby the covid vaccines….. but we'll wait and see.

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49b678  No.244459


That means you and I woke up at the same time this morning


None of those news organizations are real

That's garbage… It doesn't even qualify as fake news

It's simply garbage and nothing more

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49b678  No.244460


Our houses are exactly 591 mi apart from each other

We both woke up at the same time

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49b678  No.244461


I went to sleep 4 hours before you did

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82ea88  No.244463


I went to sleep around midnight, I had some trouble falling asleep though.

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49b678  No.244464


I stand corrected…..

THREE HOURS later than I did

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49b678  No.244465


exactly 591 miles apart.

you can use a map and a ruler and determine exactly where our house is

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82ea88  No.244466


No, on the contrary, they've been correct over the years if you look at the older archives. Sure, maybe some of the events they predict happen a lot later on than expected, maybe their timelines are off a bit, or maybe some threats are mitigated from time to time, but overall they are accurate with their predictions long-term. What was warned about on Natural News back in 2007 for example, a lot of that has happened and is now well known fact, such as glyphosate causing cancer, people actually used to deny that!!

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49b678  No.244467

I wonder how Jerry's holding up in 115° temperatures, and no air conditioning

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82ea88  No.244468


Geo-engineering kills, doesn't it?

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49b678  No.244469


Killcen ?….. RoundUp is one molecule away from AGENT ORANGE

it's an HERBICIDE…. as in: CIDE…. as in: DEATH

everybody knew it was toxic and killed you

(Herbicide pesticide homicide suicide etc)

the ONLY people who claimed it wasn't carcinogenic was Monsanto, and they were lying

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49b678  No.244470


only 5% of residents in Washington State and Oregon have Air Conditioning

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49b678  No.244472

lol @ suggesting those whacko uneducated douchebags "PREDICTED HERBICIDES ARE TOXIC"

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82ea88  No.244473


That's a conspiracy theory as most people said back 5 or 6 years ago when only alt media reported about it!

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49b678  No.244474

File: 7bb8f12804448df⋯.png (907.19 KB, 1188x1280, 297:320, 20210524_090208.png)

File: 9523f7946b72947⋯.jpg (595.89 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 20210528_180109.jpg)


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82ea88  No.244475


More proof America really is a third world nation. Now they're finding it out, the hard way. This typically is the case for every damn conspiracy out there too. When the damage is already done, THEN they accept it.

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49b678  No.244476


I don't give a fuck about news organizations

I knew RoundUp was developed from Agent Orange 37 years ago

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49b678  No.244477


conspiracy ?…….


the reason they don't have Air Conditioning is because THEIR CLIMATE NEVER JUSTIFIED AIR CONDITIONING

until only recently…..

because global temperatures are steadily rising

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49b678  No.244478


RE : finding out the hard way


they are finding out that global warming is 100% real………

the hard way

suffocating in the stifling heat


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82ea88  No.244479


The one thing I didn't do: when I realized what was happening to this country, I did not accept it, I started getting prepared ASAP, and began my journey into the world of becoming independent with the intention of being able to survive and thrive no matter how bad things have gotten, to become self-sufficient and inevitably live off the land and homestead off-grid when the nation collapses.


>because global temperatures are steadily rising

Not really, only in spikes and specific areas, at very convenient times for pushing an agenda.

You didn't read the USAF's "Weather As A Force Multiplier" document or check out all the geo-engineering and HAARP patents out at the Geo-engineering Watch site have you?

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82ea88  No.244480


Weather modification technologies for geo-political warfare is 100% real.

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49b678  No.244481


you're wrong

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49b678  No.244482


this isn't HAARP…….

it's not "just a few select areas"


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49b678  No.244483

MASSIVE SHELVES are melting and falling off Antarctica, sea levels ARE rising, and record high temps are happening from Paris to the North Pole to Yakima Washington

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82ea88  No.244484

The USAF deleted this from their servers but it's still out there (unclassified):


List of global geo-engineering patents for weather modification:


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49b678  No.244485

I'm definitely NOT going to waste

even one second of my life arguing

with somebody who REFUSES to

accept facts, simply because he has

a lunatic conspiracy agenda

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49b678  No.244486


you're not telling me anything I don't already know

and global warming DEFINITELY IS REAL

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49b678  No.244487

speaking of which :

be well, sir

. …. ……….. …. .. .. ………get some sleep

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82ea88  No.244488

File: 6bcdb96548c3c04⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 828x739, 828:739, a00621313.jpg)


They are causing it.

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63db63  No.244903

Less stupid people, hopefully less corruption and despotism too when this is all said and done.

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f4d091  No.244972


The vast majority of those now dying with covid are people who were VACCINATED against it!

Public Health England just released a new report showing that at least 62 percent of all deaths associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who were already “vaccinated.”

The news just so happened to come out the same day that the mainstream media ran a distraction story about British politician Matt Hancock having a secret affair with his aide Gina Coladangelo. Many people missed it the day it broke, in other words, but now it is circulating the web and causing many to question whether the jabs are truly safe and effective as the government claims.

Fresh data out of the U.K. shows that injected people are three times more likely to die from the so-called “delta variant” than people who left their immune systems and DNA alone by just saying no, as Nancy Reagan once said, to dangerous drugs.

Titled, “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England,” the paper, which is the 17th technical briefing to be released thus far on the matter, is highly telling as to what is in store for the jabbed later on down the road.

A table in the report shows that between Feb. 1, 2021, and June 21, 2021, there have been 9,571 confirmed cases of the “delta variant” in British people over the age of 50. Of these, 8,025 were confirmed just within the past 28 days alone.

This sudden spike in new cases directly coincides with the U.K.’s vaccine push, showing that the more people are getting vaccinated, the higher the rate of infections.

The data clearly shows that a mere 10 percent of all new alleged confirmed cases of the Chinese Virus within this age group are unvaccinated people. Upwards of 37 percent of new cases are in people who got both of their injections in obedience to the government.

Another 40 percent of cases, it is important to note, occurred in people who received at least one dose of a Chinese Virus injection at least 21 days prior to testing “positive.” This means that 77 percent of new Wuhan Flu cases are occurring in people who had either one or both doses of the injection.

Delta variant is caused and spread by vaccines

Based on the figures presented by Public Health England, the number of confirmed cases of delta variant among fully vaccinated people over the age of 50 is three times higher compared to the number among the unvaccinated. And in 50-and-over partially vaccinated people, the ratio is nine to one.

What this means, of course, is that the vaccines are dangerous and ineffective at preventing the spread of Chinese Germs, despite having received emergency use authorization (EUA) at “warp speed” from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Very limited trials were conducted beforehand that of course showed that the jabs “work.” Anyone who has been paying attention knows that Big Pharma has refined the art of tampering with “science” to produce the desired outcome, which is exactly what happened with these “Operation Warp Speed” abomination injections.

“Unfortunately, it looks like Mr. Hancock has been lying again and instead of the Covid-19 vaccines being our route back to normal they are instead quite the opposite,” reports Humans Are Free, noting that the only people who are falling for all the lies are people who religiously watch mainstream “news” and trust everything the government tells them.

“Because the data published by Public Health England shows us that the number of alleged deaths due to the Delta variant are highest among those who have received two doses of the vaccine.”


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0f0035  No.245017


They would have to get rid of the corrupt criminals and I don't see that happening, do you?

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f4d091  No.245018


Hoping this kills some of them off too, or at the very least helps defund their evil. After all, they do rely on our taxpayer dollars to be pampered and get their way.

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