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797309  No.244043

trannies BTFO

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84cbb9  No.244083


odd how you're so fixated on this topic.

literally obsessed to the point that you continually create the exact same stupid "thread" with the exact same stupid picture…

so….. "Trannies" really bother you ?

WHY ?…….

feel free to explain why it bothers you so much

because it seems weird…

it doesn't really make sense….

you never get any pussy

sorry, but you DON'T… you're not fooling anyone

your "sex life" is limited exclusively to porn

jacking yourself off is the only sex you get

so why are you so angry at transsexuals?

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84cbb9  No.244084


we are all simply curious how transsexuals have "infringed on you"

how did they interfere with your inability to get laid?

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0bdc3b  No.244101


please explain how ANYBODY is to me lame for your sexual ineptitude, other than yourself

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0bdc3b  No.244102


Q: why don't you have a job?

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