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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 24a60b4cce80ae4⋯.png (1.33 MB, 2934x1738, 1467:869, 1624389473595.png)

File: e6c6d6eeb438cc9⋯.png (365.58 KB, 720x620, 36:31, e6c.png)

File: addfa536adfea33⋯.jpg (129.27 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1622162597015.jpg)

e1e10b  No.244103[Last 50 Posts]

I don't know why /pol/ loves mudslimes so much, they are inbred camel piss drinkers goatfuckers and I don't want to think that that bullshit who says that 99% of Euroflags are muslims LARPing as white it's true so I want a better explication

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5949e8  No.244104


you don't have a job.

you do not work

and you don't have a girlfriend

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5949e8  No.244105


since you have no job

obviously your mother

is your benefactor

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5949e8  No.244106


no girlfriend

no companion

just you and your


no sexual experience

with females

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5949e8  No.244107


banned from 4chan again

and no girlfriend

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5949e8  No.244108


not even a fat ugly girl

no girls whatsoever

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5949e8  No.244109


not even one

they simply don't like you

they don't find you attractive

they aren't intrigued by you

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e1e10b  No.244110


Exactly, Achmed. I don't work


No, I live by cryptocurrencies


In one day I fuck more girls than you in your entire shitty paki life


Why I should have a girlfriend? I prefer fuck them and that's it, dirty ugly mudslime diaspora


You like fat girls, kil yourself then. Faggot

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e1e10b  No.244111

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5949e8  No.244112


you're lying again

you get no pussy

because girls laugh at you

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5949e8  No.244113


you're NOT fooling anybody

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e1e10b  No.244114

File: 796f3a82f753173⋯.png (8.57 KB, 454x532, 227:266, 1623964479796.png)

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5949e8  No.244115


lol @ "I live by cryptocurrency"

your mother pays your bills

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5949e8  No.244116


predictable graphics

predictable responses

the lonely little computer sissy

imageboards, anime & porn

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5949e8  No.244118


just like a 9 year old boy

he tries the embarrassing

"I fuck more girls in one day"

response of failed sexuality

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e1e10b  No.244119

File: c51bdead7e27ed8⋯.png (349.45 KB, 600x875, 24:35, 45f.png)


>predictable graphics

>predictable responses

>the lonely little computer sissy

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e1e10b  No.244120

File: 5da08331b165f80⋯.webm (1.77 MB, 504x720, 7:10, 1622576758461.webm)

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5949e8  No.244121


banned from 4chan

instead of finding a girlfriend

he runs to another imageboard

and complains

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5949e8  No.244122



the only companion in his life

is his obsolete little computer

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5949e8  No.244123


insecurity and low self esteem

terrified of more rejection

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e1e10b  No.244124

File: 19db6dec9171c56⋯.webm (3.66 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 1616813017719.webm)



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e1e10b  No.244125

File: dc822c02289edad⋯.jpg (454.09 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1524625902248.jpg)

Sorry but no

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5949e8  No.244126


every weekend





and more videogames

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e1e10b  No.244127


Mmmmmm…. Yes?

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5949e8  No.244128


just like I said


fear of more rejection

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5949e8  No.244129


first, it's "I fuck more girls in one day"

then it's "they'll cheat on me"

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5949e8  No.244130


I'm not attacking you

I'm not belittling you

I'm belittling your BEHAVIOR

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5949e8  No.244131


why did /pol/ ban you?

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e1e10b  No.244132


First you nigger was talking about random girls and then about a girlfriend

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e1e10b  No.244133


For dabbing in the janny while posting "Moot is a faggot" in 24 boards and posting cp in /b/

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5949e8  No.244134


thankyou for your honesty, sir

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e1e10b  No.244135

Bump you goatfucking assholes

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5949e8  No.244136

pay attention, sir :

see, I'm NOT being a dick head for no reason

there's actually a very good reason why I'm

being a dick head :

to get your attention

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5949e8  No.244137

the entire "they dump you

for a nigger" thing is bullshit

THAT's exactly what I mean

when I say BEHAVIOR

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5949e8  No.244138

it's not "personal"

I'm not 'attacking YOU"

I am ridiculing a BEHAVIOR

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5949e8  No.244139

AND ?………………………

and you're NOT stupid

not at all…

you're quite intelligent

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5949e8  No.244140

so there's no reason for me to 'explain'

you already know

exactly what I'm saying

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5949e8  No.244142

the truth ?…..

you're 'stuck' in a loop

in a pattern

a behavioral pattern

and once you're stuck

it's hard to get out of the loop

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22de69  No.244143


The real problem is our governments and politicians promote "diversity" and aid mass immigration.

I don't mind Muslims as long as they live with their own kind and mind their own affairs: same thing with pretty much everyone else in the world. Stay away from me and I won't kill you.

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e1e10b  No.244144


No. Go ahead

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5949e8  No.244145

it's self defeatist

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5949e8  No.244146


Okay, here's an example :

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e1e10b  No.244147


What do you mean with that

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5949e8  No.244148

I'm not necessarily talking about YOU

I'm talking about LOTS OF PEOPLE…..

they say things like

'girls will end up cheating on me"

fear of failure

so they don't even try……..

I herently, they have


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e1e10b  No.244149

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5949e8  No.244151


the entire imageboard culture behavior

as humans, we are all too often vulnerable

to becoming so enveloped in a pattern

that we lose perspective

and we don't even realize it

as we become stuck

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e1e10b  No.244152



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5949e8  No.244153


I'm just as guilty as anyone

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5949e8  No.244157

I'm not going to pretend I even know your particular question :

But I definitely know the answer


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5949e8  No.244161

You're not a bad guy..

Sure, you're a bit of a schmuck

But you're not a bad person

And this is the perfect time in your life

To trim some excess

Become leaner and meaner

And much much happier

By eliminating a percentage of image board

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e1e10b  No.244162


No, my nigga. The answer is less internet because if someone is an incel and doesn't have imageboards but yes internet. He will spend his time in other Inernet bullshits instead of finding a girl

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5949e8  No.244163



You are absolutely correct sir

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e1e10b  No.244164



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5949e8  No.244165


You nailed it right on the head


The internet is the primary cause of all of our unhappiness

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5949e8  No.244170

I'm old as fuck….

I'm not lying..

I've got pubic hairs older than your parents

But in a way I'm lucky to be this old

Because I got to see both sides

I got to experience life before

The internet destroyed it for everybody

Things used to be so much cooler

SO MUCH more fun

We didn't know how good we had it

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5949e8  No.244172

The internet destroyed everything that was good about living it has created a horrifying unfamiliar landscape

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e1e10b  No.244175


I know, but it depends from the use that you give to him. I use Internet like 10 hours per day but that doesn't prevent me to go outside to relax in the countryside

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8aedbc  No.244183

File: e62ffcca6c66848⋯.jpg (210.64 KB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, PicsArt_06_29_03_49_36.jpg)

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8aedbc  No.244185


Then I salute you sir

Because 99.9% of image board users never achieve this prerequisite goal

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8aedbc  No.244187


I'll be the first to admit I am dealing with a serious addiction

Obviously I have a lack of willpower

I have always had an addictive personality

I always lived in excess

Drugs and sex and food

And alcohol and anything


I did it in excess

I am almost 5 years clean from drugs

But I'm still addicted to shit posting

I'm a phone fag

And I use speech to text

So this enables me

To shitpost

While I take care of life's daily chores

I shitpost in line at the grocery store

I shitpost while I'm sitting on the toilet

I'm still living my daily life

I'm married

But I'm still shit posting

It used to be fun

But not so much anymore

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8aedbc  No.244190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8aedbc  No.244192

File: 4f943ad5b59d7bd⋯.jpg (159.77 KB, 500x334, 250:167, 6a00d8341ef22f53ef01676425….jpg)

I can't honestly say that I necessarily "HATE" Muslin, but it's not my favorite cloth.

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8aedbc  No.244196


MUSLIMS : I hate their fucking guts

but in all fairness, I hate Christians even more

And I hate Jews

And I hate Catholics

And I hate Buddhists

And I hate Hindi

I hate the entire human race with a passion

Humans are a Cancer

But any human who believes in ANY religion

Has demonstrated a quality I detest

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8aedbc  No.244199

I've been on this planet for a very very very long time

A lot longer than I would have ever dreamed possible

And I have yet to see even one tiny little shred of evidence that indicates the existence of God

Not even one….

If I had any reason to believe in God

I would be the first one to say it

But I haven't seen ANYTHING

That indicates the existence

Of the imaginary higher power

Which humans seem to need

To make themselves feel better

however : I indeed HAVE

seen repeated

evidence that

there is no god

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8aedbc  No.244201

I understand that humans are weak

And for some reason

We seem to need a 'god'

So we allow ourselves

To be brainwashed

And build an entire

Life's belief system

Around obviously

False fairy tales

So I don't care

If it's Muhammad

Or Buddha

Or Krishna

Or that faggot Jesus

If a human is so gullible

that they build their life

Around the jolly Green giant

They can eat my shit

Directly from the source

Has it slowly slides

from my hairy shithole

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8aedbc  No.244203

So let's forget the term Muslim

Let's just talk about people

If we're talking about middle easterns


And if we're talking about Asians


And if we're talking about Eastern Indians



If we're talking about blacks


If we're talking about Mexicans


But what about caucasians?

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8aedbc  No.244207

I am white………

and I am a human

meaning I am a cancer cell

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8aedbc  No.244208


including me

It's the only solution

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137d59  No.244210


Take as many modern 'vaccines' as possible and shill them as much as you can and you can help reduce the population already.

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8aedbc  No.244212

I would like to say the world will bounce back

……..I'd LIKE to say it, but it's not true……….

In the past 51 years, the human race has driven 60% of all forms of life into Extinction


So there's no way to reverse it

Yes the world will bounce back without us

But it will never be the same

It's exponential

It's the human race continues to exist

We will eliminate the remaining 40%

In the next 25 years


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8aedbc  No.244214


I've heard the entire GLOBAL DEPOPULATION VACCINE CONSPIRACY nonsense a million times


Human population is increasing

Not decreasing

If that's a global depopulation program

It's the least effective one I've ever seen

………. It needs to be immediate

And thorough……….

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8aedbc  No.244215


Like I said I'm using speech to text

And it creates typographical errors

So please forgive me

Because I'm a stickler for accuracy

I'm confident you are intelligent enough

To read between the lines

And understand what I was trying to say

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0ccc15  No.244216


Maybe…. just maybe…. we can stop those chemtrails and stop microwaving the environment with wifi radiation?

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8aedbc  No.244217

File: 9c6df83bcf956e2⋯.jpg (340.17 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, PicsArt_04_02_08_201804280….jpg)

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8aedbc  No.244219


yes, and maybe slim Whitman will reanimate

In my colon

*puts a microphone to my rectum and jams out to "vaya con dios my darling"*

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0ccc15  No.244220




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8aedbc  No.244221

The closest thing I've ever seen to true PERFECTION has been the magical sincerity of relationships with other species

There's something about the bond between a human and his dog….

That's the closest thing to true love

The fact that two different species

Can become such close friends

Without any of the disgusting

Trappings of human relationships

……..they don't care how much money you have

………. They don't care about your political views


Much much more rewarding

Than any human relationship

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8aedbc  No.244222


actually, the reason humans are being killed off :


humans ARE the reason

It's what we do

We destroy

We destroy everything

We destroy everyone

Including ourselves

We are a mistake

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8aedbc  No.244223

humans ALLOW ourselves to destroy ourselves

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8aedbc  No.244224

I can't think of even one tangible benefit we have ever brought this planet….

I literally can't think of even one good thing we have done for this planet

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8aedbc  No.244225

I'm ashamed.. I am so embarrassed to be a human being

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8aedbc  No.244227


I think later on tonight

I'm going to create a thread

About a fiasco that happened

Back in 2017

And I'm not embarrassed

In fact I'm not embarrassed at all

I'm disappointed in myself

Because I'm famous for making

Stupid kneejerk decisions

And this one was definitely stupid

But I'm not ashamed

however: I definitelyAMashamed to be human

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8aedbc  No.244230

File: de45a91f1542d57⋯.jpg (102.31 KB, 512x512, 1:1, IMG_20210618_191256_146.jpg)

File: 95f35f2526632ae⋯.jpg (104.76 KB, 512x512, 1:1, IMG_20210618_191528_267.jpg)

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8aedbc  No.244232

File: d646c1ad7f414f4⋯.jpg (328.3 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_20210618_193645_980.jpg)

File: e319b4db227f5ea⋯.jpg (297.86 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_20210618_193133_879.jpg)

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8aedbc  No.244238

File: 1b279454331921b⋯.jpg (166.62 KB, 1024x695, 1024:695, PicsArt_04_19_11_19_30.jpg)

just because you have a computer, it doesn't mean you have to lose YOU, and become THEM

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8aedbc  No.244241


humans deserve everything that's coming to them

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8aedbc  No.244243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Belgian malinois

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857bc5  No.244246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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857bc5  No.244248

humans are so weak and bland

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857bc5  No.244250

I would LOVE to watch a couple Belgian Malinois attack a group of people….

a jew, a christian, a muslim, an eastern indian, a buddhist, a black guy,a white guy, a Mexican…

one of every type of human….

and just watch 2 Belgian Malinois attack them, flying through the air, ripping their faces off

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e1e10b  No.244267

OP here, I came back




the video that I posted here >>244149 is precissely talking about that


Based. I agree with you


Based and redpilled


Fuck off


I completly agree


Not everyone, whites don't kill each other and they don't destroy everything. Jews (NATO), spics, mudslimes and niggers do that.

This proofs race exists


I always hated dogs

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058edf  No.244287

/pol/ is mostly shitskins and spics now, don't forget it's illegal for euromutts to insult people on the internet because that's how cucked they are

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60c150  No.244289


Islam is literally the only thing that will save the white race.

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e9926a  No.244291


Chriat cucks with hate boners for jews will take anyone who also hates jews. Nazi trannies, shit skin mudslimes, gun toting furry faggots from the deep south. Anyone who sees an ally in shit skin mudslimes is brain dead and desperate. Hating jews is a reasonable thing, but these christ cucks have no integrity about it. They're blind to everything but their seething hatred of the yiddish

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60c150  No.244312


Qur'an 5:51 "O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people."

These idiots think Muslims would ever take them as allies. In Islam "the enemy of my enemy" is not my friend, it is me.

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e1e10b  No.244411

File: 5a9bdf80634ef53⋯.jpeg (8.98 KB, 184x184, 1:1, descarga_15_.jpeg)



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e1e10b  No.244414


Based and Redpilled!

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058edf  No.244528

File: aae3cbc5c3434be⋯.jpg (265.13 KB, 1131x1280, 1131:1280, nonwhitebirths.jpg)


yep, euromutts hate facts, they try to cover up everything lol

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e1e10b  No.244766


Cope americunt

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ac9c0c  No.244776


Anon, if you have the nerve to dish out the hate over our problems, you best be ready to take the hate when someone dishes it out right back at you in similar fashion. Just so you know, Europe is in no shape or form in any better a situation than America. We both have our own unique problems.

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ac9c0c  No.244778

Shit, my bad.

>>244776 was meant for >>244766

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e1e10b  No.244895


Fuck off, la luz extinguido

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